Uses of Class
Packages that use BArgument Package Description net.sf.tweety.arg.bipolar.syntax -
Uses of BArgument in net.sf.tweety.arg.bipolar.syntax
Methods in net.sf.tweety.arg.bipolar.syntax that return BArgument Modifier and Type Method Description BArgument
BinaryAttack. getAttacked()
returns the attacked argument of this attack relation.BArgument
SetAttack. getAttacked()
returns the attacked argument of this attack relation.BArgument
BinaryAttack. getAttacker()
returns the attacking argument of this attack relation.BArgument
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. getEta()
returns the special argument etaBArgument
BinarySupport. getSupported()
returns the supported argument of this support relation.BArgument
SetSupport. getSupported()
returns the supported argument of this support relation.BArgument
BinarySupport. getSupporter()
returns the supporting argument of this support relation.Methods in net.sf.tweety.arg.bipolar.syntax that return types with arguments of type BArgument Modifier and Type Method Description java.util.Set<BArgument>
AbstractBipolarFramework. getAttacked(BipolarEntity arg)
Computes the set {A | (argument,A) in attacks}.java.util.Collection<BArgument>
AbstractBipolarFramework. getChildren(Node node)
AbstractBipolarFramework. getComplementGraph(int i)
NecessityArgumentationFramework. getDeactivatedArguments(java.util.Collection<BArgument> argumentSet)
computes the set of deactivated arguments of argumentSet a set of arguments S deactivates an argument a iff either S attacks a or S does not support ajava.util.Set<BArgument>
AbstractBipolarFramework. getDirectSupported(BipolarEntity arg)
Computes the set {A | (argument,A) in supports}.Edge<BArgument>
AbstractBipolarFramework. getEdge(BArgument a, BArgument b)
java.util.Collection<? extends Edge<? extends BArgument>>
AbstractBipolarFramework. getEdges()
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. getEvidenceSupportedArguments()
returns all arguments that have evidential support in this frameworkjava.util.Collection<java.util.Collection<BArgument>>
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. getMinimalEvidenceSupportedAttackers(BArgument argument)
computes all subsets which carry out a minimal evidence supported attack on argumentjava.util.Set<java.util.Set<BArgument>>
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. getMinimalEvidentialSupporters(BArgument argument)
computes all subsets which minimal e-support argumentjava.util.Collection<BArgument>
AbstractBipolarFramework. getNeighbors(BArgument node)
AbstractBipolarFramework. getNodes()
AbstractBipolarFramework. getParents(Node node)
AbstractBipolarFramework. getRestriction(java.util.Collection<BArgument> collection)
AbstractBipolarFramework. getStronglyConnectedComponents()
AbstractBipolarFramework. getSubgraphs()
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. getSupported(java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext)
Computes the set {A | there is a sequence of direct supports from an element ofext
to Ajava.util.Set<BArgument>
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. getSupported(BArgument argument)
Computes the set {A | there is a sequence of direct supports from argument to Ajava.util.Set<BArgument>
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. getSupported(ArgumentSet argumentSet)
Computes the set {A | there is a sequence of direct supports from argumentSet to A}java.util.Set<BArgument>
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. getSupporters(BArgument argument)
Computes the set {A | there is a sequence of direct supports from A to argumentjava.util.Iterator<BArgument>
ArgumentSet. iterator()
Methods in net.sf.tweety.arg.bipolar.syntax with parameters of type BArgument Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
AbstractBipolarFramework. add(BArgument argument)
Adds argument to this argumentation frameworkboolean
ArgumentSet. add(BArgument arg0)
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. addAttack(BArgument attacker, BArgument attacked)
Adds an attack from the first argument to the second to this deductive argumentation system.boolean
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. addAttack(ArgumentSet attacker, BArgument attacked)
Adds an attack from the set of arguments to the argument to this evidential argumentation system.boolean
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. addAttack(BArgument attacker, BArgument attacked)
Adds an attack from the first argument to the second to this evidential argumentation system.boolean
NecessityArgumentationFramework. addAttack(BArgument attacker, BArgument attacked)
Adds an attack from the first argument to the second to this necessity argumentation system.boolean
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. addPrimaFacie(BArgument argument)
Adds a argument with evidential support to this evidential argumentation system If the argument is already in this evidential argumentation system, adds evidential supportboolean
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. addSupport(BArgument supporter, BArgument supported)
Adds a support from the first argument to the second to this bipolar argumentation framework.boolean
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. addSupport(ArgumentSet supporter, BArgument supported)
Adds a support from a set of arguments to an argument to this argumentation framework.boolean
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. addSupport(BArgument supporter, BArgument supported)
Adds a support from the first argument to the second to this argumentation framework.boolean
NecessityArgumentationFramework. addSupport(ArgumentSet supporter, BArgument supported)
Adds a support from a set of arguments to an argument to this argumentation framework.boolean
NecessityArgumentationFramework. addSupport(BArgument supporter, BArgument supported)
Adds a support from the first argument to the second to this argumentation framework.boolean
AbstractBipolarFramework. areAdjacent(BArgument a, BArgument b)
