Class ASTOptFunc

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ASTOptFunc extends SimpleNode
The ASTOptFunc class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for an optimization function within the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP). This class extends SimpleNode and is used by the ASP parser to handle optimization functions that specify whether to maximize or minimize a particular objective.
  • Field Details

    • func

      public String func
      The name or representation of the optimization function.
    • maximize

      public boolean maximize
      Indicates whether the optimization function is set to maximize. If true, the function is to maximize; if false, to minimize.
  • Constructor Details

    • ASTOptFunc

      public ASTOptFunc(int id)
      Constructs a new ASTOptFunc node with the specified identifier.
      id - The node identifier.
    • ASTOptFunc

      public ASTOptFunc(ASPParser p, int id)
      Constructs a new ASTOptFunc node with the specified parser and identifier.
      p - The ASPParser that is constructing this node.
      id - The node identifier.
  • Method Details

    • func

      public void func(String f)
      Sets the name or representation of the optimization function.
      f - The string representing the optimization function.
    • jjtAccept

      public Object jjtAccept(ASPParserVisitor visitor, Object data)
      Accepts a visitor object, which implements the ASPParserVisitor interface, and allows it to process this node in the AST.
      Specified by:
      jjtAccept in interface Node
      jjtAccept in class SimpleNode
      visitor - The visitor object that processes this node.
      data - Additional data that might be needed for the visitor's processing.
      The result of the visitor's processing, typically dependent on the visitor's implementation.
    • maximize

      public void maximize(boolean b)
      Sets whether the optimization function is to maximize or minimize.
      b - true to set the function to maximize, false to minimize.