Class DungTheory

    • Field Detail

      • archivedSubgraphs

        private static java.util.Map<DungTheory,​java.util.Collection<Graph<Argument>>> archivedSubgraphs
        For archiving sub graphs
      • parents

        private java.util.Map<Argument,​java.util.Set<Argument>> parents
        explicit listing of direct attackers and attackees (for efficiency reasons)
    • Constructor Detail

      • DungTheory

        public DungTheory()
        Default constructor; initializes empty sets of arguments and attacks
      • DungTheory

        public DungTheory​(Graph<Argument> graph)
        Creates a new theory from the given graph.
        graph - some graph
    • Method Detail

      • getMinimalSignature

        public Signature getMinimalSignature()
        Description copied from interface: BeliefBase
        Returns the signature of the language of this knowledge base.
        Specified by:
        getMinimalSignature in interface BeliefBase
        the signature of the language of this knowledge base.
      • isAttackingAllOtherArguments

        public boolean isAttackingAllOtherArguments​(Extension ext)
        returns true if arguments attack all other arguments in the theory
        ext - An extension contains a set of arguments.
        true if arguments attack all other arguments in the theory
      • isWellFounded

        public boolean isWellFounded()
        returns true iff the theory is well-founded, i.e., there is no infinite sequence A1,A2,... of arguments with Ai attacking Ai+1
        true iff the theory is well-founded
      • dfs

        private boolean dfs​(int i,
                            java.util.List<Argument> arguments,
                            boolean[] dfn,
                            boolean[] inProgress)
        Depth-First-Search to find a cycle in the theory. Auxiliary method to determine if the theory is well-founded
        i - current node
        arguments - list of all nodes (arguments)
        dfn - array which keeps track whether a node has been visited
        inProgress - array which keeps track which nodes are currently being processed
        true iff the theory contains a cycle
      • isCoherent

        public boolean isCoherent()
        Determines if the theory is coherent, i.e., if each preferred extension is stable
        true if the theory is coherent
      • isRelativelyCoherent

        public boolean isRelativelyCoherent()
        Determines if the theory is relatively coherent, i.e., if the grounded extension coincides with the intersection of all preferred extensions
        true if the theory is relatively coherent
      • getAttackers

        public java.util.Set<Argument> getAttackers​(Argument argument)
        Computes the set {A | (A,argument) in attacks}.
        argument - an argument
        the set of all arguments that attack argument.
      • getAttacked

        public java.util.Set<Argument> getAttacked​(Argument argument)
        Computes the set {A | (argument,A) in attacks}.
        argument - an argument
        the set of all arguments that are attacked by argument.
      • isAttacked

        public boolean isAttacked​(Argument argument,
                                  Extension ext)
        returns true if some argument of ext attacks argument.
        argument - an argument
        ext - an extension, ie. a set of arguments
        true if some argument of ext attacks argument.
      • isAttackedBy

        public boolean isAttackedBy​(Argument argument,
                                    java.util.Collection<Argument> ext)
        returns true if some argument of ext is attacked by argument.
        argument - an argument
        ext - an extension, ie. a set of arguments
        true if some argument of ext is attacked by argument.
      • isAttacked

        public boolean isAttacked​(Extension ext1,
                                  Extension ext2)
        returns true if some argument of ext2 attacks some argument in ext1
        ext1 - an extension, ie. a set of arguments
        ext2 - an extension, ie. a set of arguments
        true if some argument of ext2 attacks some argument in ext1
      • isStable

        public boolean isStable​(Extension e)
        Checks whether the given extension is stable wrt. this theory.
        e - some extension
        "true" iff the extension is stable.
      • faf

        public Extension faf​(Extension extension)
        The characteristic function of an abstract argumentation framework: F_AF(S) = {A|A is acceptable wrt. S}.
        extension - an extension (a set of arguments).
        an extension (a set of arguments).
      • isAttackedBy

        public boolean isAttackedBy​(Argument arg1,
                                    Argument arg2)
        Checks whether arg1 is attacked by arg2.
        arg1 - an argument.
        arg2 - an argument.
        "true" if arg1 is attacked by arg2
      • isIndirectAttack

        public boolean isIndirectAttack​(Argument arg1,
                                        Argument arg2)
        Checks whether "arg1" indirectly attacks "arg2", i.e. whether there is an odd-length path from "arg1" to "arg2".
        arg1 - an AbstractArgument.
        arg2 - an AbstractArgument.
        "true" iff "arg1" indirectly attacks "arg2".
      • isIndirectAttack

        private boolean isIndirectAttack​(Argument arg1,
                                         Argument arg2,
                                         java.util.Set<Argument> visited)
        Checks whether "arg1" indirectly attacks "arg2", i.e. whether there is an odd-length path from "arg1" to "arg2".
        arg1 - an AbstractArgument.
        arg2 - an AbstractArgument.
        visited - already visited arguments.
        "true" iff "arg1" indirectly attacks "arg2".
      • isSupport

