
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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AbaAttack<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics
This class models an ABA attack.
AbaAttack(Argument, Argument) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics.AbaAttack
Creates a new ABA attack
AbaElement<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax
Abstract class that models common properties of aba syntax elements.
AbaElement() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaElement
AbaExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.examples
Shows some simple code for working with ABA, including how to parse an ABA file and how to ask queries.
AbaExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.examples.AbaExample
Default constructor for the AbaExample class.
AbaExtension<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics
This class models an ABA Extension, meaning a set of assumptions.
AbaExtension() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics.AbaExtension
Default constructor
AbaExtension(Collection<Assumption<T>>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics.AbaExtension
Creates a new extension with the given assumptions.
AbaGetSemanticsResponse - Class in
The AbaGetSemanticsResponse class extends the Response class and represents a response containing information about the supported semantics for Assumption Based Argumentation (ABA).
AbaGetSemanticsResponse() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for AbaGetSemanticsResponse.
AbaGetSemanticsResponse(List<HashMap<String, String>>, String, String) - Constructor for class
Parameterized constructor for AbaGetSemanticsResponse.
AbaParser<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.parser
Parses an Assumption-Based Argumentation (ABA) System from an input text.
AbaParser(Parser<? extends BeliefBase, ? extends Formula>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.parser.AbaParser
Creates a new ABA parser.
AbaReasonerCalleeFactory - Class in
The AbaReasonerCalleeFactory class provides a factory for creating different instances of Argumentation-Based Argumentation (ABA) reasoner callees based on specific commands.
AbaReasonerCalleeFactory() - Constructor for class
AbaReasonerCalleeFactory.Command - Enum in
Enumeration of supported commands for ABA reasoner.
AbaReasonerGetModelCallee<T> - Class in
The AbaReasonerGetModelCallee class extends the Callee class and represents a callee responsible for obtaining some model from an Argumentation-Based Argumentation (ABA) reasoner.
AbaReasonerGetModelCallee(GeneralAbaReasoner<T>, AbaTheory<T>) - Constructor for class
Constructor for AbaReasonerGetModelCallee.
AbaReasonerGetModelsCallee<T> - Class in
The AbaReasonerGetModelsCallee class extends the Callee class and represents a callee responsible for obtaining multiple models from an Argumentation-Based Argumentation (ABA) reasoner.
AbaReasonerGetModelsCallee(GeneralAbaReasoner<T>, AbaTheory<T>) - Constructor for class
Constructor for AbaReasonerGetModelsCallee.
AbaReasonerPost - Class in
The AbaReasonerPost class represents a data structure for sending post requests to an Argumentation-Based Argumentation (ABA) reasoner.
AbaReasonerPost() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for AbaReasonerPost.
AbaReasonerPost(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class
Parameterized constructor for AbaReasonerPost.
AbaReasonerQueryCallee<T> - Class in
The AbaReasonerQueryCallee class extends the Callee class and represents a callee responsible for querying an assumption in Argumentation-Based Argumentation (ABA).
AbaReasonerQueryCallee(GeneralAbaReasoner<T>, AbaTheory<T>, Assumption<T>) - Constructor for class
Constructor for AbaReasonerQueryCallee.
AbaReasonerResponse - Class in
The AbaReasonerResponse class extends the Response class and represents the response data structure for an Argumentation-Based Argumentation (ABA) reasoner.
AbaReasonerResponse() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for AbaReasonerResponse.
AbaReasonerResponse(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, int, String, double, String, String) - Constructor for class
Parameterized constructor for AbaReasonerResponse.
AbaRule<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax
A common interface for assumptions and inference rules.
AbaRule() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaRule
AbaTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aba
Test class for ABA.
AbaTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.AbaTest
AbaTheory<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax
An implementation of Assumption Based Argumentation.
AbaTheory() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaTheory
abbreviation() - Method in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.ProboProblem.SubProblem
Returns the abbreviation of the sub-problem.
abbreviation() - Method in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.ExtensionRankingSemantics
Returns the abbreviation of the ordering semantics.
abbreviation() - Method in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
Returns the abbreviation of the semantics.
abort() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.streams.InconsistencyMeasurementProcess
Aborts the measurement of a stream.
AbsoluteValue - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.term
This class models the absolute value of the inner term.
AbsoluteValue(Term) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.term.AbsoluteValue
Creates a new absolute value term with the given inner term.
AbstractAcceptabilityReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Ancestor class for reasoners that are tailored towards computing the set {a | a is credulously/skeptically accepted wrt.
AbstractAcceptabilityReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.AbstractAcceptabilityReasoner
Default constructor
AbstractAnalysis - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.analysis
AbstractAnalysis provides utility functions for concrete implementations
AbstractAnalysis(PEAFTheory, AbstractExtensionReasoner, AnalysisType) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.analysis.AbstractAnalysis
The default constructor
abstractArgEx() - Method in class AbstractArgumentationExample
AbstractArgumentationExample - Class in Unnamed Package
Example code for applying belief dynamics on abstract argumentation frameworks.
AbstractArgumentationExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.examples
Example code for applying belief dynamics on abstract argumentation frameworks.
AbstractArgumentationExample() - Constructor for class AbstractArgumentationExample
AbstractArgumentationExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.examples.AbstractArgumentationExample
Default constructor for the AbstractArgumentationExample class.
AbstractArgumentationInterpretation<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics
This abstract class acts as a common ancestor for interpretations to abstract argumentation frameworks.
AbstractArgumentationInterpretation() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.AbstractArgumentationInterpretation
Default constructor
AbstractAspicReasoner<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.reasoner
The abstract ancestor of all Aspic reasoner implementations
AbstractAspicReasoner(AbstractExtensionReasoner) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.reasoner.AbstractAspicReasoner
Creates a new instance
AbstractAssociationRuleMiner<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc
Abstract layer for association rule miners, bundling common methods for mining association rules.
AbstractAssociationRuleMiner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AbstractAssociationRuleMiner
Default constructor for the `AbstractAssociationRuleMiner` class.
AbstractBeliefSetConsistencyTester<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis
Classes extending this abstract class are capable of testing whether a given belief set is consistent.
AbstractBeliefSetConsistencyTester() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.AbstractBeliefSetConsistencyTester
AbstractBipolarFramework - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax
This class implements a bipolar abstract argumentation framework with attack and support relations.
AbstractBipolarFramework() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractBipolarFramework
Default Constructor
AbstractCandidateGenerator - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.generator
The AbstractCandidateGenerator is an abstract class that provides a base implementation for generating candidate interpretations using a SAT solver state.
AbstractCandidateGenerator(Supplier<SatSolverState>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.generator.AbstractCandidateGenerator
Constructs an AbstractCandidateGenerator with the given state supplier.
AbstractClaimBasedReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Ancestor class for all claim based reasoner.
AbstractClaimBasedReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.AbstractClaimBasedReasoner
Default constructor
AbstractCoherenceMeasure - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.analysis
This class represents an abstract coherence measure, i.e.