SetSupport. contains(BArgument argument)
Return true if the given argument is in this support relation.boolean
AbstractBipolarFramework. existsDirectedPath(BArgument node1, BArgument node2)
AbstractBipolarFramework. getAttackers(BArgument argument)
Computes the set {A | (A,argument) in attacks}.java.util.Set<BipolarEntity>
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. getAttackingSets(BArgument argument)
Computes the set {S | (S, argument) in attacks}.java.util.Set<BipolarEntity>
AbstractBipolarFramework. getDirectSupporters(BArgument argument)
Computes the set {A | (A,argument) in supports}.Edge<BArgument>
AbstractBipolarFramework. getEdge(BArgument a, BArgument b)
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. getMediatedAttacks(BArgument arg1)
Calculates the set of mediated attack from "arg1" to other arguments "y",<java.util.Collection<BArgument>>
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. getMinimalEvidenceSupportedAttackers(BArgument argument)
computes all subsets which carry out a minimal evidence supported attack on argumentjava.util.Set<java.util.Set<BArgument>>
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. getMinimalEvidentialSupporters(BArgument argument)
computes all subsets which minimal e-support argumentjava.util.Collection<BArgument>
AbstractBipolarFramework. getNeighbors(BArgument node)
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. getSupported(BArgument argument)
Computes the set {A | there is a sequence of direct supports from argument to Ajava.util.Set<BinaryAttack>
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. getSupportedAttacks(BArgument arg1)
Calculates the set of supported attack from "arg1" to other arguments "y",<BArgument>
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. getSupporters(BArgument argument)
Computes the set {A | there is a sequence of direct supports from A to argumentboolean
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. hasEvidentialSupport(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext)
returns true if argument has evidential support from setext
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. hasMinimalEvidentialSupport(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext)
returns true if argument has minimal evidential support from setext
.abstract boolean
AbstractBipolarFramework. isAcceptable(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext)
checks whether argument is acceptable wrt.boolean
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. isAcceptable(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext)
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. isAcceptable(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext)
return true if argument is acceptable with respect toext
argument is acceptable wrt.boolean
NecessityArgumentationFramework. isAcceptable(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext)
checks whether ext defends argument a set of arguments S defends an argument a iff S u {a} is coherent and S attacks each coherent set T, which attacks aboolean
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. isAttacked(BArgument argument, java.util.Set<BArgument> argumentSet)
returns true if some argument of argumentSet attacks argument.boolean
AbstractBipolarFramework. isAttackedBy(BArgument arg1, BipolarEntity arg2)
Checks whether arg1 is attacked by arg2.boolean
NecessityArgumentationFramework. isAttackedBy(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> argumentSet)
checks whether argument is attacked by any argument in argumentSetboolean
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. isAttacking(BArgument argument, java.util.Set<BArgument> argSet)
returns true if some argument of argSet is attacked by argument.boolean
AbstractBipolarFramework. isDirectSupportedBy(BArgument arg1, BipolarEntity arg2)
Checks whether arg1 is directly supported by arg2.boolean
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. isEvidenceSupportedAttack(java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext, BArgument argument)
returns true ifext
carries out an evidence supported attack on argument ext e-support-attacks an argument a iff a subset S of ext attacks a and all elements of S have e-support from ext.boolean
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. isMediatedAttack(BArgument arg1, BArgument arg2)
Checks whether there exists a mediated attack from "arg1" to "arg2", i.e.boolean
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. isMinimalEvidenceSupportedAttack(java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext, BArgument argument)
returns true ifext
carries out a minimal evidence supported attack on argument i.e.boolean
NecessityArgumentationFramework. isNCycleFreeIn(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> argumentSet)
checks if argument is N-Cycle-Free in the set of argumentsboolean
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. isSuperMediatedAttack(BArgument arg1, BArgument arg2)
Checks whether there exists a super-mediated attack from "arg1" to "arg2", i.e.boolean
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. isSupportedAttack(BArgument arg1, BArgument arg2)
Checks whether there exists a supported attack from "arg1" to "arg2", i.e.boolean
AbstractBipolarFramework. remove(BArgument a)
Removes the argument and all its attacks and supportsboolean
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. removePrimaFacie(BArgument argument)
removes evidential support from argument, does not remove argument itselfMethod parameters in net.sf.tweety.arg.bipolar.syntax with type arguments of type BArgument Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
AbstractBipolarFramework. add(Edge<BArgument> edge)
ArgumentSet. addAll(java.util.Collection<? extends BArgument> arg0)
NecessityArgumentationFramework. getDeactivatedArguments(java.util.Collection<BArgument> argumentSet)
computes the set of deactivated arguments of argumentSet a set of arguments S deactivates an argument a iff either S attacks a or S does not support aGraph<BArgument>
