Class AspicAttack<T extends Invertable>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - is the type of the language that the ASPIC theory's rules range over
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    DungEntity, Formula

    public class AspicAttack<T extends Invertable>
    extends Attack
    Nils Geilen Checks whether an argument defeats another argument
    • Constructor Detail

      • AspicAttack

        public AspicAttack​(AspicArgument<T> active,
                           AspicArgument<T> passive)
        Creates a new AspicAttack
        active - the attacking argument
        passive - the attacked argument
    • Method Detail

      • determineAttackRelations

        public static <T extends Invertable> java.util.Collection<AspicAttack<T>> determineAttackRelations​(java.util.Collection<AspicArgument<T>> args,
                                                                                                           java.util.Comparator<AspicArgument<T>> order,
                                                                                                           RuleFormulaGenerator<T> rfgen)
        Checks for defeats in a list of arguments
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of formula
        args - a list of arguments
        order - an comparator which should compare the arguments in args
        rfgen - a rule formula generator
        a list of all tuples (a,b) with a, b in args where a defeats b
      • isAttack

        public static <T extends Invertable> boolean isAttack​(AspicArgument<T> active,
                                                              AspicArgument<T> passive,
                                                              RuleFormulaGenerator<T> rfgen,
                                                              java.util.Comparator<AspicArgument<T>> order)
        Determines whether the attack is successful
        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of formulas
        active - the active argument
        passive - the passive argument
        rfgen - a rule formula generator
        order - a comparator
        true iff the attack is succuessful
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class Attack