Class SimpleInitialReasoner

All Implemented Interfaces:
ModelProvider<Argument,DungTheory,Extension<DungTheory>>, PostulateEvaluatable<Argument>, QualitativeReasoner<DungTheory,Argument>, Reasoner<Boolean,DungTheory,Argument>

public class SimpleInitialReasoner extends AbstractExtensionReasoner
Basic Implementation of a reasoner for initial sets A set of arguments S is considered initial iff it is non-empty and minimal among the non-empty admissible sets
Lars Bengel
See Also:
  • "Yuming Xu and Claudette Cayrol. 'Initial sets in abstract argumentation frameworks' (2016)"
  • "Matthias Thimm. 'Revisiting initial sets in abstract argumentation' Argument & Computation (2022)"
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleInitialReasoner

      public SimpleInitialReasoner()
  • Method Details

    • getModels

      public Collection<Extension<DungTheory>> getModels(DungTheory bbase)
      Description copied from interface: ModelProvider
      Returns a characterizing model of the given belief base
      bbase - some belief base
      the (selected) models of the belief base
    • getModel

      public Extension<DungTheory> getModel(DungTheory bbase)
      Description copied from interface: ModelProvider
      Returns a single (dedicated) model of the given belief base. If the implemented method allows for more than one dedicated model, the selection may be non-deterministic.
      bbase - some belief base
      a selected model of the belief base.
    • isUnattacked

      public boolean isUnattacked(Extension<DungTheory> ext, DungTheory theory)
      An initial set S is called unattacked iff there is no attacker of S in F
      ext - an extension S of theory
      theory - a dung theory F
      true if S is unattacked in F
    • isUnchallenged

      public boolean isUnchallenged(Extension<DungTheory> ext, DungTheory theory)
      An initial set S is called unchallenged in F iff S is not unattacked and there is no other initial set of F which attacks S
      ext - an extension S of theory
      theory - a dung theory F
      true if S is unchallenged in F
    • isChallenged

      public boolean isChallenged(Extension<DungTheory> ext, DungTheory theory)
      An initial set S is called challenged in F iff there is some other initial set of F which attacks S
      ext - an extension S of theory
      theory - a dung theory F
      true if S is challenged in F
    • partitionInitialSets

      public static Map<SimpleInitialReasoner.Initial,Collection<Extension<DungTheory>>> partitionInitialSets(DungTheory theory)
      Helper function that computes the initial sets of F and labels them in three categories
      theory - some argumentation theory
      a map contain the three groups of initial sets