Class IteratedLocalSearch

public class IteratedLocalSearch extends CombinatoricsSolver
implements the Iterates local search algorithm for combinatorial problems
Sebastian Franke
  • Constructor Details

    • IteratedLocalSearch

      public IteratedLocalSearch(double perturbationStrength, int maxnumberOfRestarts, int maxIterations)
      Constructs an IteratedLocalSearch instance with the specified parameters.
      perturbationStrength - The strength of the perturbation applied during the search process. This value controls the extent to which the current solution is altered to escape local optima.
      maxnumberOfRestarts - The maximum number of restarts allowed during the search process. This value controls how many times the algorithm can restart from a new initial solution.
      maxIterations - The maximum number of iterations allowed within the search process. This value limits the number of iterations the local search algorithm can perform in each phase.
  • Method Details

    • bestNeighbor

      performs one step of a local search
      currSol - the current state of which we check the neighborhood
      the best neighbor / the current state
    • pertubate

      changes the solution drastically to escape a local minimum
      currSol - the solution to be pertubated
      the new currSol
    • solve

      Solves the given combinatorics problem using the Iterated Local Search (ILS) algorithm. The method iteratively applies local search to find the best solution, perturbs the solution to escape local optima, and restarts the search process when necessary.
      prob - The combinatorics problem to be solved. This problem defines the search space and the evaluation function used to assess the quality of solutions.
      An ArrayList of ElementOfCombinatoricsProb representing the best solution found by the algorithm.