Interface LinkStrategy

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface LinkStrategy
Interface representing a strategy for determining the type of link between arguments in a structured argumentation framework. The strategy defines how to compute the relationship (link) between a parent argument and its child based on their acceptance conditions. The link can be classified as attacking, supporting, dependent, or redundant.
  • Method Details

    • compute

      LinkType compute(Argument parent, AcceptanceCondition childAcc)
      Computes the type of link between a parent argument and its child's acceptance condition.
      parent - the parent argument in the argumentation framework
      childAcc - the acceptance condition of the child argument
      the computed LinkType representing the relationship between the parent argument and the child's acceptance condition
    • compute

      LinkType compute(Argument parent, AcceptanceCondition childAcc, Interpretation assumption)
      Computes the type of link between a parent argument and its child's acceptance condition, taking into account an additional assumption.
      parent - the parent argument in the argumentation framework
      childAcc - the acceptance condition of the child argument
      assumption - the assumption or interpretation that may influence the computation of the link type
      the computed LinkType representing the relationship between the parent argument, the child's acceptance condition, and the given assumption