AbstractCoherenceMeasure() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.analysis.AbstractCoherenceMeasure
AbstractCollector<U,D,R> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.transform
Similar to AbstractTransformer but is designed for collections and therefore provides Collector functionality for free.
AbstractCollector(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.transform.AbstractCollector
Constructs an AbstractCollector with the specified top-level polarity.
AbstractConditionalLogicReasoner - Class in
Abstract ancestor for all reasoner for conditional logic.
AbstractConditionalLogicReasoner() - Constructor for class
AbstractCredibilityComparer - Class in org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.mas
This class provides for auxiliary functions used to compare formulas and proofs of formulas wrt.
AbstractCredibilityComparer(Collection<InformationObject<PlFormula>>, Order<Agent>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.mas.AbstractCredibilityComparer
Creates a new credibility comparer that is guided by the giving information which agents uttered the formulas and the credibility order.
AbstractCreepingMachineShop - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.analysis
The common ancestor vor creeping machine shops, see [Diss, Thimm] for details.
AbstractCreepingMachineShop(OptimizationRootFinder) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.analysis.AbstractCreepingMachineShop
AbstractDeductiveArgumentationReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.reasoner
This class contains common characteristics for deductive argumentation reasoner.
AbstractDeductiveArgumentationReasoner(Categorizer, Accumulator) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.reasoner.AbstractDeductiveArgumentationReasoner
Creates a new reasoner for the given belief base, categorizer, and accumulator.
AbstractDialecticalFramework - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.adf
The implementing subtypes must ensure the following properties: Immutability All methods return a non-null value if its parameters, e.g.
AbstractDialecticalFramework.Builder - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.adf
Builder interface for constructing instances of AbstractDialecticalFramework.
AbstractDialecticalFrameworkReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
AbstractDialecticalFrameworkReasoner(IncrementalSatSolver) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.AbstractDialecticalFrameworkReasoner
AbstractDungParser - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.parser
This abstract class gives a template for parsers of files representing abstract argumentation frameworks.
AbstractDungParser() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.parser.AbstractDungParser
Default constructor
AbstractDungReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Ancestor class for all AAF reasoners.
AbstractDungReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.AbstractDungReasoner
Default constructor
AbstractDungWriter - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.writer
Writes an abstract argumentation framework into a file of a specific format.
AbstractDungWriter() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.writer.AbstractDungWriter
Default constructor
AbstractEAFTheory<S> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax
A base class for implementing PEAFTheory and EAFTheory.
AbstractEAFTheory() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractEAFTheory
Default Constructor
AbstractElementParser<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.parser.xml_to_bpmn
The AbstractElementParser class
AbstractElementParser(RootParser) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.parser.xml_to_bpmn.AbstractElementParser
Creates a new parser for the given BPMN model
AbstractExtendedExtensionReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner
Abstract extension reasoner for reasoning with extended theories
AbstractExtendedExtensionReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner.AbstractExtendedExtensionReasoner
AbstractExtensionAnalysis - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.analysis.extensions
An abstract class for performing extension analysis on a PEAF (Process-Entity-Attribute-Function) theory.
AbstractExtensionAnalysis(PEAFTheory, AbstractExtensionReasoner, AnalysisType) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.analysis.extensions.AbstractExtensionAnalysis
The default constructor
AbstractExtensionReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Ancestor class for all extension-based reasoners.
AbstractExtensionReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.AbstractExtensionReasoner
Default constructor
AbstractExtensionReasonerFactory - Class in
Main factory for retrieving abstract extension reasoners.
AbstractExtensionReasonerFactory() - Constructor for class
AbstractExtensionReasonerFactory.Semantics - Enum in
An enumeration of all available semantics.
AbstractExtensionSetAfReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners
Ancestor class for all SetAf-extension-based reasoners.
AbstractExtensionSetAfReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners.AbstractExtensionSetAfReasoner
Default constructor for AbstractExtensionSetAfReasoner.
AbstractGraphLdoModality - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax
Provides common functionalities for the graph-based modalities in LDO.
AbstractGraphLdoModality(LdoFormula, Set<LdoArgument>, Set<LdoArgument>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.AbstractGraphLdoModality
Constructs an instance of this modality with specified inner formula and sets of reference arguments.
AbstractInterpretation<B,S> - Class in org.tweetyproject.commons
An abstract interpretation for some logical language.
AbstractInterpretation() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.commons.AbstractInterpretation
Default Constructor
ABSTRACTION - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.postulates.RankingPostulate
The ABSTRACTION postulate
AbstractLdoModality - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax
Provides common functionalities for all modalities in LDO.
AbstractLdoModality(LdoFormula) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.AbstractLdoModality
Creates a new modality for the given inner formula
AbstractLotteryAgent - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.lotteries
An agent in a game of argumentation lotteries.
AbstractLotteryAgent(String, DungTheory, Semantics) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.lotteries.AbstractLotteryAgent
Creates a new lottery agent
AbstractMlnReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.reasoner
This class provides common methods for MLN reasoner.
AbstractMlnReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.reasoner.AbstractMlnReasoner
AbstractMlReasoner - Class in
Abstract modal reasoner to be implemented by concrete reasoners.
AbstractMlReasoner() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor
AbstractMusEnumerator<S> - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis
Abstract implementation for MUes enumerators.
AbstractMusEnumerator() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.AbstractMusEnumerator
AbstractPAChangeOperator - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.dynamics
Provides common functionality for change operators based on probabilistic semantics.
AbstractPAChangeOperator(PASemantics, RealVectorNorm, SimpleRealValuedFunction) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.dynamics.AbstractPAChangeOperator
Creates a new change operator for the given semantics that uses the specified norm for distance measuring and the given function for optimizing.
AbstractPafReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.reasoner
Abstract anecestor for PAF reasoner.
AbstractPafReasoner(Semantics) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.reasoner.AbstractPafReasoner
Creates a new reasoner.
AbstractPASemantics - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics
This class bundles common answering behaviour for probabilistic argumentation semantics.
AbstractPASemantics() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.semantics.AbstractPASemantics
AbstractPclReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.reasoner
Abstract class for all PCL reasoners.
AbstractPclReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.reasoner.AbstractPclReasoner
Default Constructor
AbstractPEAFInducer - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.inducers
AbstractPEAFInducer includes helper functions for concrete implementations
AbstractPEAFInducer(PEAFTheory) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.inducers.AbstractPEAFInducer
Default constructor (checks if the given PEAF is cyclic or not.)
AbstractPlReasoner - Class in
Abstract class for propositional logic reasoners.
AbstractPlReasoner() - Constructor for class
Default Constructor
AbstractProtocol - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents
A protocol gives instructions in which order agents have to be asked for actions in a multi-agent system.
AbstractProtocol(MultiAgentSystem<? extends Agent>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.AbstractProtocol
Creates a new protocol for the given multi-agent system.
