Class SimpleExtendedCompleteReasoner

All Implemented Interfaces:
ModelProvider<Argument,ExtendedTheory,Extension<ExtendedTheory>>, PostulateEvaluatable<Argument>, QualitativeReasoner<ExtendedTheory,Argument>, Reasoner<Boolean,ExtendedTheory,Argument>

public class SimpleExtendedCompleteReasoner extends AbstractExtendedExtensionReasoner
Simple reasoner for computing complete extensions of extended theories. This reasoner extends the abstract reasoner and provides methods for finding complete extensions of an ExtendedTheory. A complete extension is an admissible extension that contains all arguments it defends. The reasoner utilizes admissible extensions as a base and checks if they are complete.
Lars Bengel
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleExtendedCompleteReasoner

      public SimpleExtendedCompleteReasoner()
      Default constructor for SimpleExtendedCompleteReasoner. This constructor initializes the reasoner without any specific parameters.
  • Method Details

    • getModels

      public Collection<Extension<ExtendedTheory>> getModels(ExtendedTheory bbase)
      Returns the collection of complete extensions of the given extended theory. This method retrieves all admissible extensions using the SimpleExtendedAdmissibleReasoner, and then filters them to include only those that are complete.
      bbase - the extended theory for which complete extensions are to be computed
      a collection of complete extensions
    • getModel

      public Extension<ExtendedTheory> getModel(ExtendedTheory bbase)
      Returns one complete extension of the given extended theory. This method retrieves all complete extensions of the theory and returns the first one.
      bbase - the extended theory for which a complete extension is to be returned
      a complete extension (first one found)