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u(double) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.pcl.analysis.PenalizingCreepingMachineShop
Returns x iff x is in the uniform interval.
UCHAR - Static variable in interface net.sf.tweety.logics.fol.parser.FolParserBConstants
RegularExpression Id.
UnbiasedCreepingMachineShop - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.pcl.analysis
This class is capable of restoring consistency of a possible inconsistent probabilistic conditional belief set.
UnbiasedCreepingMachineShop() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.pcl.analysis.UnbiasedCreepingMachineShop
Undercut - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.semantics.attacks
This attack notion models the undercut relation; A is defeated by B iff there is C subset of support(A) with claim(B) == \neg C.
Undercut() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.deductive.semantics.attacks.Undercut
Private constructor.
undercut - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.arg.lp.semantics.attack.Attack
undercut - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.arg.lp.semantics.attack.ConfidentAttack
undercut - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.arg.lp.semantics.attack.Defeat
undercut - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.arg.lp.semantics.attack.StrongAttack
undercut - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.arg.lp.semantics.attack.StrongConfidentAttack
undercut - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.arg.lp.semantics.attack.StrongUndercut
Undercut - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.lp.semantics.attack
This notion of attack models the undercut relation.
Undercut() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.lp.semantics.attack.Undercut
Private constructor.
undirecteddiameter(Graph<T>) - Static method in class net.sf.tweety.graphs.util.GraphUtil
Returns the (undirected) diameter of the graph, i.e.
UndirectedEdge<T extends Node> - Class in net.sf.tweety.graphs
Instances of this class represent undirected edges.
UndirectedEdge(T, T) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.graphs.UndirectedEdge
Creates a new undirected edge for the given nodes.
UNEQUAL - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.math.equation.Inequation
uniq - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.commons.util.Digraph
if uniq is true there can only be one single node labelled with the same instance of T
uniq - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.commons.util.DigraphNode
graph can contain several nodes with the same label if uniq == false
universalTheory - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.ArgumentationEnvironment
The universal Dung theory used for argumentation.
universalTheory - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.LotteryArgumentationEnvironment
The universal Dung theory used for argumentation.
unknownComp1() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.TestDeLP
unknownComp2() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.TestDeLP
UNLIMITED_EXECUTION - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.agents.SynchronousProtocol
Indicates an unlimited number of execution steps of this protocol.
UnrecognizedQueryTest() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.el.ModalReasonerTest
update(DialogueTrace<Argument, Extension>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.BeliefState
Updates the current belief state accordingly to the given dialogue trace.
update(DialogueTrace<Argument, Extension>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.T1BeliefState
update(DialogueTrace<Argument, Extension>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.T2BeliefState
update(DialogueTrace<Argument, Extension>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.T3BeliefState
update(S) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis.streams.InconsistencyMeasurementProcess
Updates the inconsistency value with the new formula.
update(S) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis.streams.WindowInconsistencyMeasurementProcess
update(PropositionalFormula) - Method in class
update(PropositionalFormula) - Method in class
update(Update<T>, List<PreferenceOrder<T>>) - Method in interface net.sf.tweety.preferences.aggregation.DynamicPreferenceAggregator
This update stream is going to be used for dynamic changes in a preferences orders Input: ArrayList(Quadruple(PreferenceOrder, Number of Operations, Operation, Element)) e.g: weakening element b in PO test 2 times needs quadruple like this: Quadruple(test, 2, WEAKEN, b) Possible Structures: ArrayList, Queue Empty initialization, update() if stream is not empty
update(Update<T>, List<PreferenceOrder<T>>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.preferences.aggregation.DynamicScoringPreferenceAggregator
The update-method for dynamically changing the input for preference aggregation
update(UpdateStream<T>, List<PreferenceOrder<T>>) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.preferences.aggregation.DynamicScoringPreferenceAggregator
this method extends the update-functionality with input-streams consisting of Update-elements
Update<T> - Class in net.sf.tweety.preferences.update
This Update-class provides update-elements used within dynamic preference aggregations
Update(int, Operation, Integer, T) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.preferences.update.Update
The constructor for update-elements
UPDATE_NAIVE - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.ProbabilisticLotteryAgent
Constant for denoting the naive update.
UPDATE_ROUGH - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.ProbabilisticLotteryAgent
Constant for denoting the rough update.
UPDATE_SIMPLE - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.ProbabilisticLotteryAgent
Constant for denoting the simple update.
UPDATE_STICKY - Static variable in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.ProbabilisticLotteryAgent
Constant for denoting the sticky update.
