Uses of Class
Packages that use NicePossibleWorld
Uses of NicePossibleWorld in
Classes in that implement interfaces with type arguments of type NicePossibleWorldModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Represents a conditional structure as introduced in Section 3.5 "Conditionals in Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Belief Revision" of Gabrielle Kern-Isberner Internally it saves the data to two nested Maps.Methods in that return types with arguments of type NicePossibleWorldModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionConditionalStructure.getConditionalGenerators
(Conditional conditional) Processes the Map form PossibleWorlds to the Generators of the given ConditionalConditionalStructure.getFalsifiyingWorlds
(Conditional cond) Retrieves an unmodifiable list of possible worlds that falsify the given conditional.ConditionalStructure.getPossibleWorlds()
Return An unmodifiable set of all possible worlds in this ConditionalStructureConditionalStructure.getVerifyingWorlds
(Conditional cond) Retrieves an unmodifiable list of possible worlds that verify the given conditional.Methods in with parameters of type NicePossibleWorldModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(NicePossibleWorld o1, NicePossibleWorld o2) ConditionalStructure.getWorldGenerators
(NicePossibleWorld world) Processes the map from Conditionals to Generators for a given PossibleWorldMethod parameters in with type arguments of type NicePossibleWorldModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Comparator<NicePossibleWorld> comparator) Changes the ordering of the PossibleWorlds for representation purposes, before using this method proof if the goal can be easier achieved using the setWorldRepresentation() method that allows changing the ordering of the literals in the world representation.Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type NicePossibleWorldModifierConstructorDescriptionConditionalStructure
(Collection<Conditional> conditionals, Comparator<NicePossibleWorld> comparator) Ctor: Generates a ConditionalStructure containing the given conditionals and using the given comparator to sort the worldData map.ConditionalStructure
(Comparator<NicePossibleWorld> comparator) Ctor: Generates an empty ConditionalStructure that uses the given Comparator to sort its worldData map. -
Uses of NicePossibleWorld in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type NicePossibleWorldModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Set
<NicePossibleWorld> NicePossibleWorld.getAllPossibleWorlds
(Collection<Proposition> signature) Return all possible nice worlds