Class Sort

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Sort extends Object implements LogicStructure
A sort of first-order logic. i.e. a set of constant objects and a set of variables that represent constants of this sort. Note: The sort names "Thing" and "_Any" are reserved for the default sort and for the sort that represents all sorts. They should not be used when creating new sorts.
Matthias Thimm, Tim Janus, Anna Gessler
  • Field Details

    • THING

      public static final Sort THING
      Default sort for unsorted first-order logics
    • ANY

      public static final Sort ANY
      Default sort for terms of equality/inequality predicates. Note: This sort is always equal to any other sort.
  • Constructor Details

    • Sort

      public Sort(String name)
      Ctor: Creates an empty Sort with the given name.
      name - The name of the Sort
    • Sort

      public Sort(String name, Set<Constant> constants)
      Ctor: Creates a Sort with the given name and the given constants.
      name - The name of the Sort
      constants - A set of constants which are members of the sort.
    • Sort

      public Sort(Sort other)
      Copy-Ctor creates a deep copy of the Sort
      other - The Sort that acts as copy source
  • Method Details

    • sortTerms

      public static Map<Sort,Set<Term<?>>> sortTerms(Collection<? extends Term<?>> terms)
      Sorts the set of given terms by their sorts, i.e. the set of terms is partitioned wrt. their sorts and set as value of the sort's key.
      terms - a set of terms.
      a map which maps from sorts to terms of their sort.
    • add

      public void add(Term<?> term)
      Adds the given term to this sort.
      term - some term
    • remove

      public boolean remove(Term<?> term)
      Removes the given term from this sort.
      term - a term, either a variable or a constant.
      "true" if the given term has actually been removed.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Getter name
      the name
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • getTerms

      public Set<Term<?>> getTerms()
      Specified by:
      getTerms in interface LogicStructure
      a set containing all terms of this logical structure
    • getTerms

      public <C extends Term<?>> Set<C> getTerms(Class<C> cls)
      Description copied from interface: LogicStructure
      Processes the set containing all terms of type C. This method uses the equals method of the given Class and therefore does not add terms which are sub classes of type C to the set.
      Specified by:
      getTerms in interface LogicStructure
      Type Parameters:
      C - the type of terms
      cls - The Class structure containing type information about the searched term
      A set containing all terms of type C of this logical structure
    • containsTermsOfType

      public <C extends Term<?>> boolean containsTermsOfType(Class<C> cls)
      Description copied from interface: LogicStructure
      Checks if this logical structure contains at least one term of type C. This method is a shortcut for !getTerms(TermImplementation.class).isEmpty().
      Specified by:
      containsTermsOfType in interface LogicStructure
      Type Parameters:
      C - the type of terms
      cls - The class structure representing the type C of the term.
      True if this logical structure contains at least one term of type C or false otherwise.
    • clone

      public Sort clone()