AbstractRankingReasoner<R> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner
Common abstract class for ranking reasoners for abstract argumentation.
AbstractRankingReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner.AbstractRankingReasoner
Default Constructor
AbstractRealVectorNorm - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.norm
Abstract class for real vector norms.
AbstractRealVectorNorm() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.norm.AbstractRealVectorNorm
AbstractRecursiveExtendedExtensionReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner
Abstract extension reasoner for reasoning with recursive extended theories
AbstractRecursiveExtendedExtensionReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.reasoner.AbstractRecursiveExtendedExtensionReasoner
AbstractRpclSemantics - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics
This class bundles common answering behaviour for relational conditional semantics.
AbstractRpclSemantics() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.AbstractRpclSemantics
Default Constructor
AbstractSatExtensionReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner
Uses a provided SAT solver to solve reasoning problems in AAFs.
AbstractSatExtensionReasoner(SatSolver) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.reasoner.AbstractSatExtensionReasoner
Instantiates a new reasoner that uses the given SAT solver
AbstractSetAfReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners
Ancestor class for all Setaf reasoners.
AbstractSetAfReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.reasoners.AbstractSetAfReasoner
Default constructor for AbstractSetAfReasoner.
AbstractSocialSemantics<L> - Class in
This is the abstract ancestor of concrete semantics for social abstract argumentation frameworks, cf.
AbstractSocialSemantics() - Constructor for class
Default constructor for creating an instance of AbstractSocialSemantics.
AbstractTransformer<U,D,R> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.transform
AbstractTransformer class
AbstractTransformer() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.transform.AbstractTransformer
AbstractTweetyPlugin - Class in org.tweetyproject.plugin
This abstract class implements the TweetyPlugin interface and provides a base for plugin implementations in each project
AbstractTweetyPlugin() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.plugin.AbstractTweetyPlugin
Default Constructor
AbstractUnmodifiableCollection<E> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util
AbstractUnmodifiableCollection class
AbstractUnmodifiableCollection() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.AbstractUnmodifiableCollection
accept(File, String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.parser.ApxFilenameFilter
accept(File, String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.parser.TgfFilenameFilter
accept(Visitor<U, D>, D) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.AcceptanceCondition
Passes the topDownData to the right visit method and returns the result of the visit method, performs no modifications on them.
accept(Visitor<U, D>, D) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.ConjunctionAcceptanceCondition
accept(Visitor<U, D>, D) - Method in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.ContradictionAcceptanceCondition
accept(Visitor<U, D>, D) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.DisjunctionAcceptanceCondition
accept(Visitor<U, D>, D) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.EquivalenceAcceptanceCondition
accept(Visitor<U, D>, D) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.ExclusiveDisjunctionAcceptanceCondition
accept(Visitor<U, D>, D) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.ImplicationAcceptanceCondition
accept(Visitor<U, D>, D) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.NegationAcceptanceCondition
accept(Visitor<U, D>, D) - Method in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.TautologyAcceptanceCondition
accept(Visitor<U, D>, D) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.Argument
AcceptabilityReasonerExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.examples
This example shows how the different acceptability reasoners work.
AcceptabilityReasonerExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.examples.AcceptabilityReasonerExample
Default constructor
AcceptanceCondition - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc
An immutable representation of acceptance conditions for ADFs.
AcceptanceCondition.Builder - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc
Builder class
AcceptanceConditionSizeComparator - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.heuristics
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
not used anymore
AcceptanceConditionSizeComparator(AbstractDialecticalFramework) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.heuristics.AcceptanceConditionSizeComparator
AccEqualityTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.test
AccEqualityTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.test.AccEqualityTest
AccessibilityRelation - Class in
This class models an accessibility relation for Kripke models.
AccessibilityRelation(Set<Pair<Interpretation<FolBeliefSet, FolFormula>, Interpretation<FolBeliefSet, FolFormula>>>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new accessibility relation.
accumulate(List<Double>, List<Double>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.accumulator.Accumulator
Accumulates the pros and contras of the given list into a single double.
accumulate(List<Double>, List<Double>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.accumulator.SimpleAccumulator
Accumulator - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.accumulator
Classes implementing this interface represent accumulators in the sense of Definition 8.11 in

Philippe Besnard and Anthony Hunter.
Action - Interface in org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.rl.mdp
An action in a Markov Decision Process
ActionDescription<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax
This class represents an action description as a set of causal laws.
ActionDescription() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax.ActionDescription
Creates a new empty action description.
ActionDescription(Collection<? extends T>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax.ActionDescription
Creates a new action description containing all elements in the collection given.
ActionDescriptionConsistencyTester<T> - Interface in org.tweetyproject.action.description.analysis
Classes implementing this interface are capable of checking whether a given action description is consistent according to some consistency measurements.
ActionEvent - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents
An action event encapsulates a multi agent system, an agent in this system, and an action (which was performed by the agent).
ActionEvent(Agent, MultiAgentSystem<? extends Agent>, Executable) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.ActionEvent
Creates a new ActionEvent.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.gui.RevisionComparePresenter
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionComparePresenter
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.agents.ProtocolListener
This method is called when an action has been performed in the given protocol.
ActionQuery - Interface in org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax
This is a basic interface for action queries.
ActionQueryParser - Class in org.tweetyproject.action.query.parser
This class implements a parser for action queries in S.
ActionQueryParser(ActionSignature) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.query.parser.ActionQueryParser
Constructs a new `ActionQueryParser` with the specified action signature.
ActionQuerySatisfactionTester - Interface in org.tweetyproject.action.query.analysis
Classes implementing this interface are capable of checking whether a transition system satisfies an action query.
ActionQuerySet<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax
An Action Query Set consists of action queries in a specific query language and provides some common functionalities for such queries.
ActionQuerySet() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.ActionQuerySet
Creates an empty ActionQuerySet
ActionQuerySet(Collection<? extends T>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.ActionQuerySet
Creates a new ActionQuerySet initialized with the given collection of action queries.
ActionSignature - Class in org.tweetyproject.action.signature
This class represents an action signature, which consists of a set of fluent names (representing environment states) and a set of action names (representing actions).
ActionSignature() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.signature.ActionSignature
Creates an empty action signature.
ActionSignature(Collection<?>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.signature.ActionSignature
Creates an action signature with the given objects, which should be sorts, constants, predicates, or formulas.
ActionSignature(FolFormula) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.signature.ActionSignature
Creates a new ActionSignature for a single first-order formula.
ActionSignatureParser - Class in org.tweetyproject.action.signature.parser
This class implements a parser for signatures of action descriptions.
ActionSignatureParser() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.signature.parser.ActionSignatureParser
Activity - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax
A class to represent Activities in a BPMN Model
Activity() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.Activity
Create a new Activity
ACTIVITY - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.BpmnModel.BpmnNodeType
actualSize() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.SetTrie
Returns the number of sets actually stored in the trie (i.e., the number of unique sets).
