Interface Interpretation

    • Method Detail

      • fromWitness

        static Interpretation fromWitness​(Interpretation<PlBeliefSet,​PlFormula> witness,
                                          PropositionalMapping encodingContext,
                                          AbstractDialecticalFramework adf)
        Constructs a three-valued ADF interpretation from a witness of a propositional sat encoding.
        witness - the propositional sat witness
        encodingContext - the mapping of the propositional variables and the adf
        adf - the ADF for which we construct the interpretation
        an ADF interpretation
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if any of the arguments are null
      • restrict

        static Interpretation restrict​(Interpretation interpretation,
                                       java.util.Collection<Argument> restriction)
        Creates a new interpretation with the same assignments as in the given arguments, but only uses the arguments contained in restriction.
        interpretation - the interpretation to restrict
        restriction - the arguments that act as a restriction/filter
        an interpretation which only contains arguments in restriction
      • equalsTwoValued

        static boolean equalsTwoValued​(Interpretation i1,
                                       Interpretation i2)
        Checks if, and only if, the two valued assignments for both of the interpretations are the same, ignores differences in the undecided assignments.
        i1 - an interpretation
        i2 - an interpretation to be compared with i1 for the two-valued assignments
        true iff the values of the decided arguments of both interpretations are the same
      • singleValued

        static Interpretation singleValued​(Argument argument,
                                           boolean value,
                                           AbstractDialecticalFramework adf)
        Returns an interpretation relative to adf with a single truth value decided.

        This may be useful for some decision-level based algorithms.

        argument - the argument to decide
        value - the value of the argument
        adf - the contextual ADF
        an interpretation with a single argument decided
      • partials

        static java.util.Iterator<Interpretation> partials​(java.util.List<Argument> arguments,
                                                           AbstractDialecticalFramework adf)
        Goes through all possible partial interpretations respecting the order of the given list of arguments.

        This returns exponentially many in the size of arguments interpretations.

        arguments - the arguments for which we compute the interpretations
        adf - the contextual ADF
        the partial interpretations
      • satisfied

        boolean satisfied​(Argument arg)
      • unsatisfied

        boolean unsatisfied​(Argument arg)
      • undecided

        boolean undecided​(Argument arg)
      • satisfied

        java.util.Set<Argument> satisfied()
      • unsatisfied

        java.util.Set<Argument> unsatisfied()
      • undecided

        java.util.Set<Argument> undecided()
      • size

        default int size()
        Returns the number of arguments in this interpretation.
        the number of arguments
      • containsAll

        default boolean containsAll​(java.util.Collection<Argument> arguments)
      • numDecided

        default int numDecided()
        Returns the number of decided arguments, i.e. satisfied or unsatisfied, in this interpretation.
        the number of decided arguments
      • isSubsetOf

        default boolean isSubsetOf​(Interpretation superset)
      • isStrictSubsetOf

        default boolean isStrictSubsetOf​(Interpretation superset)
      • isSupersetOf

        default boolean isSupersetOf​(Interpretation subset)
      • isStrictSupersetOf

        default boolean isStrictSupersetOf​(Interpretation subset)