Interface RpclSemantics

    • Method Detail

      • satisfies

        boolean satisfies​(RpclProbabilityDistribution<?> p,
                          RelationalProbabilisticConditional r)
        Checks whether the given probability distribution satisfies the given conditional wrt. this semantics.
        p - a probability distribution
        r - a relational probability conditional.
        "true" iff the given distribution satisfies the given conditional.
      • getSatisfactionStatement

        Statement getSatisfactionStatement​(RelationalProbabilisticConditional r,
                                           FolSignature signature,
                                           java.util.Map<Interpretation<FolBeliefSet,​FolFormula>,​FloatVariable> worlds2vars)
        Returns the mathematical statement corresponding to the satisfaction of the given conditional wrt. this semantics and the given signature.
        r - a relational probabilistic conditional
        signature - a fol signature
        worlds2vars - a map mapping the interpretations of the fol to mathematical variables.
        the mathematical statement corresponding to the satisfaction of the given conditional wrt. this semantics and the given signature.
      • toString

        java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object