Class PrSigBasedDungTheoryGenerator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterator<DungTheory>, DungTheoryGenerator, BeliefSetIterator<Argument,DungTheory>

public class PrSigBasedDungTheoryGenerator extends Object implements DungTheoryGenerator
Creates abstract argumentation graphs by first generating the corresponding set of preferred extensions and then construct the graph by using the construction method from [Dunne, Dvorak, Linsbichler, Woltran: Characteristics of multiple viewpoints in abstract argumentation. Artificial Intelligence 228: 153-178, 2015]. The implementation is randomized: sets of extensions are randomly generated and tested whether they are realisable wrt. preferred semantics. Only when one realizable set is found, the graph is constructed. This means the generation process is not guaranteed to terminate. This may happen when the required number of extensions is too large for the given number of credulously accepted arguments.
  • Constructor Details

    • PrSigBasedDungTheoryGenerator

      public PrSigBasedDungTheoryGenerator(int max_num_extensions, int num_credulously_accepted_arguments, int num_skeptically_accepted_arguments, double distortion_factor)
      Creates a new theory generator.
      max_num_extensions - the maximum number of (preferred) extensions in the generated frameworks
      num_credulously_accepted_arguments - The number of arguments that are credulously accepted wrt. preferred semantics in the generated frameworks
      num_skeptically_accepted_arguments - The number of arguments that are skeptically accepted wrt. preferred semantics in the generated frameworks
      distortion_factor - the probability of each edge to be re-wired after construction (distorts the result a bit)
    • PrSigBasedDungTheoryGenerator

      public PrSigBasedDungTheoryGenerator(int num_extensions, int num_credulously_accepted_arguments, int num_skeptically_accepted_arguments)
      Creates a new theory generator (without distortion).
      num_extensions - the number of (preferred) extensions in the generated frameworks
      num_credulously_accepted_arguments - The number of arguments that are credulously accepted wrt. preferred semantics in the generated frameworks
      num_skeptically_accepted_arguments - The number of arguments that are skeptically accepted wrt. preferred semantics in the generated frameworks
  • Method Details