Class DlBeliefSet

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<DlAxiom>, Collection<DlAxiom>, BeliefBase

public class DlBeliefSet extends BeliefSet<DlAxiom,DlSignature>
This class models a knowledge base for description logics.
A knowledge base of a description logic distinguishes between:
  • the TBox: terminological axioms, i.e. properties of and relations between concepts. In the description logic ALC, the TBox consists of equivalence axioms (GCUs).
  • the ABox: assertional axioms, i.e. ground assertions about individuals and what concepts and roles they belong to).
Anna Gessler
  • Constructor Details

    • DlBeliefSet

      public DlBeliefSet()
      Creates a new empty description logics knowledge base.
    • DlBeliefSet

      public DlBeliefSet(Set<DlAxiom> formulas)
      Creates a new description logics knowledge base with the given set of axioms.
      formulas - a set of axioms
  • Method Details

    • getMinimalSignature

      public Signature getMinimalSignature()
      Description copied from interface: BeliefBase
      Returns the signature of the language of this knowledge base.
      the signature of the language of this knowledge base.
    • getTBox

      public Set<DlAxiom> getTBox()
      Returns the TBox section of the knowledge base.
      a set of equivalence axioms representing the TBox section of the knowledge base
    • getABox

      public Set<DlAxiom> getABox()
      Returns the ABox section of the knowledge base.
      a set of concept and role assertions representing the ABox section of the knowledge base