        public boolean isSupport​(Argument arg1,
                                 Argument arg2)
        Checks whether "arg1" supports "arg2", i.e. whether there is an even-length path from "arg1" to "arg2".
        arg1 - an AbstractArgument.
        arg2 - an AbstractArgument.
        "true" iff "arg1" supports "arg2".
      • isSupport

        private boolean isSupport​(Argument arg1,
                                  Argument arg2,
                                  java.util.Set<Argument> visited)
        Checks whether "arg1" supports "arg2", i.e. whether there is an even-length path from "arg1" to "arg2".
        arg1 - an AbstractArgument.
        arg2 - an AbstractArgument.
        visited - already visited arguments.
        "true" iff "arg1" supports "arg2".
      • isAttackBranch

        public boolean isAttackBranch​(Argument a,
                                      Argument b)
        Checks whether the path from b to a is an attack branch, i.e. whether b is a non-attacked (indirect) attacker of a.
        a - an Argument
        b - an Argument
        true iff the path from a to b is an attack branch, false otherwise
      • isDefenseBranch

        public boolean isDefenseBranch​(Argument a,
                                       Argument b)
        Checks whether the path from b to a is a defense branch, i.e. whether b is a non-attacked (indirect) defender of a.
        a - an Argument
        b - an Argument
        true iff the path from a to b is a defense branch, false otherwise
      • hasAttackBranch

        public boolean hasAttackBranch​(Argument a)
        If this graph is acyclic, this method checks if the given argument has an attack branch, i.e. if it is (indirectly) attacked by a non-attacked argument.
        a - an Argument
        true iff this graph is acyclic and a has an attack branch, false otherwise
      • hasDefenseBranch

        public boolean hasDefenseBranch​(Argument a)
        If this graph is acyclic, this method checks if the given argument has a defense branch, i.e. if it is supported by a non-attacked argument.
        a - an Argument
        true iff this graph is acyclic and a has a defense branch, false otherwise
      • prettyPrint

        public java.lang.String prettyPrint()
        Pretty print of the theory.
        the pretty print of the theory.
      • add

        public boolean add​(Attack attack)
        Adds the given attack to this dung theory.
        attack - an attack
        "true" if the set of attacks has been modified.
      • addAttack

        public boolean addAttack​(Argument attacker,
                                 Argument attacked)
        Adds an attack from the first argument to the second to thisDdung theory.
        attacker - some argument
        attacked - some argument
        "true" if the set of attacks has been modified.
      • remove

        public boolean remove​(Attack attack)
        Removes the given attack from this Dung theory.
        attack - an attack
        "true" if the set of attacks has been modified.
      • remove

        public boolean remove​(Argument a)
        Removes the argument and all its attacks
        a - some argument
        true if this structure has been changed
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(java.lang.Object o)
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Returns "true" when this graph contains the given node or edge.
        Specified by:
        contains in interface java.util.Collection<Argument>
        Specified by:
        contains in interface Graph<Argument>
        contains in class BeliefSet<Argument,​DungSignature>
        o - an object
        "true" if this graph contains the given node or edge.
      • containsAttack

        public boolean containsAttack​(Attack att)
        Checks whether this theory contains the given attack.
        att - some attack
        "true" iff this theory contains the given attack.
      • addAllAttacks

        public boolean addAllAttacks​(java.util.Collection<? extends Attack> c)
        Adds the set of attacks to this Dung theory.
        c - a collection of attacks
        "true" if this Dung theory has been modified.
      • add

        public boolean add​(DungTheory theory)
        Adds all arguments and attacks of the given theory to this theory
        theory - some Dung theory
        "true" if this Dung Theory has been modified
      • add

        public boolean add​(Argument argument)
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Adds the given node to this graph.
        Specified by:
        add in interface java.util.Collection<Argument>
        Specified by:
        add in interface Graph<Argument>
        add in class BeliefSet<Argument,​DungSignature>
        argument - some node.
        "true" iff the edge has been added successfully.
      • getAttacks

        public java.util.Set<Attack> getAttacks()
        Returns all attacks of this theory.
        all attacks of this theory.
      • getRestriction

        public Graph<Argument> getRestriction​(java.util.Collection<Argument> arguments)
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Returns copy of this graph consisting only of the given nodes and all corresponding edges.
        Specified by:
        getRestriction in interface Graph<Argument>
        arguments - a set of nodes
        a graph.
      • add

        public boolean add​(Edge<Argument> edge)
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Adds the given edge to this graph. If at least one of the nodes the given edge connects is not in the graph, an illegal argument exception is thrown.
        Specified by:
        add in interface Graph<Argument>
        edge - some edge.
        "true" iff the edge has been added successfully.
      • getNodes

        public java.util.Collection<Argument> getNodes()
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Returns the nodes of this graph.
        Specified by:
        getNodes in interface Graph<Argument>
        the nodes of this graph.
      • getNumberOfNodes

