Class EquivalenceKernel

Direct Known Subclasses:
AdmissibleKernel, CompleteKernel, GroundedKernel, StableKernel, StrongExpansionAdmissibleKernel, StrongExpansionCompleteKernel, StrongExpansionGroundedKernel

public abstract class EquivalenceKernel extends Object
A general interface for an equivalence kernel for abstract argumentation frameworks, used to characterise strong equivalence and expansion equivalences wrt. different semantics. A kernel essentially defines which attacks are redundant. These attacks can be removed from the framework without influencing the extensions wrt. the semantics under some expansion of the argumentation framework.
Lars Bengel
See Also:
  • "Oikarinen, Emilia, and Stefan Woltran. 'Characterizing strong equivalence for argumentation frameworks.' Artificial intelligence 175.14-15 (2011): 1985-2009."
  • "Baumann, Ringo. 'Normal and strong expansion equivalence for argumentation frameworks.' Artificial Intelligence 193 (2012): 18-44."
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • EquivalenceKernel

      public EquivalenceKernel()
  • Method Details

    • getKernel

      public DungTheory getKernel(DungTheory theory)
      Computes the kernel of the given AF
      theory - a dung theory
      a dung theory representing the kernel of the given AF
    • getRedundantAttacks

      public abstract Collection<Attack> getRedundantAttacks(DungTheory theory)
      Computes the set of redundant attacks, i.e., all attacks that are removed in order to retrieve the kernel of the given AF
      theory - a dung theory
      the set of redundant attacks
    • getStrongEquivalenceKernelForSemantics

      public static EquivalenceKernel getStrongEquivalenceKernelForSemantics(Semantics semantics)
      Returns the corresponding strong equivalence kernel for the specified semantics
      semantics - some semantics
      equivalence kernel for the given semantics