AD - Enum constant in enum
Admissible semantics
add(int[]) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.IndexedSatSolverState
Adds a clause to the current SAT solver state.
add(int[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.lingeling.LingelingSatSolver
Adds a clause to the current formula in the Lingeling solver.
add(int[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.minisat.MinisatSatSolver
add(int[]) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.sat.picosat.PicosatSatSolver
add(int...) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.sat.SatSolver
Adds the given clause to the SAT solver state.
add(int, Collection<? extends Argument>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationSequence
add(int, LdoFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoAssociativeFormula
add(int, RelationalFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
add(int, ComplexConcept) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AssociativeDlFormula
add(int, PlFormula) - Method in class
add(int, ASPLiteral) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ClassicalHead
add(int, T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.AssociativeFormulaSupport
add(E) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.AbstractUnmodifiableCollection
add(Object) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.signature.ActionSignature
Adds an object to the action signature.
add(Object) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.DungSignature
add(Object) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAfSignature
add(Object) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.commons.Signature
Adds the given formula to this signature.
add(Object) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.BpmnSignature
add(Object) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.DlSignature
Adds single objects to this signature, iff the object is an appropriate concept, role or individual or a formula.
add(Object) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.FolSignature
Adds the given object, either a constant, a sort, a predicate, or a functor, to this signature.
add(Object) - Method in class
add(Object...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.DualSetSignature
add(Object...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.QuadrupleSetSignature
add(Object...) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.commons.Signature
Adds the given formulas to the signature.
add(Object...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.SingleSetSignature
add(Object...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.TripleSetSignature
add(Object...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.BpmnSignature
add(Collection<? extends Argument>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationSequence
add(Collection<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.SetTrie
Adds a set to the trie.
add(Map<String, T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.syntax.WeightedArgumentationFramework
Adds the given attacks to this dung theory.
add(JPanel) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.Plotter
Add a sub-plot the the frame
add(AbstractLotteryAgent) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.lotteries.LotteryGameSystem
add(ArguingAgent) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.GroundedGameSystem
add(Assumption<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics.AbaExtension
add(Interpretation) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.InterpretationTrieSet
add(Link) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.adf.AbstractDialecticalFramework.Builder
Adds a link between arguments to the ADF.
add(Argument, AcceptanceCondition) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.adf.AbstractDialecticalFramework.Builder
Adds an argument and its acceptance condition to the ADF.
add(Clause) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.SatSolverState
Adds the given clause to the solver state.
add(Clause) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.state.AsynchronousCloseSatSolverState
add(Clause) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.state.SynchronizedSatSolverState
add(Attack) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractBipolarFramework
Adds the given attack to this argumentation framework
add(Attack) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.DeductiveArgumentationFramework
add(Attack) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.EAFTheory
add(Attack) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.EvidentialArgumentationFramework
add(Attack) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.NecessityArgumentationFramework
add(Attack) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.PEAFTheory
add(BArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractBipolarFramework
Adds argument to this argumentation framework
add(BArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.ArgumentSet
Adds an argument to this set.
add(Support) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractBipolarFramework
Adds the given support to this argumentation framework.
add(Support) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.DeductiveArgumentationFramework
Adds the given support to this bipolar argumentation framework.
add(Support) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.EAFTheory
add(Support) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.EvidentialArgumentationFramework
add(Support) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.NecessityArgumentationFramework
add(Support) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.PEAFTheory
add(LdoFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoAssociativeFormula
add(LdoFormula...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoAssociativeFormula
Adds the specified elements to the end of this collection (optional operation).
add(SerialisationNode) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationGraph
add(Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractBipolarFramework
Adds argument to this argumentation framework for better compatibility between dung theories and bipolar argumentation frameworks
add(Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.causal.syntax.InducedTheory
add(Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Extension
add(Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.DungTheory
add(Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.syntax.ExtendedTheory
add(Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.syntax.RecursiveExtendedTheory
add(Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.syntax.ProbabilisticArgumentationFramework
add(Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAf
Add argument to SetAf
add(Argument) - Method in class
add(Argument, Probability) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.syntax.ProbabilisticArgumentationFramework
Adds the given argument with the given probability
add(Attack) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.DungTheory
Adds the given attack to this dung theory.
add(Attack) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.syntax.ProbabilisticArgumentationFramework
add(Attack) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.syntax.WeightedArgumentationFramework
Adds the given attack to this weighted Dung theory.
add(Attack...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.DungTheory
Adds the given attacks to this dung theory.
add(Attack...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.syntax.WeightedArgumentationFramework
Adds the given attacks to this dung theory.
add(Attack, Probability) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.syntax.ProbabilisticArgumentationFramework
Adds the given attack with the given probability
add(Attack, T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.syntax.WeightedArgumentationFramework
Adds the given attack to this weighted Dung theory.
add(ClaimArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.ClaimSet
add(ClaimArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.ClaimBasedTheory
add(DungTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.DungTheory
Adds all arguments and attacks of the given theory to this theory
add(DungTheory) - Method in class
add(DungTheory) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.syntax.WeightedArgumentationFramework
Adds all arguments and attacks of the given theory to this theory.
add(BasicArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax.ArgumentStructure
add(SetAf) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAf
Adds all arguments and attacks of the given theory to this theory
add(SetAttack) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAf
Return whether the attack was added or not
add(Formula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaTheory
Add to theory
add(Formula...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaTheory
Add to theory
add(Triple<T, T, Relation>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.preferences.BinaryRelation
adds a new triple containing two elements and its relation
add(Triple<T, T, Relation>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.PreferenceOrder
adds a given pair of generic elements to the set.
add(Edge<PetriNetNode>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.PetriNet
Return add
add(Edge<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.DefaultGraph
Return whether the operation was successful
add(GeneralEdge) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAf
add(GeneralEdge<BArgument>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractBipolarFramework
add(GeneralEdge<SerialisationNode>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationGraph
add(GeneralEdge<Argument>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.DungTheory
add(GeneralEdge<BpmnNode>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.BpmnModel
add(GeneralEdge<PetriNetNode>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.PetriNet
add(GeneralEdge<Marking>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.reachability_graph.ReachabilityGraph
add(GeneralEdge<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.DefaultGraph
add(GeneralEdge<T>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.graphs.DirHyperGraph
Adds the given edge to this DirHyperGraph.
add(GeneralEdge<T>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.graphs.Graph
Adds the given edge to this graph.
add(GeneralEdge<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.HyperGraph
add(HyperDirEdge<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.HyperGraph
Add Edge.
add(BpmnNode) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.BpmnModel
add(Process) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.BpmnModel
Add a process
add(Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.Sort
Adds the given term to this sort.
add(RelationalFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
add(ComplexConcept) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AssociativeDlFormula
add(ComplexConcept...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AssociativeDlFormula
Adds the specified elements to the end of this collection (optional operation).
add(FolFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.semantics.Extension
add(FolFormula...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
Adds the specified elements to the end of this collection (optional operation).
