Class SimpleWeightedCompleteReasoner<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type

public class SimpleWeightedCompleteReasoner<T> extends Object
This reasoner for weighted Dung theories performs inference on the complete extensions. Computes the set of all complete extensions, i.e., all alpha gamma admissible sets that contain all their acceptable arguments.
Sandra Hoffmann
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleWeightedCompleteReasoner

      public SimpleWeightedCompleteReasoner()
      Default Constructor
  • Method Details

    • getModels

      public Collection<Extension<DungTheory>> getModels(WeightedArgumentationFramework<T> bbase, T alpha, T gamma)
      Computes all alpha-gamma-complete extensions for the given weighted argumentation framework.
      bbase - The weighted argumentation framework.
      alpha - The threshold representing the maximum allowable combined weight of internal attacks.
      gamma - The threshold for defense, representing the maximum allowable difference between the aggregated weights of attack and defense.
      A collection all complete extensions.
    • getModel

      public Extension<DungTheory> getModel(WeightedArgumentationFramework<T> bbase, T alpha, T gamma)
      Returns an alpha-gamma-complete extension for the given weighted argumentation framework.
      bbase - The weighted argumentation framework.
      alpha - The threshold representing the maximum allowable combined weight of internal attacks.
      gamma - The threshold for defense, representing the maximum allowable difference between the aggregated weights of attack and defense.
      An alpha-gamma-complete extension.