UpdateCallee(InconsistencyMeasurementProcess<S>, S) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.commons.analysis.streams.InconsistencyMeasurementProcess.UpdateCallee
UpdateEvent<T> - Class in
The class for event objects used in dynamic preference aggregation
UpdateEvent(Object, PreferenceOrder<T>) - Constructor for class
constructor for an update containing the aggregation result
updateIntervallSetOnChange() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.math.Interval
updates interval on changes of its lower or upper bounds
UpdateLineColumn(char) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.parser.SimpleCharStream
UpdateLineColumn(char) - Static method in class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.parser.SimpleCharStream
UpdateLineColumn(char) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.fol.parser.SimpleCharStream
UpdateLineColumn(char) - Static method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
UpdateLineColumn(char) - Static method in class net.sf.tweety.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
UpdateLineColumn(char) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.parser.SimpleCharStream
UpdateLineColumn(char) - Method in class
UpdateListener<T> - Interface in
The interface for UpdateListener used for dynamic preference aggregation
UpdatePrinter<T> - Class in
This exemplary class implements a simple printer for update events writing its result into the console
UpdatePrinter() - Constructor for class
updateRevision() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.beliefdynamics.gui.RevisionCompareView
Helper method: Updates the revision on both operators because the data set has changed.
updateRevision(Object, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.tweety.beliefdynamics.gui.RevisionCompareView
Helper method: got called if the revision process needs an update: It performs the revision for the left and right operator and saves the result to the result text areas.
updateSignature(Collection<Proposition>) - Method in class
Update the data structure worldData by removing worlds that are not representable by the given signature and adding worlds that are new with the new signature.
updatestrategy - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.ProbabilisticLotteryAgent
The update strategy used.
updatestrategy - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim.ProbabilisticLotteryAgentGenerator
UpdateStream<T> - Class in net.sf.tweety.preferences.update
Konzeption: Der Update-Stream ist eine Datenstruktur, die benutzt wird, um eine Reihe von Updates fuer dynamische POs einzuspeisen und zu verwalten.
UpdateStream() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.preferences.update.UpdateStream
UPParser - Class in
Update Parser for reading updates for dynamic Preference Aggregation Please note: update file syntax changed from (index, operation, amount, element) e.g.
UPParser() - Constructor for class
UPParser(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Constructor with InputStream.
UPParser(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor with InputStream and supplied encoding
UPParser(Reader) - Constructor for class
UPParser(UPParserTokenManager) - Constructor for class
Constructor with generated Token Manager.
UPParserConstants - Interface in
Token literal values and constants.
UPParserTokenManager - Class in
Token Manager.
UPParserTokenManager(SimpleCharStream) - Constructor for class
UPParserTokenManager(SimpleCharStream, int) - Constructor for class
UpperApproxDistanceMinimizationInconsistencyMeasure - Class in net.sf.tweety.logics.pcl.analysis
This class models an approximation from above to the distance minimization inconsistency measure as proposed in [Thimm,UAI,2009], see [PhD thesis, Thimm].
UpperApproxDistanceMinimizationInconsistencyMeasure() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.logics.pcl.analysis.UpperApproxDistanceMinimizationInconsistencyMeasure
upperBound - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.machinelearning.TrainingParameter
The upper bound of the parameter.
upperBound - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.math.Interval
upperBound - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.math.term.Variable
Bounds for the variables
upperBoundIndex - Variable in class
The upper bound used for enumerating knowledge bases.
upperReferenceArguments - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.AbstractGraphLdoModality
useSatSolver - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.arg.dung.CompleteReasoner
Whether to use the standard SAT solver instead of the brute force approach.
usesHeadTailSyntax() - Method in class net.sf.tweety.lp.asp.syntax.ListTermValue
util - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.ProbabilisticLotteryAgent
Utility function
util - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.RandomLotteryAgent
The utility function.
util - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.UtilityBasedLotteryAgent
The utility function.
utilities - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.agents.sim.SimulationResult
all utilities.
Utilities - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.delp
Utility functions for test classes to access KBs etc.
Utilities() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.delp.Utilities
utility - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.structured.SasAgent
The utility function of this agent.
UtilityBasedAgentGenerator - Class in net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim
Generates baseline lottery agents.
UtilityBasedAgentGenerator(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.sim.UtilityBasedAgentGenerator
UtilityBasedLotteryAgent - Class in net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries
UtilityBasedLotteryAgent(String, DungTheory, UtilityFunction, Semantics) - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.lotteries.UtilityBasedLotteryAgent
utilityFunction - Variable in class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.BeliefState
The utility function of the agent.
UtilityFunction<S,T extends java.util.Collection<S>> - Class in net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.oppmodels
Objects of this class represent utility function that assess dialogue traces.
UtilityFunction() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.UtilityFunction
UtilityFunction - Interface in net.sf.tweety.agents.dialogues.structured
This interface models an utility function, i.e.
UtilityFunction - Class in net.sf.tweety.arg.prob.lotteries
A utility function that maps divisions to utilities
UtilityFunction() - Constructor for class net.sf.tweety.arg.prob.lotteries.UtilityFunction
Creates a new utility function.
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