add(PetriNetNode) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.PetriNet
add(Place) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.PetriNet
Add a place to the Petri net
add(Marking) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.reachability_graph.ReachabilityGraph
add(MarkingEdge) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.reachability_graph.ReachabilityGraph
add a marking edge to this graph
add(Transition) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.PetriNet
Add a transition to the Petri net
add(PlFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.causal.syntax.CausalModel
add(PlFormula) - Method in class
add(PlFormula...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.causal.syntax.CausalModel
add(PlFormula...) - Method in class
Adds the specified elements to the end of this collection (optional operation).
add(ASPLiteral) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ClassicalHead
add(ASPLiteral...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ClassicalHead
Adds the specified elements to the end of this collection (optional operation).
add(Program) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.Program
Adds another program's content to the content of this program.
add(Matrix) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.matrix.Matrix
Adds the given matrix to this one and returns the result.
add(Probability) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.probability.Probability
Computes the sum of this and the given probability.
add(Term) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.Term
Returns the sum of this and the given term.
add(Update<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.update.UpdateStream
Adds an update to the end of the stream.
add(S) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.Interval
add(S, T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.TrainingSet
Adds the specified elements as a pair to this set if it is not already present.
add(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.MultiAgentSystem
add(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.BeliefSet
add(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.InterpretationSet
add(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.DefaultGraph
add(T) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.graphs.DirHyperGraph
Adds the given node to this DirHyperGraph.
add(T) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.graphs.Graph
Adds the given node to this graph.
add(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.HyperGraph
add(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.AssociativeFormulaSupport
add(T...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.BeliefSet
Adds the specified elements to the end of this collection (optional operation).
add(T...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.InterpretationSet
Adds the specified elements to the end of this collection (optional operation).
add(T...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.AssociativeFormulaSupport
Appends the specified elements to the end of this collection (optional operation).
add(T, T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.algebra.Semiring
Performs the addition operation on two elements.
addAll(int, Collection<? extends Collection<? extends Argument>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationSequence
addAll(int, Collection<? extends LdoFormula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoAssociativeFormula
addAll(int, Collection<? extends RelationalFormula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
addAll(int, Collection<? extends ComplexConcept>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AssociativeDlFormula
addAll(int, Collection<? extends PlFormula>) - Method in class
addAll(int, Collection<? extends ASPLiteral>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ClassicalHead
addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.AssociativeFormulaSupport
addAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.DualSetSignature
addAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.QuadrupleSetSignature
addAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.commons.Signature
Adds all elements of this collection to this signature.
addAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.SingleSetSignature
addAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.TripleSetSignature
addAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.BpmnSignature
addAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.FolSignature
Adds items of the given collection to this signature.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.AbstractUnmodifiableCollection
addAll(Collection<? extends Collection<? extends Argument>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationSequence
addAll(Collection<? extends Assumption<T>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics.AbaExtension
addAll(Collection<? extends BArgument>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.ArgumentSet
Adds a collection of arguments to this set.
addAll(Collection<? extends LdoFormula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoAssociativeFormula
addAll(Collection<? extends Argument>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Extension
addAll(Collection<? extends ClaimArgument>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.ClaimSet
addAll(Collection<? extends BasicArgument>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax.ArgumentStructure
addAll(Collection<? extends Triple<T, T, Relation>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.PreferenceOrder
adds all given elements to the preference order
addAll(Collection<? extends RelationalFormula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
addAll(Collection<? extends ComplexConcept>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AssociativeDlFormula
addAll(Collection<? extends FolFormula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.semantics.Extension
addAll(Collection<? extends PlFormula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.causal.syntax.CausalModel
addAll(Collection<? extends PlFormula>) - Method in class
addAll(Collection<? extends ASPLiteral>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ClassicalHead
addAll(Collection<? extends S>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.Interval
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.MultiAgentSystem
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.BeliefSet
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.InterpretationSet
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.SimpleGraph
add all nodes to the graph
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.AssociativeFormulaSupport
addAllAttacks(Collection<? extends Attack>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractBipolarFramework
Adds the set of attacks to this argumentation framework
addAllAttacks(Collection<? extends Attack>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.DungTheory
Adds the set of attacks to this Dung theory.
addAllAttacks(Collection<? extends Attack>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.syntax.WeightedArgumentationFramework
Adds the set of attacks to this Weighted Dung theory.
addAllAttacks(Map<String, T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.syntax.WeightedArgumentationFramework
Adds the set of attacks to this Weighted Dung theory.
addAllAttacks(Set<SetAttack>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAf
Adds the set of attacks to this SetAf theory.
addAllEdges(Collection<Edge<T>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.SimpleGraph
add all edges to the graph
addAllPostulates(Collection<? extends Postulate<T>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.postulates.PostulateEvaluator
Adds all postulates in the given collection.
addAllSupports(Collection<? extends Support>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractBipolarFramework
Adds the set of supports to this argumentation framework
addAllTerm(Collection<Term>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.AssociativeOperation
Adds all the given terms of this operation.
addAndCopy(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.DialogueTrace
Returns a copy of this trace and adds the given move to this copy.
addArgument(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractEAFTheory
Create and add a new argument with identifier
addArgument(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.EAFTheory
Add an argument with an integer identifier
addArgument(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.PEAFTheory
Add an argument with an integer identifier
addArgument(int, String, String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.NamedPEAFTheory
Add argument with names
addArgument(String, String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.PEEAFTheory
Creates an argument with identifier and textContent and adds the argument
addArgument(BArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractEAFTheory
Add an argument
addArgument(Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.ldo.syntax.LdoArgument
addArgument(Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.FunctionalTerm
Appends the given argument to this term's arguments and returns itself.
addArgument(Term<?>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces.Atom
Adds an argument to the atom's argument list
addArgument(Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.FolAtom
Appends the given argument to this atom's arguments and returns itself.
addArgument(Term<?>) - Method in class
addArgument(Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPAtom
addArgument(Term<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.StrictNegation
addArgumentType(Sort) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces.TypedStructure
Adds the given Sort as argument type to the typed Structure
addArgumentType(Sort) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.TypedStructureAdapter
addArgumentType(Sort) - Method in class
addAssumption(PlFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.causal.syntax.KnowledgeBase
Adds a background assumption to this knowledge base.
addAssumption(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaTheory
Add assumption to theory
addAttack(String, String, String, double) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.PEEAFTheory
Adds attack from the identifier of an argument to the identifier of the argument, support or attack.
addAttack(HashSet<Argument>, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAf
Adds an attack from the first argument to the second to this SetAf theory.
addAttack(Set<BArgument>, Set<BArgument>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractEAFTheory
Add an attack with sets
addAttack(ArgumentSet, BArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.EvidentialArgumentationFramework
Adds an attack from the set of arguments to the argument to this evidential argumentation system.
addAttack(BArgument, BArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.DeductiveArgumentationFramework
Adds an attack from the first argument to the second to this deductive argumentation system.
addAttack(BArgument, BArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.EvidentialArgumentationFramework
Adds an attack from the first argument to the second to this evidential argumentation system.
