Class ASTRule

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ASTRule extends SimpleNode
The ASTRule class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for a rule in the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP). This class extends SimpleNode and is used by the ASP parser to handle and represent rules within an ASP program.
  • Field Details

    • hasLevel

      public boolean hasLevel
      Indicates whether this rule has an associated level. A level may be used to denote priorities or other hierarchical properties of the rule within the program.
  • Constructor Details

    • ASTRule

      public ASTRule(int id)
      Constructs a new ASTRule node with the specified identifier.
      id - The node identifier.
    • ASTRule

      public ASTRule(ASPParser p, int id)
      Constructs a new ASTRule node with the specified parser and identifier.
      p - The ASPParser that is constructing this node.
      id - The node identifier.
  • Method Details

    • hasLevel

      public void hasLevel(boolean b)
      Sets whether this rule has an associated level.
      b - true if the rule has a level, false otherwise.
    • jjtAccept

      public Object jjtAccept(ASPParserVisitor visitor, Object data)
      Accepts a visitor object, which implements the ASPParserVisitor interface, and allows it to process this node in the AST.
      Specified by:
      jjtAccept in interface Node
      jjtAccept in class SimpleNode
      visitor - The visitor object that processes this node.
      data - Additional data that might be needed for the visitor's processing.
      The result of the visitor's processing, typically dependent on the visitor's implementation.