Class UtilityBasedLotteryAgent

public class UtilityBasedLotteryAgent extends AbstractLotteryAgent
A lottery agent that selects actions based on a utility function. The agent chooses the action that maximizes its utility according to the given semantics.
  • Constructor Details

    • UtilityBasedLotteryAgent

      public UtilityBasedLotteryAgent(String name, DungTheory theory, UtilityFunction util, Semantics semantics)
      Constructs a new UtilityBasedLotteryAgent with the given name, Dung theory, utility function, and semantics.
      name - the name of the agent
      theory - the initial Dung theory of the agent
      util - the utility function used by the agent to evaluate actions
      semantics - the argumentation semantics used by the agent
  • Method Details

    • next

      public ExecutableDungTheory next(Collection<? extends Perceivable> percepts)
      Chooses the next action based on the utility of subgraphs in the agent's current theory. The agent selects the subgraph that maximizes the utility according to its utility function.
      Specified by:
      next in class AbstractLotteryAgent
      percepts - the percepts received by the agent
      the ExecutableDungTheory representing the action with the highest utility
    • getUtility

      public double getUtility(DungTheory theory, Semantics semantics)
      Returns the utility of a given Dung theory based on the agent's utility function and the specified semantics.
      Specified by:
      getUtility in class AbstractLotteryAgent
      theory - the Dung theory whose utility is to be evaluated
      semantics - the argumentation semantics used for evaluation
      the utility value of the theory according to the utility function