addAttack(BArgument, BArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.NecessityArgumentationFramework
Adds an attack from the first argument to the second to this necessity argumentation system.
addAttack(BipolarEntity, BipolarEntity) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractEAFTheory
Add an attack with sets
addAttack(BipolarEntity, BipolarEntity) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.PEAFTheory
Add attack between arguments with indices
addAttack(EAttack) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractEAFTheory
Add an attack
addAttack(InducedArgument, InducedArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.causal.syntax.InducedTheory
Adds an attack from the first argument to the second to this theory.
addAttack(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.causal.syntax.InducedTheory
addAttack(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.DungTheory
Adds an attack from the first argument to the second to thisDdung theory.
addAttack(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.WeightedDungTheory
add attack between both arguments to the theory and set weight to 1
addAttack(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.syntax.ExtendedTheory
Adds an attack to the theory
addAttack(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.syntax.RecursiveExtendedTheory
Adds an attack between arguments to the theory.
addAttack(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAf
Adds an attack from the first argument to the second to this SetAf theory.
addAttack(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.syntax.WeightedArgumentationFramework
Adds an attack from the first argument to the second to this weighted Dung theory.
addAttack(Argument, Argument, double) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.WeightedDungTheory
add attack between both arguments to the theory and set weight to given value
addAttack(Argument, Argument, T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.syntax.WeightedArgumentationFramework
Adds an attack from the first argument to the second to this weighted Dung theory.
addAttack(Argument, Attack) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.syntax.ExtendedTheory
Adds an attack to the theory
addAttack(Argument, ExtendedAttack) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.extended.syntax.RecursiveExtendedTheory
Adds a recursive attack to the theory.
addAttack(Attack) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.weighted.syntax.WeightedArgumentationFramework
Adds the given attack to this weighted Dung theory.
addAttackLinks() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.InducibleEAF
adds atack links
addAxiom(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgumentationTheory
Adds an axiom, i.e.
addBackgroundAtom(Proposition) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.causal.syntax.CausalModel
Adds a specified atom to the background atoms of this instance.
addBeliefbase(Collection<? extends Formula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.gui.RevisionCompareModel
Adds a belief base to the end of the ordered list of belief bases.
addBody(ASPBodyElement) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Add the given body element to this rule.
addBodyElements(Collection<? extends ASPBodyElement>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Add the given body elements to this rule.
addChild(FrequentPatternTree.FrequentPatternTreeNode<S>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.FrequentPatternTree.FrequentPatternTreeNode
Adds the child to this node
addConditional(Conditional) - Method in class
Adds the given Conditional to the ConditionalStructure and updates the structure.
addConditionalConditionalGenerators() - Method in class
addConditionalSignature() - Method in class
addConditionalWorldGenerators() - Method in class
addDefiniteArgument(Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.IncompleteTheory
adds definite argument
addDefiniteAttack(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.IncompleteTheory
adds definite attack
addDirectSub(AspicArgument<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgument
Adds a subargument
addEntry(AgentGenerator<T, R>, Map<AgentGenerator<T, R>, Double>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.sim.SimulationResult
Adds a new entry of a simulation run.
addExplainableAtom(Proposition, Equivalence) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.causal.syntax.CausalModel
Adds a specified atom to the explainable atoms of this instance and the specified equivalence as a structural equation for this atom.
addFact(C) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces.LogicProgram
Adds the given fact to the program
addFact(FolFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.nlp.syntax.NLPProgram
Adds a fact to the nested logic program.
addFact(ASPLiteral) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.Program
Adds a fact to this program.
addFact(ClassicalHead) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.Program
addFacts(C...) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces.LogicProgram
Adds the given facts to the program
addFacts(FolFormula...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.nlp.syntax.NLPProgram
Adds multiple facts to the nested logic program.
addFacts(ClassicalHead...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.Program
addField(String, String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.plugin.PluginOutput
Adds a new `OutputField` to the list of fields with the specified description and value.
addField(OutputField) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.plugin.PluginOutput
Adds a new `OutputField` to the list of fields.
addFrom(PEEAFTheory.Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.PEEAFTheory.Support
Adds the argument into the set of arguments that originates the support
addFromSampler(Iterator<U>, int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.InconsistencyMeasureEvaluator
Add n knowledge bases from the given iterator (e.g., a random sampler) to the testing dataset.
addGroundingRequirement(GroundingRequirement) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.description.syntax.CLaw
Adds a grounding requirement to this CLaw.
addIncomingArk(Ark) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Transition
Add a new incoming ark to this transition
addInconsistencyListener(InconsistencyListener) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.streams.DefaultStreamBasedInconsistencyMeasure
addInconsistencyListener(InconsistencyListener) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.streams.StreamBasedInconsistencyMeasure
Add a listener to this measure.
addInconsistencyMeasure(BeliefSetInconsistencyMeasure<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.InconsistencyMeasureEvaluator
Adds the given inconsistency measure.
addInitialMarking(Marking) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.PetriNet
add a designated initial marking
ADDITIONOFATTACKBRANCH - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.postulates.RankingPostulate
ADDITIONOFDEFENSEBRANCH - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.postulates.RankingPostulate
addKnowledgeBase(U) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.InconsistencyMeasureEvaluator
Adds the given knowledge base to the testing dataset.
addKnowledgeBases(List<U>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.analysis.InconsistencyMeasureEvaluator
Adds the given knowledge bases to the testing dataset.
addLabels(List<String>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.Plotter
Add some description to the frame
addLabels(List<String>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.util.GraphPlotter
Add some description to the panel
addLane(Lane) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.Process
Add a lane to this process
addLanes(Set<Lane>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.Process
Add multiple lanes to this process
addListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.gui.RevisionCompareModel
Adds a property change listener
addListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionCompareModel
Adds a property change listener to this model.
addListener(UpdateListener<T>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.preferences.aggregation.DynamicPreferenceAggregator
The add-method for listeners for a dynamic preference aggregator
addListener(UpdateListener<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.aggregation.DynamicScoringPreferenceAggregator
adds a listener to this dynamic preference aggregator
addNegation(T, T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaTheory
Adds a negation of form not formula = negation
addNegativeInstance(Postulate<S>, Collection<S>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.postulates.PostulateEvaluationReport
Adds a negative instance for the given postulate
addNode(BpmnNode) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.Process
Add a node to this process
addNotApplicableInstance(Postulate<S>, Collection<S>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.postulates.PostulateEvaluationReport
Adds an instance that is not applicable for the given postulate
addObservation(A, S) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.rl.mdp.Episode
Adds some observation (action, state pair)
addOperator(BaseRevisionOperator<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.gui.RevisionCompareModel
Adds the given revision operator to the set of selectable revision methods.
addOperator(BaseRevisionOperator<?>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.gui.SimpleRevisionCompareModel
Adds the given revision operator to the set of selectable revision methods.
addOption(String) - Method in class
Adds a single command line parameter.
addOrdinaryPremise(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgumentationTheory
Adds an ordinary premise, i.e.
