Class DirectionalAspicReasoner<T extends Invertable>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of formulas
All Implemented Interfaces:
QualitativeReasoner<AspicArgumentationTheory<T>,T>, Reasoner<Boolean,AspicArgumentationTheory<T>,T>

public class DirectionalAspicReasoner<T extends Invertable> extends AbstractAspicReasoner<T>
Computes a restricted AF by only considering relevant arguments to a query. An optional probability value for including only a certain subset of relevant arguments turns this reasoner into an approximative reasoner
Tjitze Rienstra, Matthias Thimm
  • Constructor Details

    • DirectionalAspicReasoner

      public DirectionalAspicReasoner(AbstractExtensionReasoner aafReasoner)
      Creates a new instance
      aafReasoner - Underlying reasoner for AAFs.
    • DirectionalAspicReasoner

      public DirectionalAspicReasoner(AbstractExtensionReasoner aafReasoner, double prob)
      Creates a new instance
      aafReasoner - Underlying reasoner for AAFs.
      prob - the probability of including a certain relevant argument
  • Method Details

    • getDungTheory

      public DungTheory getDungTheory(AspicArgumentationTheory<T> aat, T query)
      Description copied from class: AbstractAspicReasoner
      Computes the Dung theory from which the answer will be derived
      Specified by:
      getDungTheory in class AbstractAspicReasoner<T extends Invertable>
      aat - some Aspic theory
      query - some query
      a Dung theory
    • asRestrictedDungTheory

      public DungTheory asRestrictedDungTheory(AspicArgumentationTheory<T> aat, boolean simplifyArgumentStructure, T conc)
      Generate restricted AF based on given theory and conclusion. The restricted AF contains only arguments with the given concusion, all the attackers of this argument, the attackers of those arguments, and so on. As long as the semantics that is employed satisfies directionality, this restricted AF is sufficient to determine the correct status of the conclusion.
      aat - The aspic theory to generate arguments from
      simplifyArgumentStructure - a boolean, see org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.AbstractAspicReasoner#getDungTheory(org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.AspicArgumentationTheory, org.tweetyproject.commons.Formula)
      conc - Conclusion to generate restricted AF for
      The restricted AF
    • getAttackingConclusions

      public Collection<T> getAttackingConclusions(AspicArgument<T> arg, RuleFormulaGenerator<T> rfgen)
      Returns all "attacking conclusions" of the given argument. An attacking conclusion of an argument is a conclusion that, if it is a conclusion of another argument, then this argument will attack it.
      arg - Argument to generate attacking conclusions
      rfgen - Rule formula generator in use.
      Attacking conclusions of argument.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • isInstalled

      public boolean isInstalled()
      Description copied from interface: QualitativeReasoner
      Checks whether the underlying solver or reasoning mechanism used by this reasoner is installed and available for use. This can be helpful when the reasoner depends on external tools or libraries for performing the reasoning tasks.
      `true` if the solver is installed and available, `false` otherwise.