Class SerialisedExtensionReasoner

All Implemented Interfaces:
ModelProvider<Argument,DungTheory,Extension<DungTheory>>, PostulateEvaluatable<Argument>, QualitativeReasoner<DungTheory,Argument>, Reasoner<Boolean,DungTheory,Argument>

public class SerialisedExtensionReasoner extends AbstractExtensionReasoner
Reasoner for serialisable semantics

A semantics is serialisable iff it can be characterised by two functions

which describe a transition system where a(UA,UC,C) provides the possible transitions to new states and b(AF,S) determines whether the current state is an extension of the semantics.
Lars Bengel
See Also:
  • "Matthias Thimm. 'Revisiting initial sets in abstract argumentation' Argument & Computation (2022)"
  • Constructor Details

    • SerialisedExtensionReasoner

      public SerialisedExtensionReasoner(SelectionFunction alpha, TerminationFunction beta)
      Initializes a serialisation reasoner with the given selection and termination functions
      alpha - some selection function
      beta - some termination function
    • SerialisedExtensionReasoner

      public SerialisedExtensionReasoner(SelectionFunction alpha, TerminationFunction beta, Semantics semantics)
      Initializes a serialisation reasoner with the given selection and termination functions and sets the semantics
      alpha - some selection function
      beta - some termination function
      semantics - some semantics
    • SerialisedExtensionReasoner

      public SerialisedExtensionReasoner(Semantics semantics)
      Initializes a serialisation reasoner for the given semantics
      semantics - some selection function
  • Method Details

    • getModels

      public Collection<Extension<DungTheory>> getModels(DungTheory bbase)
      Description copied from interface: ModelProvider
      Returns a characterizing model of the given belief base
      bbase - some belief base
      the (selected) models of the belief base
    • getModel

      public Extension<DungTheory> getModel(DungTheory bbase)
      Description copied from interface: ModelProvider
      Returns a single (dedicated) model of the given belief base. If the implemented method allows for more than one dedicated model, the selection may be non-deterministic.
      bbase - some belief base
      a selected model of the belief base.
    • getSequences

      public Collection<SerialisationSequence> getSequences(DungTheory bbase)
      Computes the set of serialisation sequences wrt. the semantics
      bbase - some argumentation framework
      the set of serialisation sequences
    • getSerialisationGraph

      public SerialisationGraph getSerialisationGraph(DungTheory bbase)
      Creates a graph, visualizing the transition states of the serialisation process, which creates all serialisable extensions according to the specified semantics of the specified framework.
      bbase - argumentation framework, for which the extensions shall be computed
      Graph representing the serialisation sequences
    • getSemantics

      public Semantics getSemantics()
      Return the semantics of this reasoner
      the semantics
    • getSelection

      Applies a selection function to compute a collection of preferred extensions from given sets of extensions.
      ua - A collection of unattacked extensions of the Dung theory.
      uc - A collection of unattacked but conflicting extensions.
      c - A collection of conflicting extensions.
      A collection of Extension objects selected based on the applied selection function.
      ClassCastException - if any of the input collections cannot be cast to Set<Extension<DungTheory>>.
    • isTerminal

      public boolean isTerminal(DungTheory theory, Extension<DungTheory> extension)
      Checks whether a given extension is terminal in the specified Dung theory.
      theory - The DungTheory in which the extension is evaluated.
      extension - The Extension to be checked for terminal status.
      true if the extension is terminal in the given theory; false otherwise.