Class SimpleExtendedConflictFreeReasoner

All Implemented Interfaces:
ModelProvider<Argument,ExtendedTheory,Extension<ExtendedTheory>>, PostulateEvaluatable<Argument>, QualitativeReasoner<ExtendedTheory,Argument>, Reasoner<Boolean,ExtendedTheory,Argument>

public class SimpleExtendedConflictFreeReasoner extends AbstractExtendedExtensionReasoner
Simple reasoner for computing conflict-free sets of extended theories. This reasoner iterates through all subsets of the argument set in the extended theory and identifies those that are conflict-free. A conflict-free set is one where no argument within the set attacks another argument in the set.
Lars Bengel
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleExtendedConflictFreeReasoner

      public SimpleExtendedConflictFreeReasoner()
      Default constructor for SimpleExtendedConflictFreeReasoner. This constructor initializes the reasoner without any specific parameters.
  • Method Details

    • getModels

      public Collection<Extension<ExtendedTheory>> getModels(ExtendedTheory bbase)
      Returns the collection of conflict-free extensions of the given extended theory. This method iterates over all subsets of the arguments in the extended theory and selects those that are conflict-free.
      bbase - the extended theory for which conflict-free extensions are to be computed
      a collection of conflict-free extensions
    • getModel

      public Extension<ExtendedTheory> getModel(ExtendedTheory bbase)
      Returns one conflict-free extension of the given extended theory. In this simple implementation, this method returns an empty extension.
      bbase - the extended theory for which a conflict-free extension is to be returned
      a conflict-free extension (currently an empty extension)