Class QbfReasonersExample


public class QbfReasonersExample extends Object
Examples for using QBF solvers.
Anna Gessler
  • Constructor Details

    • QbfReasonersExample

      public QbfReasonersExample()
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args) throws ParserException, IOException
      Demonstrates the use of various Quantified Boolean Formula (QBF) reasoners and solvers with the TweetyProject library. The method parses belief sets and formulas from files or strings, and evaluates their satisfiability or consistency using different solvers such as NaiveQbfReasoner, CAQE, GhostQ, Qute, and Cadet. The demonstration includes: 1. Parsing belief sets and formulas using the QbfParser. 2. Performing naive classical inference using the NaiveQbfReasoner. 3. Utilizing external QBF solvers (CAQE, GhostQ, Qute, and Cadet) to check satisfiability and consistency of belief sets and formulas. Each solver is evaluated on the same set of inputs to compare their performance and behavior.
      args - Command-line arguments (not used in this example).
      ParserException - If an error occurs during parsing.
      IOException - If an error occurs during file I/O operations.