Class PrincipleExample


public class PrincipleExample extends Object
Example code for checking (non-)satisfaction of Principle for argumentation semantics
Lars Bengel
  • Constructor Details

    • PrincipleExample

      public PrincipleExample()
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
      Execute the example
      args - cmdline arguments
    • evaluateReasoner

      public static void evaluateReasoner(AbstractExtensionReasoner reasoner, Collection<Principle> principles)
      Evaluates a given abstract extension reasoner against a collection of principles (postulates).

      This method uses a DungTheoryGenerator to generate Dung argumentation frameworks and evaluates how well the provided AbstractExtensionReasoner satisfies the given principles. The evaluation is conducted using a PostulateEvaluator, which applies the principles to generated frameworks and assesses the reasoner's performance.

      reasoner - The AbstractExtensionReasoner to be evaluated. This reasoner provides extensions for argumentation frameworks.
      principles - A collection of Principle objects representing the postulates against which the reasoner will be evaluated.