Class ArgumentationReasoner

All Implemented Interfaces:
QualitativeReasoner<ArgumentationKnowledgeBase,Argument>, Reasoner<Boolean,ArgumentationKnowledgeBase,Argument>
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class ArgumentationReasoner extends Object implements QualitativeReasoner<ArgumentationKnowledgeBase,Argument>
This class models a reasoner for extended logic programming based arguments using the fixpoint semantics from [1] parameterised by a notion of attack x for the opponent and another notion of attack y as a defense for the proponent. This base implementation only allows to query whether an argument A is x/y-justified in a ELP P. A is called x/y-acceptable wrt. a set of arguments S if for every argument B in P such that (B,A) \in x there exists an argument C \in S such that (C,B) \in y. The set of acceptable arguments for P is defined as the fixpoint J_{P,x/y} of the function F_{P,x/y}(S) = { A | A is x/y-acceptable with regard to S} In [1] it is shown that J_{a/u} equals Dung's grounded semantics, J_{u/su} equals the well founded semantics for normal logic programs and J_{u/a} equals the well-founded semantics for logic programs with explicit negation. [1] Ralf Schweimeier and Michael Schroeder: A Parameterised Hierarchy of Argumentation Semantics for Extended Logic Programming and its Application to the Well-founded Semantics. In: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 5(1-2):207-242, 2003.
Sebastian Homann