ContensionInconsistencyMeasure |
This class implements the contension inconsistency measure, cf.
ContensionInconsistencyMeasurementProcess |
Implements an approximation algorithm for the Contension inconsistency measure on streams.
DalalDistance |
This class models the dalal distance measure between possible worlds,
see e.g.
FbInconsistencyMeasure |
Implements the forgetting-based inconsistency measure from
FuzzyInconsistencyMeasure |
This measure implements the approach presented in [Thimm, Measuring Inconsistency with Many-Valued Logics.
HsInconsistencyMeasurementProcess |
Implements an approximation algorithm for the Hs inconsistency measure on streams.
IcebergInconsistencyMeasure |
This class implements the inconsistency measures proposed in [De Bona,
InconsistencyMeasureFactory |
Main factory for retrieving inconsistency measures for propositional logic.
MusVarInconsistencyMeasure |
This class implements the "MUS-variable based inconsistency measure" proposed in
PlWindowInconsistencyMeasurementProcess |
A window inconsistency measurement process for propositional logic
(this class needs to be there as no generics are allowed when instantiating
a DefaultStreamBasedInconsistencyMeasure.
PmInconsistencyMeasure |
This class implements the inconsistency measure I_{P_m} proposed in
[Jabbour, Raddaoui.
PossibleWorldDistance |
This class refines interpretation distances to distance on possible worlds.
SimplePlInterpolantEnumerator |
Implements an exhaustive search approach to compute all interpolants of
a knowledge base wrt.