Class SimplePlLogicDeductiveKnowledgebase

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<SimplePlRule>, Collection<SimplePlRule>, BeliefBase

public class SimplePlLogicDeductiveKnowledgebase extends BeliefSet<SimplePlRule,PlSignature>
According to a simple logic knowledge base (propositional version only in this implementation) is a set of literals---in this implementation rules with empty body---and a set of simple rules, @see SimplePlRule
Federico Cerutti (
  • Constructor Details

    • SimplePlLogicDeductiveKnowledgebase

      public SimplePlLogicDeductiveKnowledgebase()
      Default constructor for creating an empty deductive knowledge base.
    • SimplePlLogicDeductiveKnowledgebase

      public SimplePlLogicDeductiveKnowledgebase(Collection<SimplePlRule> _kb)
      Constructor for creating a deductive knowledge base with an initial collection of rules.
      _kb - The initial collection of propositional logic rules.
  • Method Details

    • getMinimalSignature

      public Signature getMinimalSignature()
      Retrieves the minimal signature of the knowledge base. This signature is based on the propositional logic rules contained within the knowledge base.
      The minimal propositional logic signature of the knowledge base.
    • getAF

      public DungTheory getAF()
      Builds the argumentation framework (AF) by generating arguments and attacks between them based on the knowledge base. The arguments and attacks are formed according to the structure described in the paper "A Comparison of Formal Argumentation Systems" by Hunter and Caminada (2013). This method creates simple undercut and rebuttal attacks between the generated arguments.
      The DungTheory representing the argumentation framework with arguments and attacks.