ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizerEx |
This class implements an example for the ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizer
ApacheCommonsNonLinearConjugateGradientOptimizerEx |
This class implements an example for the ApacheCommonsNonLinearConjugateGradientOptimizer
ApacheCommonsSimplexEx |
This class implements an example for the Apache Commons SimplexSolver
Version used is 2.0
ApacheCommonsSimplexEx2 |
This class is a second example for the ApacheCommonsSimplexSolver.
BfgsSolverEx |
This class implements an example for the BfgsSolver
GlpkSolverEx |
This class implements an example for the Glpk Solver
GradientDescentSolverEx |
This class implements an example for the Gradient Descent Solver
HessianGradientSolverEx |
This class implements an example for the Hessian Gradient Solver
KnapSack |
KnapSacktester |
LagrangeSolverEx |
This class implements an example for the Lagrange Solver
it is natively implemented
LagrangeSolverEx2 |
LpSolverEx |
This class implements an example for the Genetic LpSolver
it uses LpSolve Version (https://sourceforge.net/projects/lpsolve/)
OctaveSqpSolverEx |
This class implements an example for the OctaveSqpSolver
Version used is 5.2.0
SimpleGeneticOptimizationSolverEx |
This class implements an example for the Genetic Optimization Solver
It is natively implemented
SimulatedAnnealingEx |
SimulatedAnnealingOnConstrProbEx2 |
This class implements an example for Simulated Annealing on optimization problems
It is natively implemented
TabuSearchOnConstrProbEx |
This class implements an example for Tabu search
It is natively implemented
TravelingSalesman |
implements the traveling salesman problem.
TravelingSalesmanEx |
Class implementing an example for a TSP on a cartesian fully connected graph
TravelingSalesmanEx2 |
Class implementing an example for a TSP on a cartesian fully connected graph