Class SimpleRecursiveExtendedConflictFreeReasoner


public class SimpleRecursiveExtendedConflictFreeReasoner extends AbstractRecursiveExtendedExtensionReasoner
Simple reasoner for computing conflict-free sets of recursive extended theories. This reasoner identifies conflict-free sets within a RecursiveExtendedTheory. A set is considered conflict-free if no argument or attack within the set conflicts with another argument or attack in the set. The reasoner generates all subsets of the arguments and extended attacks in the theory, and then filters out those that are conflict-free.
Lars Bengel
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleRecursiveExtendedConflictFreeReasoner

      public SimpleRecursiveExtendedConflictFreeReasoner()
      Default constructor for SimpleRecursiveExtendedConflictFreeReasoner. This constructor initializes the reasoner without any specific parameters.
  • Method Details

    • getModels

      Returns the collection of conflict-free sets of Dung entities for the given recursive extended theory. This method generates all subsets of the arguments and extended attacks within the theory, and filters them to include only those that are conflict-free.
      Specified by:
      getModels in class AbstractRecursiveExtendedExtensionReasoner
      bbase - the recursive extended theory for which conflict-free sets are to be computed
      a collection of conflict-free sets of Dung entities