Class UnstableCountInconsistencyMeasure<T extends DungTheory>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of Dung theory
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UnstableCountInconsistencyMeasure<T extends DungTheory> extends Object implements InconsistencyMeasure<T>
This class represents an inconsistency measure based on stable extensions. It implements the InconsistencyMeasure interface.
Timothy Gillespie
  • Constructor Details

    • UnstableCountInconsistencyMeasure

      public UnstableCountInconsistencyMeasure()
  • Method Details

    • inconsistencyMeasure

      public Double inconsistencyMeasure(T argumentationFramework)
      Calculates the unstable count inconsistency measure of the given argumentation framework. If the argumentation framework has a stable extension, the inconsistency measure is 0. Otherwise, the method performs a brute-force search for stable extensions by exploring all subgraphs of the argumentation framework to find the subgraph with the most nodes that has a stable extension.
      Specified by:
      inconsistencyMeasure in interface InconsistencyMeasure<T extends DungTheory>
      argumentationFramework - The argumentation framework for which to calculate the inconsistency measure.
      The inconsistency measure of the argumentation framework. Returns 0.0 if the argumentation framework has a stable extension. Otherwise, returns the difference between the total number of nodes in the argumentation framework and the number of nodes in the largest subgraph that has a stable extension.