Class DungTheoryPlotterExample


public class DungTheoryPlotterExample extends Object
This class summarizes some examples, showcasing the usage of the DungTheoryPlotter to visualize argumentation frameworks
Julian Sander
  • Constructor Details

    • DungTheoryPlotterExample

      public DungTheoryPlotterExample()
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      Main method to visualize the examples of Dung theories created in this class. It collects all examples into a set and visualizes them together using the DungTheoryPlotter.
      args - Command-line arguments, not used in this example.
    • example1

      public static DungTheory example1()
      Generates the first example of an argumentation framework. This framework includes four arguments and several attacks forming a simple directed graph.
      DungTheory representing the argumentation framework of example 1.
    • example2

      public static DungTheory example2()
      Generates the second example of an argumentation framework. This framework forms a cycle with three arguments, illustrating cyclic attack relations.
      DungTheory representing the argumentation framework of example 2.
    • example3

      public static DungTheory example3()
      Generates the third example of an argumentation framework. This framework includes more complex interactions among six arguments, featuring self-attacks and bi-directional attacks.
      DungTheory representing the argumentation framework of example 3.