Class DSumInconsistencyMeasure<T extends Interpretation<B,​S>,​B extends BeliefBase,​S extends Formula>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type of interpretations
    B - the type of belief bases
    S - The type of formulas supported
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    PostulateEvaluatable<S>, InconsistencyMeasure<BeliefSet<S,​?>>

    public class DSumInconsistencyMeasure<T extends Interpretation<B,​S>,​B extends BeliefBase,​S extends Formula>
    extends BeliefSetInconsistencyMeasure<S>
    This class implements the d-sum inconsistency measure from [Grant, Hunter. Distance-based Measures of Inconsistency, ECSQARU'13]. This implementation uses a slightly different characterization than the one used in the paper. This measure seeks an interpretation I such that the the sum of the distances between every formula of the knowledge base and I is minimal. The value of the inconsistency is than exactly this sum. The distance can be parameterized.
    NOTE: Currently, this algorithm uses a brute force approach (checking all interpretations) for computing the solution.
    Matthias Thimm
    • Constructor Detail

      • DSumInconsistencyMeasure

        public DSumInconsistencyMeasure​(InterpretationDistance<T,​B,​S> distance,
                                        InterpretationIterator<S,​B,​T> it)
        Creates a new d-sum inconsistency measure using the given distance and interpretations provided from the given interpretation iterator.
        distance - some distance measure
        it - some interpretation iterator
    • Method Detail

      • inconsistencyMeasure

        public java.lang.Double inconsistencyMeasure​(java.util.Collection<S> formulas)
        Description copied from class: BeliefSetInconsistencyMeasure
        This method measures the inconsistency of the given set of formulas.
        Specified by:
        inconsistencyMeasure in class BeliefSetInconsistencyMeasure<S extends Formula>
        formulas - a collection of formulas.
        a Double indicating the degree of inconsistency.