Class GeneralizedSpecificity


public final class GeneralizedSpecificity extends ComparisonCriterion
This class implements the generalized specificity criterion used to compare two arguments. Using this criterion, an argument is more specific (better) than another argument if the former uses more facts or less rules.


[1] Stolzenburg, F. and Garcia, A. and Chesnevar, Carlos I. and Simari, Guillermo R.. Computing Generalized Specificity. In Journal of Non-Classical Logics, 2003. Volume 13(1):87-113.

for more information.
Matthias Thimm
  • Constructor Details

    • GeneralizedSpecificity

      public GeneralizedSpecificity()
      Default Constructor
  • Method Details

    • compare

      public ComparisonCriterion.Result compare(DelpArgument argument1, DelpArgument argument2, DefeasibleLogicProgram context)
      Description copied from class: ComparisonCriterion
      This method returns the relation of argument1 to argument2 given context.
      Specified by:
      compare in class ComparisonCriterion
      argument1 - a DeLP argument
      argument2 - a DeLP argument
      context - a defeasible logic program as context

      - Result.IS_BETTER iff argument1 is better than argument2
      - Result.IS_WORSE iff argument1 is worse than argument2
      - Result.IS_EQUAL iff argument1 and argument2 are in the same equivalence class
      - Result.NOT_COMPARABLE iff argument1 and argument2 are not comparable