Class Compilation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Iterable<CompilationNode>, Graph<CompilationNode>

    public class Compilation
    extends DefaultGraph<CompilationNode>
    Instances of this class are compilations in the sense of Definition 8 in

    Philippe Besnard and Anthony Hunter. Knowledgebase Compilation for Efficient Logical Argumentation. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Knowledge Representation (KR'06), pages 123-133, AAAI Press, 2006.

    A compilation of a knowledge base is a graph where the nodes are the minimal inconsistent subsets of the knowledge base and the edges connect sets that have a non-empty intersection.
    Matthias Thimm
    • Constructor Detail

      • Compilation

        public Compilation​(DeductiveKnowledgeBase kb)
        Creates the compilation of the given knowledge base.
        kb - some deductive knowledge base.
    • Method Detail

      • getArgumentTree

        public ArgumentTree getArgumentTree​(DeductiveArgument arg)
        Returns the argument tree for the given argument.
        arg - some deductive argument.
        the argument tree for the given argument.