Class InconsistencyValueResponse


public class InconsistencyValueResponse extends Response
Represents a response object for inconsistency value calculations. The InconsistencyValueResponse class extends the Response class and encapsulates information about the result of an inconsistency value calculation, including the reply status, user email, inconsistency measure, knowledge base, response format, calculated value, execution time, and status. This class provides getter and setter methods for accessing and modifying its attributes. Additionally, convenience methods are included for chaining attribute setting operations. The class overrides the equals, hashCode, and toString methods for proper comparison and string representation.
See Also:
  • Constructor Summary

    Default Constructor
    InconsistencyValueResponse(String reply, String email, String measure, String kb, String format, double value, double time)
    Constructs a fully initialized InconsistencyValueResponse with the specified details.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    email(String email)
    Sets the email property of this response and returns the response object itself for method chaining.
    format(String format)
    Sets the data format used in the inconsistency evaluation and returns this response object for method chaining.
    Retrieves the email address associated with the inconsistency report or request.
    Retrieves the data format used in the inconsistency evaluation.
    Gets the knowledge base reference or identifier that was used during the evaluation of inconsistency.
    Retrieves the specific measure or metric related to the inconsistency detected.
    Returns the reply associated with this response.
    Gets the current status of the response.
    Retrieves the duration or time taken to analyze the inconsistency.
    Retrieves the numeric value indicating the level of inconsistency found.
    kb(String kb)
    Sets the knowledge base (kb) reference or identifier used during the evaluation of inconsistency and returns this response object for method chaining.
    measure(String measure)
    Sets the measure or metric related to the inconsistency and returns this response object to facilitate method chaining.
    reply(String reply)
    Sets the reply property of this response and returns the response object itself for method chaining.
    Sets the email address associated with the inconsistency report or request.
    setFormat(String format)
    Sets the data format used in the inconsistency evaluation.
    Sets the knowledge base reference or identifier used during the evaluation.
    setMeasure(String measure)
    Sets the specific measure or metric related to the inconsistency detected.
    Sets the reply for this response.
    setStatus(String status)
    Sets the status for this response.
    setTime(double time)
    Sets the duration or time taken to analyze the inconsistency.
    setValue(double value)
    Sets the numeric value indicating the level of inconsistency.
    time(double time)
    Sets the duration or time taken to evaluate the inconsistency and returns this response object for method chaining.
    value(double value)
    Sets the numeric value indicating the level of inconsistency detected and returns this response object to facilitate method chaining.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • InconsistencyValueResponse

      public InconsistencyValueResponse()
      Default Constructor
    • InconsistencyValueResponse

      public InconsistencyValueResponse(String reply, String email, String measure, String kb, String format, double value, double time)
      Constructs a fully initialized InconsistencyValueResponse with the specified details.
      reply - A message or feedback related to the inconsistency.
      email - The email address associated with the request or context.
      measure - The specific measure or metric where inconsistency was noted.
      kb - Knowledge base reference or identifier used in the assessment.
      format - The data format or structure that was analyzed.
      value - The numeric value indicating the level of inconsistency.
      time - The duration or time taken to evaluate the inconsistency.
  • Method Details

    • getStatus

      public String getStatus()
      Gets the current status of the response.
      The current status string which could indicate completion, error, or any other state of the response.
    • setStatus

      public void setStatus(String status)
      Sets the status for this response.
      status - The string to be used as the status in the response.
    • getReply

      public String getReply()
      Returns the reply associated with this response.
      The reply string provided in the response.
    • setReply

      public void setReply(String reply)
      Sets the reply for this response.
      reply - The text to be used as the reply in the response.
    • getEmail

      public String getEmail()
      Retrieves the email address associated with the inconsistency report or request.
      The email address as a string.
    • setEmail

      public void setEmail(String email)
      Sets the email address associated with the inconsistency report or request.
      email - A string representing the email address to be associated with the report.
    • getMeasure

      public String getMeasure()
      Retrieves the specific measure or metric related to the inconsistency detected.
      A string representing the measure or metric where the inconsistency was found.
    • setMeasure

      public void setMeasure(String measure)
      Sets the specific measure or metric related to the inconsistency detected.
      measure - A string that specifies the measure or metric being addressed.
    • getKb

      public String getKb()
      Gets the knowledge base reference or identifier that was used during the evaluation of inconsistency.
      A string representing the knowledge base reference or identifier.
    • setKb

      public void setKb(String kb)
      Sets the knowledge base reference or identifier used during the evaluation.
      kb - A string representing the knowledge base reference or identifier to be used for further evaluation.
    • getFormat

      public String getFormat()
      Retrieves the data format used in the inconsistency evaluation.
      The data format as a string, which describes the structure or type of data analyzed.
    • setFormat

      public void setFormat(String format)
      Sets the data format used in the inconsistency evaluation.
      format - A string representing the format to be used or that was used in analyzing the data.
    • getValue

      public double getValue()
      Retrieves the numeric value indicating the level of inconsistency found.
      A double value representing the degree of inconsistency.
    • setValue

      public void setValue(double value)
      Sets the numeric value indicating the level of inconsistency.
      value - A double representing the new value of inconsistency to be recorded.
    • getTime

      public double getTime()
      Retrieves the duration or time taken to analyze the inconsistency.
      A double value representing the time in some units (e.g., milliseconds, seconds) taken to perform the analysis.
    • setTime

      public void setTime(double time)
      Sets the duration or time taken to analyze the inconsistency.
      time - A double value representing the time in units taken for the inconsistency analysis.
    • reply

      public InconsistencyValueResponse reply(String reply)
      Sets the reply property of this response and returns the response object itself for method chaining.
      reply - A string containing the reply or feedback related to the inconsistency.
      This InconsistencyValueResponse instance for chaining method calls.
    • email

      public InconsistencyValueResponse email(String email)
      Sets the email property of this response and returns the response object itself for method chaining.
      email - A string containing the email address associated with the inconsistency report.
      This InconsistencyValueResponse instance for chaining method calls.
    • measure

      public InconsistencyValueResponse measure(String measure)
      Sets the measure or metric related to the inconsistency and returns this response object to facilitate method chaining.
      measure - A string specifying the measure or metric where the inconsistency was detected.
      This InconsistencyValueResponse instance for chaining further method calls.
    • kb

      Sets the knowledge base (kb) reference or identifier used during the evaluation of inconsistency and returns this response object for method chaining.
      kb - A string representing the knowledge base reference or identifier.
      This InconsistencyValueResponse instance for chaining further method calls.
    • format

      public InconsistencyValueResponse format(String format)
      Sets the data format used in the inconsistency evaluation and returns this response object for method chaining.
      format - A string that describes the data format or structure analyzed.
      This InconsistencyValueResponse instance for chaining further method calls.
    • value

      public InconsistencyValueResponse value(double value)
      Sets the numeric value indicating the level of inconsistency detected and returns this response object to facilitate method chaining.
      value - A double representing the degree of inconsistency measured.
      This InconsistencyValueResponse instance for chaining further method calls.
    • time

      public InconsistencyValueResponse time(double time)
      Sets the duration or time taken to evaluate the inconsistency and returns this response object for method chaining.
      time - A double value representing the time in some unit (e.g., seconds, milliseconds) taken to perform the analysis.
      This InconsistencyValueResponse instance for chaining further method calls.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object