Class ProbabilisticRankingReasoner

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int NUMBER_OF_TRIALS
      Number of trials for the used monte carlo search (this is a factor multiplied with the number of arguments of the actual framework)
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      NumericalArgumentRanking getModel​(DungTheory aaf)
      Returns a single (dedicated) model of the given belief base.
      java.util.Collection<NumericalArgumentRanking> getModels​(DungTheory bbase)
      Returns a characterizing model of the given belief base
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static int NUMBER_OF_TRIALS
        Number of trials for the used monte carlo search (this is a factor multiplied with the number of arguments of the actual framework)
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProbabilisticRankingReasoner

        public ProbabilisticRankingReasoner​(Semantics sem,
                                            Probability p,
                                            boolean exactInference)
        Creates a new reasoner.
        sem - The classical semantics used for evaluating subgraphs
        p - The probability used for all arguments to instantiate a probabilistic argumentation framework
        exactInference - Whether to use exact inference.
    • Method Detail

      • getModels

        public java.util.Collection<NumericalArgumentRanking> getModels​(DungTheory bbase)
        Description copied from interface: ModelProvider
        Returns a characterizing model of the given belief base
        bbase - some belief base
        the (selected) models of the belief base
      • getModel

        public NumericalArgumentRanking getModel​(DungTheory aaf)
        Description copied from interface: ModelProvider
        Returns a single (dedicated) model of the given belief base. If the implemented method allows for more than one dedicated model, the selection may be non-deterministic.
        aaf - some belief base
        a selected model of the belief base.