AbstractBipolarFramework. getRestriction(java.util.Collection<BArgument> collection)
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. getSupported(java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext)
Computes the set {A | there is a sequence of direct supports from an element ofext
to Aboolean
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. hasEvidentialSupport(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext)
returns true if argument has evidential support from setext
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. hasMinimalEvidentialSupport(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext)
returns true if argument has minimal evidential support from setext
.abstract boolean
AbstractBipolarFramework. isAcceptable(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext)
checks whether argument is acceptable wrt.boolean
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. isAcceptable(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext)
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. isAcceptable(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext)
return true if argument is acceptable with respect toext
argument is acceptable wrt.boolean
NecessityArgumentationFramework. isAcceptable(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext)
checks whether ext defends argument a set of arguments S defends an argument a iff S u {a} is coherent and S attacks each coherent set T, which attacks aboolean
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. isAttacked(BArgument argument, java.util.Set<BArgument> argumentSet)
returns true if some argument of argumentSet attacks argument.boolean
NecessityArgumentationFramework. isAttackedBy(java.util.Collection<BArgument> argumentSet1, java.util.Collection<BArgument> argumentSet2)
checks whether some argument in argumentSet1 is attacked by any argument in argumentSet2boolean
NecessityArgumentationFramework. isAttackedBy(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> argumentSet)
checks whether argument is attacked by any argument in argumentSetboolean
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. isAttacking(java.util.Set<BArgument> argumentSet1, java.util.Set<BArgument> argumentSet2)
Checks whether argumentSet1 is attacking argumentSet2 ie any element of argumentSet1 is attacking any element of argumentSet2boolean
DeductiveArgumentationFramework. isAttacking(BArgument argument, java.util.Set<BArgument> argSet)
returns true if some argument of argSet is attacked by argument.boolean
NecessityArgumentationFramework. isClosed(java.util.Collection<BArgument> argumentSet)
checks if the given set of arguments is closed under the support relation a set of arguments S is closed iff every argument a in S has support from a non-empty subset of Sboolean
NecessityArgumentationFramework. isCoherent(java.util.Collection<BArgument> argumentSet)
checks if the set of arguments S is coherent in his argumentation framework S is coherent iff it is closed and N-Cycle-Freeboolean
NecessityArgumentationFramework. isConflictFree(java.util.Collection<BArgument> argumentSet)
checks whether the given set is conflict-free wrt.boolean
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. isEvidenceSupportedAttack(java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext, BArgument argument)
returns true ifext
carries out an evidence supported attack on argument ext e-support-attacks an argument a iff a subset S of ext attacks a and all elements of S have e-support from ext.boolean
EvidentialArgumentationFramework. isMinimalEvidenceSupportedAttack(java.util.Collection<BArgument> ext, BArgument argument)
returns true ifext
carries out a minimal evidence supported attack on argument i.e.boolean
NecessityArgumentationFramework. isNCycleFree(java.util.Collection<BArgument> argumentSet)
checks if a set of arguments S is N-Cycle-Free in this argumentation framework ie.boolean
NecessityArgumentationFramework. isNCycleFreeIn(BArgument argument, java.util.Collection<BArgument> argumentSet)
checks if argument is N-Cycle-Free in the set of argumentsboolean
NecessityArgumentationFramework. isStronglyCoherent(java.util.Collection<BArgument> argumentSet)
checks whether the given set of arguments is strongly coherent in this argumentation framework a set of arguments is strongly coherent iff it is coherent an conflict-freeConstructors in net.sf.tweety.arg.bipolar.syntax with parameters of type BArgument Constructor Description ArgumentSet(BArgument argument)
BinaryAttack(BArgument attacker, BArgument attacked)
Default constructor; initializes the two arguments used in this attack relationBinarySupport(BArgument supporter, BArgument supported)
Default constructor; initializes the two arguments used in this support relationSetAttack(java.util.Collection<BArgument> supporter, BArgument supported)
initializes the arguments used in this attack relationSetAttack(ArgumentSet supporter, BArgument supported)
Default constructor; initializes the arguments used in this attack relationSetAttack(BArgument supporter, BArgument supported)
initializes the arguments used in this attack relationSetSupport(java.util.Collection<BArgument> supporter, BArgument supported)
initializes the arguments used in this support relationSetSupport(ArgumentSet supporter, BArgument supported)
Default constructor; initializes the arguments used in this support relationSetSupport(BArgument supporter, BArgument supported)
initializes the arguments used in this support relationConstructor parameters in net.sf.tweety.arg.bipolar.syntax with type arguments of type BArgument Constructor Description ArgumentSet(java.util.Collection<? extends BArgument> arguments)
SetAttack(java.util.Collection<BArgument> supporter, BArgument supported)
initializes the arguments used in this attack relationSetSupport(java.util.Collection<BArgument> supporter, BArgument supported)
initializes the arguments used in this support relation