Enum Class IcebergInconsistencyMeasure.ConsequenceOperation

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<IcebergInconsistencyMeasure.ConsequenceOperation>, Constable
Enclosing class:

public static enum IcebergInconsistencyMeasure.ConsequenceOperation extends Enum<IcebergInconsistencyMeasure.ConsequenceOperation>
A consequence operation returns parts of knowledge bases. The idea is to look for "hidden" conflicts in sets of formulas and return the parts that are truly relevant for the conflicts. Some choices for consequence operations as described in the paper:
  • Identity: using this consequence operation, *-conflicts of a knowledge base are equivalent to the MIS of the knowledge base
  • Conjuncts: contains all conjuncts of the input, e.g. {a,b,a&&b} for a&&b
  • Smallest conjuncts: contains only the smallest conjuncts of the input, i.e. {a,b} for a&&b
  • Modular classical consequence: modular version of classical consequence
  • Modus ponens: non-modular consequence operation, contains the result of recursively applying modus ponens to the conjuncts of all formulas
  • Prime Implicates: based on the inconsistency measure of [Jabbour et al. On the characterization of inconsistency measures: A prime implicates based framework. ICTAI'14]
  • Opposite Literals: non-modular consequence operation based on PmInconsistencyMeasure
  • Dalal: uses the dalal distance
Anna Gessler