Class LevelingFunction<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the generic type used for this leveling function
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Map<T,Integer>

public class LevelingFunction<T> extends Functions<T>
This class is meant to provide leveling functions to given preference orders and vice versa. TODO exception handling for invalid preference orders (total preorder)
Bastian Wolf
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • LevelingFunction

      public LevelingFunction()
      constructs a new, empty leveling function caller can use Map-method putAll to fill this empty leveling function
    • LevelingFunction

      public LevelingFunction(PreferenceOrder<T> po)
      this constructor creates a leveling function using a given preference order
      po - the given preference order
  • Method Details

    • getLevelingFunction

      public Map<T,Integer> getLevelingFunction()
      returns this leveling function
      getLevelingFunction in class Functions<T>
      this leveling function
    • getRankingFunction

      public RankingFunction<T> getRankingFunction()
      returns a new RankingFunction based on this LevelingFunction
      a new RankingFunction based on this LevelingFunction
    • generatePreferenceOrder

      public PreferenceOrder<T> generatePreferenceOrder()
      this method returns a preference order made out of this leveling function
      Specified by:
      generatePreferenceOrder in class Functions<T>
      a preference order out of a given leveling function
    • weakenElement

      public void weakenElement(T element)
      weakens the given element in the leveling function
      Specified by:
      weakenElement in class Functions<T>
      element - the element being weakened
    • strengthenElement

      public void strengthenElement(T element)
      strengthens the given element in the leveling function
      Specified by:
      strengthenElement in class Functions<T>
      element - the element being strengthened