        public int getNumberOfNodes()
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Returns the number of nodes in this graph.
        Specified by:
        getNumberOfNodes in interface Graph<Argument>
        the number of nodes in this graph.
      • areAdjacent

        public boolean areAdjacent​(Argument a,
                                   Argument b)
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Returns "true" iff the two nodes are connected by a directed edge from a to b or an undirected edge.
        Specified by:
        areAdjacent in interface Graph<Argument>
        a - some node
        b - some node
        "true" iff the two nodes are connected by a directed edge from a to b or an undirected edge.
      • getEdges

        public java.util.Collection<? extends Edge<? extends Argument>> getEdges()
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Returns the edges of this graph.
        Specified by:
        getEdges in interface Graph<Argument>
        the edges of this graph.
      • getChildren

        public java.util.Collection<Argument> getChildren​(Node node)
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Returns the set of children (node connected via an undirected edge or a directed edge where the given node is the parent) of the given node.
        Specified by:
        getChildren in interface Graph<Argument>
        node - some node (must be in the graph).
        the set of children of the given node.
      • getParents

        public java.util.Collection<Argument> getParents​(Node node)
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Returns the set of parents (node connected via an undirected edge or a directed edge where the given node is the child) of the given node.
        Specified by:
        getParents in interface Graph<Argument>
        node - some node (must be in the graph).
        the set of parents of the given node.
      • existsDirectedPath

        public boolean existsDirectedPath​(Argument node1,
                                          Argument node2)
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Checks whether there is a (directed) path from node1 to node2.
        Specified by:
        existsDirectedPath in interface Graph<Argument>
        node1 - some node.
        node2 - some node.
        "true" if there is a directed path from node1 to node2.
      • getNeighbors

        public java.util.Collection<Argument> getNeighbors​(Argument node)
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Returns the set of neighbors of the given node.
        Specified by:
        getNeighbors in interface Graph<Argument>
        node - some node (must be in the graph).
        the set of neighbors of the given node.
      • getAdjacencyMatrix

        public Matrix getAdjacencyMatrix()
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Returns the adjacency matrix of this graph (the order of the nodes is the same as returned by "iterator()").
        Specified by:
        getAdjacencyMatrix in interface Graph<Argument>
        the adjacency matrix of this graph
      • getComplementGraph

        public DungTheory getComplementGraph​(int selfloops)
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Returns the complement graph of this graph, i.e. the graph on the same set of vertices as this graph that connects two vertices v and w with an edge if and only if v and w are not connected in this graph.
        Specified by:
        getComplementGraph in interface Graph<Argument>
        selfloops - Indicates how to deal with selfloops:
        IGNORE_SELFLOOPS - ignore self loops (don't add and don't remove)
        INVERT_SELFLOOPS - deal with self loops like ordinary edges (add if not present and remove if present)
        REMOVE_SELFLOOPS - simple remove self loops, but don't add new ones.
        the complement graph of this graph.
      • hasSelfLoops

        public boolean hasSelfLoops()
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Returns "true" iff the graph has a self loop (an edge from a node to itself).
        Specified by:
        hasSelfLoops in interface Graph<Argument>
        "true" iff the graph has a self loop (an edge from a node to itself).
      • getEdge

        public Edge<Argument> getEdge​(Argument a,
                                      Argument b)
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Returns the corresponding edge (a,b) if a and b are adjacent. Otherwise it returns null.
        Specified by:
        getEdge in interface Graph<Argument>
        a - some node
        b - some node
        the edge (a,b) or null.
      • isWeightedGraph

        public boolean isWeightedGraph()
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Checks whether this graph only contains weighted edges.
        Specified by:
        isWeightedGraph in interface Graph<Argument>
        "true" if all edges are weighted in this graph.
      • getStronglyConnectedComponents

        public java.util.Collection<java.util.Collection<Argument>> getStronglyConnectedComponents()
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Returns the strongly connected components of this graph. A set of nodes is strongly connected, if there is a path from each node to each other. A set of nodes is called strongly connected component if it is strongly connected and maximal with respect to set inclusion.
        Specified by:
        getStronglyConnectedComponents in interface Graph<Argument>
        the strongly connected components of this graph.
      • getSubgraphs

        public java.util.Collection<Graph<Argument>> getSubgraphs()
        Description copied from interface: Graph
        Returns the set of sub graphs of this graph.
        Specified by:
        getSubgraphs in interface Graph<Argument>
        the set of sub graphs of this graph.
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(DungTheory o)
        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable<DungTheory>
      • containsCycle

        public <S extends Node> boolean containsCycle()
        Checks whether there is at least one cycle in this DungTheory.
        Type Parameters:
        S - the type of nodes
        "true" if there is a cycle in this DungTheory, "false" otherwise
      • getComponents

        public java.util.Collection<Graph<Argument>> getComponents()
        Returns the (connected) components of the theory
        the (connected) components of the theory