addOutgoingArk(Ark) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Transition
Add a new outgoing ark to this transition
addPair(T, T, Relation) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.PreferenceOrder
adds two given (single) elements as pair into the set
addParameter(CommandParameter) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.plugin.AbstractTweetyPlugin
adds new command parameter to this plugin
addParameter(CommandParameter) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.plugin.PreferencesPlugin
addPositiveInstance(Postulate<S>, Collection<S>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.postulates.PostulateEvaluationReport
Adds a positive instance for the given postulate (that is applicable)
addPossibleArgument(Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.IncompleteTheory
adds possible argument
addPossibleAttack(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.IncompleteTheory
adds uncertain argument
addPostulate(Postulate<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.postulates.PostulateEvaluator
Adds the given postulate
addPremise(FolFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.syntax.DelpRule
addPremise(FolFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rcl.syntax.RelationalConditional
addPremise(FolFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.nlp.syntax.NLPRule
addPremise(PlFormula) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax.SimplePlRule
Adds a premise to the rule.
addPremise(PlFormula) - Method in class
addPremise(Proposition) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax.BasicArgument
addPremise(ASPBodyElement) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
addPremise(P) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.commons.util.rules.Rule
Add the given premise to this rule.
addPremise(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.Assumption
addPremise(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.InferenceRule
addPremise(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.InferenceRule
addPremises(Collection<? extends FolFormula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.syntax.DelpRule
addPremises(Collection<? extends FolFormula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rcl.syntax.RelationalConditional
addPremises(Collection<? extends FolFormula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.nlp.syntax.NLPRule
addPremises(Collection<? extends PlFormula>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.syntax.SimplePlRule
Adds a collection of premises to the rule.
addPremises(Collection<? extends PlFormula>) - Method in class
addPremises(Collection<? extends Proposition>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax.BasicArgument
addPremises(Collection<? extends ASPBodyElement>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
addPremises(Collection<? extends P>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.commons.util.rules.Rule
Add the given premises to this rule.
addPremises(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.Assumption
addPremises(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.InferenceRule
addPremises(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.InferenceRule
addPrimaFacie(BArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.EvidentialArgumentationFramework
Adds a argument with evidential support to this evidential argumentation system If the argument is already in this evidential argumentation system, adds evidential support
addProbabilityNormalizationConstraint(ExpressionsBasedModel) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.util.OjAlgoPclUtils
Add probability normalization constraint to model (all probabilities have to sum to 1).
addProtocolListener(ProtocolListener) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.agents.AbstractProtocol
addProtocolListener(ProtocolListener) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.agents.Protocol
Adds the given listener to this protocol.
addRule(InferenceRule<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgumentationTheory
Adds an inference rule
addSignature(Signature) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.DualSetSignature
addSignature(Signature) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.QuadrupleSetSignature
addSignature(Signature) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.commons.Signature
Adds the elements of the given signature to this signature.
addSignature(Signature) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.SingleSetSignature
addSignature(Signature) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.TripleSetSignature
addSignature(Signature) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.BpmnSignature
addState(Set<FolAtom>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.transitionsystem.TransitionSystem
Creates a new state and adds it to this transition system.
addState(State) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.transitionsystem.TransitionSystem
Adds a state to this transition system.
addStatementToGurobi(Statement, Integer) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.GurobiOptimizer
parses a statement into a gurobi constrant and adds it to the model
addStructuralEquation(Equivalence) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.causal.syntax.CausalModel
Adds a specified equivalence to the structural equations of this instance.
addSubDeduction(Deduction<T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.Deduction
Adds a subdeduction
addSubGraph(T, SimpleGraph<T>, T, String) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.SimpleGraph
Adds a graph as a subgraph
addSubProcess(Process) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.Process
Add a process to this process
addSupport(String, String[], String, double) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.PEEAFTheory
Adds support to PEEAF with from identifiers of arguments and to the identifier of the targeted argument
addSupport(HashSet<BArgument>, HashSet<BArgument>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.EAFTheory
Add a support with index arrays (froms and tos)
addSupport(Set<BArgument>, Set<BArgument>, double) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.PEAFTheory
Add a support with sets for many to many mapping
addSupport(ArgumentSet, BArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.EvidentialArgumentationFramework
Adds a support from a set of arguments to an argument to this argumentation framework.
addSupport(ArgumentSet, BArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.NecessityArgumentationFramework
Adds a support from a set of arguments to an argument to this argumentation framework.
addSupport(BArgument, BArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.EvidentialArgumentationFramework
Adds a support from the first argument to the second to this argumentation framework.
addSupport(BArgument, BArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.NecessityArgumentationFramework
Adds a support from the first argument to the second to this argumentation framework.
addSupport(BipolarEntity, BArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.DeductiveArgumentationFramework
Adds a support from the first argument to the second to this bipolar argumentation framework.
addSupport(S) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractEAFTheory
Add a support
addTerm(Term) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.math.term.AssociativeOperation
Adds the given term to this operation.
addToConclusion(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AssociationRule
Adds the given object to the conclusion.
addToHead(ASPLiteral) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Add the given literal to the head of the rule.
addTokens(int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Place
Add tokens
addToOutputWhitelist(Predicate) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.Program
Adds the given predicate to the whitelist of predicates.
addToPremise(T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AssociationRule
Adds the given object to the premise.
addTransition(Transition) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.action.transitionsystem.TransitionSystem
Adds a given transition to this transition system.
ADFExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.examples
Example code illustrating Abstract Dialectical Frameworks (ADFs) with different semantics.
ADFExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.examples.ADFExample
ADJUNCTIONINVARIANCE - Static variable in class
adjustBeginLineColumn(int, int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
adjustBeginLineColumn(int, int) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclcondensedprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
adjustBeginLineColumn(int, int) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.parser.rpclprobabilitydistributionparser.SimpleCharStream
Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
adjustBeginLineColumn(int, int) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.SimpleCharStream
Method to adjust line and column numbers for the start of a token.
adjustBeginLineColumn(int, int) - Method in class
Adjusts the line and column numbers for the start of a token.
ADM - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
ADMISSIBILITY - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles.Principle
The admissibility principle
AdmissibilityPrinciple - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles
Admissibility Principle
AdmissibilityPrinciple() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles.AdmissibilityPrinciple
admissible() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.query.SemanticsStep
Return admissible
admissible(AbstractDialecticalFramework) - Static method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.execution.Semantics
ADMISSIBLE - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.equivalence.kernel.EquivalenceKernel
ADMISSIBLE_SEMANTICS - Static variable in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.ExtensionRankingSemantics
class for extension ranking semantics
ADMISSIBLE_SEMANTICS - Static variable in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics.Semantics
all semantics
admissibleExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.examples
A demonstration class for showing how to use the Deductive Argumentation Framework with different admissible reasoners.
admissibleExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.examples.admissibleExample
Default Constructor
AdmissibleExample() - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.examples.PrincipleExample
AdmissibleKernel - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.equivalence.kernel
Kernel AK = (A, R') for strong equivalence wrt.
