Class PlFormula

All Implemented Interfaces:
Formula, ClassicalFormula, Conjunctable, Disjunctable, Invertable, ProbabilityAware, SimpleLogicalFormula
Direct Known Subclasses:
AssociativePlFormula, Equivalence, ExistsQuantifiedFormula, ForallQuantifiedFormula, Implication, Indecision, Negation, Proposition, SpecialFormula, WeakNegation

public abstract class PlFormula extends Object implements ClassicalFormula
This class represents the common ancestor for propositional formulae.
Matthias Thimm, Tim Janus
  • Constructor Details

    • PlFormula

      public PlFormula()
      Default Constructor
  • Method Details

    • getPredicateCls

      public Class<PlPredicate> getPredicateCls()
      Specified by:
      getPredicateCls in interface SimpleLogicalFormula
      The class description of the predicate used by this formula.
    • getSignature

      public PlSignature getSignature()
      Description copied from interface: Formula
      Returns the signature of the language of this formula.
      Specified by:
      getSignature in interface Formula
      the signature of the language of this formula.
    • getAtoms

      public abstract Set<Proposition> getAtoms()
      Description copied from interface: SimpleLogicalFormula
      Processes the set of all atoms which appear in this formula
      Specified by:
      getAtoms in interface SimpleLogicalFormula
      The set of all atoms
    • getLiterals

      public abstract Set<PlFormula> getLiterals()
      Returns all literals, i.e. all formulas of the form "a" or "!a" where "a" is a proposition, that appear in this formula.
      all literals appearing in this formula.
    • combineWithAnd

      public Conjunction combineWithAnd(Conjunctable f)
      Description copied from interface: Conjunctable
      Returns a conjunction of this and the given formula.
      Specified by:
      combineWithAnd in interface Conjunctable
      f - a formula to be combined with AND and this.
      a conjunction of this and the given formula.
    • combineWithOr

      public Disjunction combineWithOr(Disjunctable f)
      Specified by:
      combineWithOr in interface Disjunctable
      f - a formula to be combined with OR and this.
      a disjunction of this and the given formula.
    • collapseAssociativeFormulas

      public abstract PlFormula collapseAssociativeFormulas()
      This method collapses all associative operations appearing in this term, e.g. every a||(b||c) becomes a||b||c.
      the collapsed formula.
    • getPredicates

      public abstract Set<PlPredicate> getPredicates()
      Description copied from interface: SimpleLogicalFormula
      Processes the set of all predicates which appear in this formula
      Specified by:
      getPredicates in interface SimpleLogicalFormula
      all predicates that appear in this formula
    • trim

      public abstract PlFormula trim()
      Removes duplicates (identical formulas) from conjunctions and disjunctions and removes duplicate negations. Simplifies equivalences and implications with equivalent formulas (A=>A, A<=>A) to tautologies.
      an equivalent formula without duplicates.
    • getUniformProbability

      public Probability getUniformProbability()
      Returns this formula's probability in the uniform distribution.
      Specified by:
      getUniformProbability in interface ProbabilityAware
      this formula's probability in the uniform distribution.
    • toNnf

      public abstract PlFormula toNnf()
      This method returns this formula in negation normal form (NNF). A formula is in NNF iff negations occur only directly in front of a proposition.
      the formula in NNF.
    • toCnf

      public abstract Conjunction toCnf()
      This method returns this formula in conjunctive normal form (CNF). A formula is in CNF iff it is a conjunction of disjunctions and in NNF. The CNF generated by this method is not necessarily minimal.
      the formula in CNF.
    • toDnf

      public PlFormula toDnf()
      This method returns this formula in disjunctive normal form (DNF). A formula is in DNF iff it is a disjunction of conjunctive clauses. The DNF generated by this method is not necessarily minimal.
      the formula in DNF.
    • resolvableWith

      public boolean resolvableWith(PlFormula other)
      Checks whether this formula (which must be a conjunction of literals) is resolvable with the given formula (which is also a conjunction of literals), i.e. whether they contains exactly one complementary literal.
      other - a conjunction of literals
      "true" iff this formula is resolvable with the other formula.
    • resolveWith

      public Conjunction resolveWith(PlFormula other)
      Resolves this formula with the given one (both have to be conjunctive clauses) and returns some resolvent.
      other - a conjunction of formulas
      some resolvent.
    • toBlakeCanonicalForm

      public PlFormula toBlakeCanonicalForm()
      This method returns this formula in Blake canonical form. A formula is in Blake canonical form iff it is the disjunction of its prime implicants.
      the formula in Blake canonical form
    • getPrimeImplicants

      public Collection<PlFormula> getPrimeImplicants()
      Returns the set of prime implicants of this formula.
      the set of prime implicants of this formula.
    • getModels

      public Set<PossibleWorld> getModels()
      Returns the set of models of this formula wrt. a signature that only contains the propositions appearing in this formula.
      the set of models of this formula wrt. a signature that only contains the propositions appearing in this formula.
    • getModels

      public abstract Set<PossibleWorld> getModels(PlSignature sig)
      Returns the set of models of this formula wrt. the given signature.
      sig - some propositional signature
      the set of models of this formula wrt. the given signature.
    • complement

      public ClassicalFormula complement()
      Specified by:
      complement in interface Invertable
      the complement of this formula.
    • isClause

      public boolean isClause()
      Checks whether this formula is a clause, i.e. whether it is a disjunction of literals.
      "true" iff this formula is a clause.
    • isConjunctiveClause

      public boolean isConjunctiveClause()
      Checks whether this formula is a conjunctive clause, i.e. whether it is a conjunction of literals.
      "true" iff this formula is a conjunctive clause.
    • numberOfOccurrences

      public abstract int numberOfOccurrences(Proposition p)
      Returns the number of occurrences of the given proposition within this formula
      p - some proposition
      the number of occurrences of the given proposition within this formula
    • replace

      public abstract PlFormula replace(Proposition p, PlFormula f, int i)
      Replaces the ith instance of the proposition p by f.
      p - some proposition
      f - some formula
      i - the index of the proposition
      a new formula with the ith instance of the proposition p replaced by f.
    • isLiteral

      public boolean isLiteral()
      Specified by:
      isLiteral in interface SimpleLogicalFormula
      true if the formula represents a literal in the language or false otherwise
    • equals

      public abstract boolean equals(Object other)
      Specified by:
      equals in interface SimpleLogicalFormula
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public abstract int hashCode()
      Specified by:
      hashCode in interface SimpleLogicalFormula
      hashCode in class Object
    • clone

      public abstract PlFormula clone()
      Description copied from interface: SimpleLogicalFormula
      Creates a deep copy of this formula
      Specified by:
      clone in interface SimpleLogicalFormula
      the cloned formula