Class SetTools<E>

Type Parameters:
E - the type of elements

public class SetTools<E> extends Object
This class provides some methods for set operations.
Matthias Thimm
  • Constructor Details

    • SetTools

      public SetTools()
      Default Constructor
  • Method Details

    • subsets

      public Set<Set<E>> subsets(Collection<? extends E> elements)
      This method computes all subsets of the given set of elements of class "E".
      elements - a set of elements of class "E".
      all subsets of "elements".
    • subsets

      public Set<Set<E>> subsets(Collection<? extends E> elements, int size)
      This method computes all subsets of the given set of elements of class "E" with the given size.
      elements - a set of elements of class "E".
      size - some int.
      all subsets of "elements" of the given size.
    • permutations

      public Set<Set<E>> permutations(Set<Set<E>> partitions)
      Computes all permutations of elements in partitions as follows. For any set A in the result and any set B in partitions it holds, that exactly one element of B is in A. For example
      equals to
      partitions - a set of sets of E.
      a set of sets of E.
    • irreducibleHittingSets

      public Set<Set<E>> irreducibleHittingSets(Set<Set<E>> sets)
      Computes the set of irreducible hitting sets of "sets". A hitting set H is a set that has a non-empty intersection with every set in "sets". H is irreducible if no proper subset of H is a hitting set.
      sets - a set of sets
      the set of all irreducible hitting sets of "sets"
    • hasEmptyIntersection

      public boolean hasEmptyIntersection(Set<Set<E>> sets)
      Checks whether the given set of sets has an empty intersection
      sets - some set of sets
      true iff the all sets have an empty intersection.
    • getUnion

      public Set<E> getUnion(Set<Set<E>> sets)
      Returns the union of the set of sets.
      sets - some set of sets
      the union of the set.
    • getUnion

      @SafeVarargs public final Set<E> getUnion(Set<E>... sets)
      Returns the union of the set of sets.
      sets - some set of sets
      the union of the set.
    • getBipartitions

      public Set<Set<Set<E>>> getBipartitions(Set<E> set)
      Computes every bipartition of the given set, e.g. for a set {a,b,c,d,e,f} this method returns a set containing for example {{a,b,c,d,e},{f}} and {{a,b,c,},{d,e,f}} and {{a,b,c,d,e,f},{}} and {{a,d,e},{b,c,f}}.
      set - a set of E
      the set of all bipartitions of the given set.
    • symmetricDifference

      public Set<E> symmetricDifference(Collection<E> s, Collection<E> t)
      Returns the symmetric difference of the two sets s and t, i.e. it returns (s \cup t) \setminus (s \cap t).
      s - some set
      t - some set
      the symmetric difference of the two sets
    • independentSets

      public Set<Set<Collection<E>>> independentSets(Set<Collection<E>> sets, int cardinality)
      Returns all independent sets of the given cardinality of the given set of sets. A set M={M1,...,Mk} is an independent set of N={N1,...,Nl} if M\subseteq N and for all i,j, i\neq j, Mi\cap Mj=\emptyset.
      This method uses a brute force approach to determine these sets.
      sets - a set of sets
      cardinality - an int
      all independent sets of the given cardinality of the given set of sets
    • isIndependent

      public boolean isIndependent(Set<Collection<E>> set)
      Checks whether the given set of sets is independent, i.e. whether all pairs of sets are disjoint.
      set - a set of sets
      "true" if the given set of sets is independent.
    • randomElement

      public E randomElement(Collection<E> set)
      Picks one element uniformly at random from the set (not very efficient).
      set - some set
      one element from the set.
    • powerSet

      public static <E> Set<Set<E>> powerSet(Set<E> originalSet)
      Generates the power set of a given set. The power set of a set is the set of all possible subsets, including the empty set and the set itself.

      For example, the power set of `{a, b, c}` is `{{}, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c}, {a, b, c}}`.

      Note: The method uses recursion to generate the power set, so it may not be suitable for very large sets due to potential stack overflow or performance concerns.

      Type Parameters:
      E - the type of elements in the original set.
      originalSet - the original set for which the power set is to be generated.
      a set of sets representing the power set of the original set.
    • combinations

      public static <E> Collection<Collection<E>> combinations(Collection<Collection<Collection<E>>> sets)

      Generates all combinations of sets in the following sense:

      Example input: { {{a,b,c},{d,e}} , {{f},{g,h},{i,j}} , {{k}} }

      Example output: { {a,b,c,f,k}, {a,b,c,g,h,k}, {a,b,c,i,j,k}, {d,e,f,k}, {d,e,g,h,k}, {d,e,i,j,k} }

      WARNING: input will be modified

      Type Parameters:
      E - the type of elements
      sets - some set of sets of sets of E
      all combinations of sets from each set.