Class SimpleWeightedStableReasoner<T>

Type Parameters:
T - The type

public class SimpleWeightedStableReasoner<T> extends Object
This reasoner for weighted Dung theories performs inference on the alpha-gamma-stable extensions. Computes the set of all alpha-gamma-stable extensions. It does so by first computing all alpha-gamma-preferred extensions and then checking if they are alpha-gamma-stable extensions.
Sandra Hoffmann
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleWeightedStableReasoner

      public SimpleWeightedStableReasoner()
      Default Constructor
  • Method Details

    • getModels

      public Collection<Extension<DungTheory>> getModels(WeightedArgumentationFramework<T> bbase, T alpha, T gamma)
      Computes all alpha-gamma-stable extensions for the given weighted argumentation framework. This method uses a preferred reasoner to find preferred extensions and then filters out the extensions that are also stable.
      bbase - The weighted argumentation framework.
      alpha - The threshold representing the maximum allowable combined weight of internal attacks.
      gamma - The threshold for defense, representing the maximum allowable difference between the aggregated weights of attack and defense.
      A collection of alpha-gamma-stable extensions.
    • getModel

      public Extension<DungTheory> getModel(WeightedArgumentationFramework<T> bbase, T alpha, T gamma)
      Computes and returns a single alpha-gamma-stable extension for the given weighted argumentation framework.
      bbase - The weighted argumentation framework.
      alpha - The threshold representing the maximum allowable combined weight of internal attacks.
      gamma - The threshold for defense, representing the maximum allowable difference between the aggregated weights of attack and defense.
      The first alpha-gamma-stable extension found.