Class LagrangeSolver

  • public class LagrangeSolver
    extends Solver
    This class implements a (naive) Langrange solver for optimization problems.

    This solver only considers optimization problems without inequations. The solution given by this solver is not verified as it only checks for necessary optimality conditions. it is natively implemented
    Matthias Thimm
    • Constructor Detail

      • LagrangeSolver

        public LagrangeSolver​(java.util.Map<Variable,​Term> startingPoint)
        Creates a new Lagrange solver for the given optimization problem
        startingPoint - The starting point for finding the optimum.
      • LagrangeSolver

        public LagrangeSolver​(java.util.Set<java.util.Map<Variable,​Term>> startingPoints)
        Creates a new Lagrange solver for the given optimization problem
        startingPoints - Some starting points for finding the optimum.
    • Method Detail

      • setStartingPointsLMult

        public void setStartingPointsLMult​(java.util.Map<Statement,​java.lang.Double> startingPointsLMult)
      • isInstalled

        public static boolean isInstalled()
                                   throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException