Class DungReasonerCalleeFactory


public class DungReasonerCalleeFactory extends Object
The DungReasonerCalleeFactory class is responsible for creating instances of Callee based on the specified Command, AbstractExtensionReasoner, and DungTheory parameters. It also defines an enumeration of commands with associated IDs and labels.
  • Constructor Details

    • DungReasonerCalleeFactory

      public DungReasonerCalleeFactory()
  • Method Details

    • getCommands

      public static DungReasonerCalleeFactory.Command[] getCommands()
      Retrieves an array of all available Command enums.
      An array of Command enums
    • getCallee

      public static Callee getCallee(DungReasonerCalleeFactory.Command cmd, AbstractExtensionReasoner reasoner, DungTheory bbase)
      Creates and returns a Callee instance based on the provided Command, AbstractExtensionReasoner, and DungTheory parameters.
      cmd - The command to be executed
      reasoner - The AbstractExtensionReasoner to be used
      bbase - The DungTheory to be processed
      A Callee instance corresponding to the specified command
      RuntimeException - If the specified command is not found