Class Independence


public class Independence extends Object
This class implements the concepts of conditional independence for sets of arguments in abstract argumentation frameworks
Lars Bengel
See Also:
  • "Tjitze Rienstra, et al. 'Independence and D-separation in Abstract Argumentation', Proceedings of KR'20, (2020)"
  • Constructor Details

    • Independence

      public Independence()
  • Method Details

    • isIndependent

      public static boolean isIndependent(DungTheory theory, Collection<Argument> argsA, Collection<Argument> argsB, Collection<Argument> argsC, boolean pruneOutAttacks)
      Compute whether argsA and argsB are independent given argsC in the given AF argsA, argsB and argsC are disjoint
      theory - a dung theory
      argsA - a set of arguments
      argsB - a set of arguments
      argsC - a set of arguments
      pruneOutAttacks - a flag indicating if attacks from arguments that are always out should be pruned
      true iff argsA and argsB are independent given argsC in theory
    • isIndependent

      public static boolean isIndependent(DungTheory theory, Collection<Argument> argsA, Collection<Argument> argsB, Collection<Argument> argsC)
      Compute whether argsA and argsB are independent given argsC in the given AF argsA, argsB and argsC are disjoint
      theory - a dung theory
      argsA - a set of arguments
      argsB - a set of arguments
      argsC - a set of arguments
      true iff argsA and argsB are independent given argsC in theory
    • isIndependentGiven

      public static Collection<Collection<Argument>> isIndependentGiven(DungTheory theory, Collection<Argument> argsA, Collection<Argument> argsB, boolean pruneOutAttacks)
      Compute the smallest set of arguments which needs to be observed so that argsA and argsB are independent in the given AF argsA and argsB are disjoint
      theory - a dung theory
      argsA - a set of arguments
      argsB - a set of arguments
      pruneOutAttacks - a flag indicating if attacks from arguments that are always out should be pruned
      the smallest set of arguments which we need to observe so that argsA and argsB are independent
    • isIndependentGiven

      public static Collection<Collection<Argument>> isIndependentGiven(DungTheory theory, Collection<Argument> argsA, Collection<Argument> argsB)
      Compute the smallest set of arguments which needs to be observed so that argsA and argsB are independent in the given AF argsA and argsB are disjoint
      theory - a dung theory
      argsA - a set of arguments
      argsB - a set of arguments
      the smallest set of arguments which we need to observe so that argsA and argsB are independent
    • computeDGraph

      public static SimpleGraph<Argument> computeDGraph(DungTheory theory)
      Transform the given AF into a DAG (D-graph) by adding new meta argument for each strongly connected component
      theory - a dung theory
      the d-graph of the given AF
    • pruneDGraph

      public static SimpleGraph<Argument> pruneDGraph(SimpleGraph<Argument> dGraph, Collection<Argument> argsA, Collection<Argument> argsB, Collection<Argument> argsC)
      Prune the given DAG by removing all leaf nodes, which are not in any of the given sets and removing all outgoing edges from nodes in argsC
      dGraph - a DAG
      argsA - a set of arguments
      argsB - a set of arguments
      argsC - a set of arguments
      the pruned DAG