ELPBaseRevisionOperator |
This class implements the base revision operator for extended
logic programs as introduced in [KKI12].
ELPLexicographicalComparator |
This comparator imposes a total order on the set of extended logic programs by use
of the lexicographical order given as follows:
A program A is less than a program B iff the smallest rule of A is smaller than
the smallest rule of B or if both are equal if the second smallest rule of A
is smaller than the second smallest rule of B and so on.
MonotoneGlobalMaxichoiceSelectionFunction |
This class implements a monotone global maxichoise selection function
for remainder sets of extended logic programs as introduced in [KKI12].
RemainderSets<T extends Formula> |
This class represents the set of remainder sets constructed
from a belief base.
ScreenedMaxichoiceConsolidation |
This class implements the screened maxi-choice consolidation operator from [1].
ScreenedRemainderSets |
This class represents the set of Screened Consistent Remainder Sets as
defined in [1].