Class WeightedInSumInconsistencyMeasure<T extends DungTheory>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of Dung theories used, extending DungTheory
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WeightedInSumInconsistencyMeasure<T extends DungTheory> extends Object implements InconsistencyMeasure<T>
Implements an inconsistency measure for Dung's argumentation frameworks based on the weighted sum of incoming attacks to each argument. This measure evaluates the intensity of conflict around individual arguments by considering the number of attackers each argument has. The contribution of each argument to the overall inconsistency score is inversely proportional to the number of its attackers, under the assumption that an argument with fewer attackers represents a more critical inconsistency point.
Timothy Gillespie
  • Constructor Details

    • WeightedInSumInconsistencyMeasure

      public WeightedInSumInconsistencyMeasure()
  • Method Details

    • inconsistencyMeasure

      public Double inconsistencyMeasure(T argumentationFramework)
      Calculates the inconsistency measure of a given Dung theory argumentation framework by evaluating the weighted sum of incoming attacks for each argument. The measure computes the sum of 1 divided by the number of attackers for each argument.
      Specified by:
      inconsistencyMeasure in interface InconsistencyMeasure<T extends DungTheory>
      argumentationFramework - the Dung theory argumentation framework to measure for inconsistency
      Double the calculated inconsistency measure, where a higher score indicates a higher level of inconsistency.