Class BpmnNode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Formula, Node
Direct Known Subclasses:
Activity, Event, Gateway

public class BpmnNode extends BpmnElement implements Node
A class to represent all kinds of nodes in a BPMN Model
Benedikt Knopp
  • Constructor Details

    • BpmnNode

      public BpmnNode()
      Create a new instance
  • Method Details

    • putIncomingEdge

      public void putIncomingEdge(String edgeId, Edge<BpmnNode> edge)
      Add a new incoming edge
      edgeId - the id of the incoming edge
      edge - the edge
    • putOutgoingEdge

      public void putOutgoingEdge(String edgeId, Edge<BpmnNode> edge)
      Add a new outgoing edge
      edgeId - the id of the outgoing edge
      edge - the edge
    • getIncomingEdges

      public Map<String,Edge<BpmnNode>> getIncomingEdges()
      Return all directed edges that lead to this node
      all directed edges that lead to this node
    • getOutgoingEdges

      public Map<String,Edge<BpmnNode>> getOutgoingEdges()
      Return all directed edges leading away from this node
      all directed edges leading away from this node