Class StrategyBasedRankingReasoner

All Implemented Interfaces:
ModelProvider<Argument,DungTheory,NumericalPartialOrder<Argument,DungTheory>>, PostulateEvaluatable<Argument>

public class StrategyBasedRankingReasoner extends AbstractRankingReasoner<NumericalPartialOrder<Argument,DungTheory>>
This class implements the argument ranking approach of [Matt, Toni. A game-theoretic measure of argument strength for abstract argumentation. JELIA 2008]. In this approach, the strength of an argument is computed using a two-person zero-sum strategic game in which the strategies of players are sets of arguments.
Anna Gessler
  • Constructor Details

    • StrategyBasedRankingReasoner

      public StrategyBasedRankingReasoner()
      Default Constructor
  • Method Details

    • getModels

      Description copied from interface: ModelProvider
      Returns a characterizing model of the given belief base
      bbase - some belief base
      the (selected) models of the belief base
    • getModel

      Description copied from interface: ModelProvider
      Returns a single (dedicated) model of the given belief base. If the implemented method allows for more than one dedicated model, the selection may be non-deterministic.
      kb - some belief base
      a selected model of the belief base.
    • computeStrengthOfArgument

      public double computeStrengthOfArgument(Argument a, DungTheory kb, Set<Set<Argument>> subsets)
      Computes the value of the zero-sum game for the given argument.
      a - an Argument
      kb - DungTheory
      subsets - all subsets of the knowledge base
      strength value of the given argument
    • computeRewards

      public double computeRewards(Collection<Argument> A, Collection<Argument> B, DungTheory kb)
      Computes the rewards of the given strategy (set of arguments).
      A - set of arguments
      B - set of arguments
      kb - knowledge base containing the relations between A and B
      rewards of A
    • computeDegreeOfAcceptability

      public double computeDegreeOfAcceptability(Collection<Argument> A, Collection<Argument> B, DungTheory kb)
      Computes the degree of acceptability of the strategy A wrt. strategy B.
      A - set of arguments
      B - set of arguments
      kb - knowledge base containing the relations between A and B
      degree of acceptability of A wrt. B.
    • isInstalled

      public boolean isInstalled()
      natively installed
      Specified by:
      isInstalled in class AbstractRankingReasoner<NumericalPartialOrder<Argument,DungTheory>>
      is installed status