AdmissibleKernel() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.equivalence.kernel.AdmissibleKernel
AdmissibleMaximizer - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.processor
Maximizes a given interpretation, but only counts admissible interpretations as larger.
AdmissibleReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
since 1.19, for removal in future versions
AdmissibleReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.reasoner.evidential
a set of arguments S is admissible iff it is conflict-free and all elements of S are acceptable wrt.
AdmissibleReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.reasoner.necessity
a set of arguments S is admissible iff it is strongly coherent and defends all of its arguments.
AdmissibleReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.reasoner.evidential.AdmissibleReasoner
Default Constructor
AdmissibleReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.reasoner.necessity.AdmissibleReasoner
Default Constructor
AdmissibleReasoner(IncrementalSatSolver) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.AdmissibleReasoner
Constructs an AdmissibleReasoner with the specified SAT solver.
AdmissibleReasoning() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.NecessityArgumentationTest
AFLearner - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning
Interface for the learning algorithm
AFLearnerExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.examples
Showcasing how to use the implementation of the AFLearner for learning argumentation frameworks from labelings
AFLearnerExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.examples.AFLearnerExample
Agent - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents
An agent is a possibly proactive entity situated in some environment.
Agent(String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.Agent
Creates a new agent with the given name.
AgentGenerator<T,S> - Interface in org.tweetyproject.agents.sim
This interface defines an agent template that is used to generate agents following some common characteristics.
aggregate(List<PreferenceOrder<T>>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.preferences.aggregation.DynamicPreferenceAggregator
Abstract class for implementation of dynamic preference aggregation
aggregate(List<PreferenceOrder<T>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.aggregation.DynamicScoringPreferenceAggregator
This method aggregates the given preference orders according to the WeightVector used within construction
aggregate(List<PreferenceOrder<T>>) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.preferences.aggregation.PreferenceAggregator
Abstract class for implementation of different aggregation and scoring methods
aggregate(List<PreferenceOrder<T>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.preferences.aggregation.ScoringPreferenceAggregator
Implementation of the aggregation of a given input-array of sets and a weight vector
Aggregate() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
Return Aggregate
AGGREGATE_COUNT - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Constants
RegularExpression Id.
AGGREGATE_COUNT - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
AGGREGATE_MAX - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Constants
RegularExpression Id.
AGGREGATE_MAX - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
AGGREGATE_MIN - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Constants
RegularExpression Id.
AGGREGATE_MIN - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
AGGREGATE_SUM - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Constants
RegularExpression Id.
AGGREGATE_SUM - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
AGGREGATE_SUM_PLUS - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
AGGREGATE_TIMES - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
AggregateAtom - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
This class represents an aggregate.
AggregateAtom() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Empty default constructor.
AggregateAtom(List<ASPBodyElement>, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Creates a new cardinality rule, meaning an aggregate of the form "leftBound <= #count { elements } <= rightBound" with the given literals and the given integer bounds.
AggregateAtom(AggregateAtom) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
AggregateAtom(ASPOperator.AggregateFunction, List<AggregateElement>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Creates a new Aggregate with the given aggregate function and the given aggregate elements.
AggregateAtom(ASPOperator.AggregateFunction, List<AggregateElement>, ASPOperator.BinaryOperator, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Creates a new Aggregate of the form "#func { elements } op rightBound" with the given aggregate function #func, the given aggregate elements, the given aggregate relation op and the given rightBound.
AggregateAtom(ASPOperator.AggregateFunction, List<AggregateElement>, ASPOperator.BinaryOperator, int, ASPOperator.BinaryOperator, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Creates a new Aggregate of the form "leftBound op #func { elements } op rightBound" with the given aggregate function, the given aggregate elements, and the given left and right aggregate relations and integer bounds.
AggregateAtom(ASPOperator.AggregateFunction, List<AggregateElement>, ASPOperator.BinaryOperator, Term<?>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Creates a new Aggregate of the form "#func { elements } op rightBound" with the given aggregate function #func, the given aggregate elements, the given aggregate relation op and the given rightBound.
AggregateAtom(ASPOperator.AggregateFunction, List<AggregateElement>, ASPOperator.BinaryOperator, Term<?>, ASPOperator.BinaryOperator, Term<?>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateAtom
Creates a new Aggregate of the form "leftBound leftOp #func { elements } rightOp rightBound" with the given aggregate function, the given aggregate elements, and the given left and right aggregate relations and bounds.
AggregateElement - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
This class models an aggregate element, meaning a set of terms and a set of naf literals (= literals or default negated literals).
AggregateElement(List<Term<?>>, List<ASPBodyElement>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateElement
Creates a new Aggregate Element with the given list of terms and the given list of naf literals.
AggregateElement(Term<?>, List<ASPBodyElement>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateElement
Creates a new Aggregate Element with the given single term and the given list of naf literals.
AggregateElement(Term<?>, ASPBodyElement) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateElement
Creates a new Aggregate Element with the given single term and the given single literal.
AggregateElement(Term<?>, ASPBodyElement...) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateElement
Creates a new Aggregate Element with the given single term and the given naf literals.
AggregateElement(AggregateElement) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateElement
AggregateElement() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
Return AggrElement
AggregateElements() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
Return AggrElementList
AggregateExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.examples
Some more examples on how aggregates work.
AggregateExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.examples.AggregateExample
Default Constructor
AggregateFunction() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
Return AggrFunc
AggregateHead - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
This class is a variant of the basic ASP rule head.
AggregateHead() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateHead
Creates a new empty ASPAggregateHead.
AggregateHead(List<ASPBodyElement>, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateHead
Creates a new cardinality rule head.
AggregateHead(AggregateAtom) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.AggregateHead
Creates a new ASPAggregateHead with the given aggregate atom.
AggregateTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserTest
aggregation test
AggregatingCoherenceMeasure - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.analysis
This coherence measure uses an aggregation function and a distance function to measure the coherence of an MLN.
AggregatingCoherenceMeasure(RealVectorNorm, AggregationFunction) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.analysis.AggregatingCoherenceMeasure
AggregatingNorm - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.norm
This norm uses an aggregator on the 1-norm distance of each value.
AggregatingNorm(AggregationFunction) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.norm.AggregatingNorm
Creates a new distance function with the given aggregator.
AggregatingSemantics - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics
This class implements aggregating semantics due to [Kern-Isberner, Thimm, KR'2010].
AggregatingSemantics() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.AggregatingSemantics
Default Constructor
AggregationFunction - Interface in org.tweetyproject.math.func
This class aggregates a list of doubles to a single double.
AlchemyExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.examples
Example code illustrating the use of the Alchemy reasoner.
AlchemyExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.examples.AlchemyExample
Default constructor for AlchemyExample.
AlchemyMlnReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.reasoner
This class implements a wrapper for Alchemy in order to reason with MLNs.
AlchemyMlnReasoner() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.reasoner.AlchemyMlnReasoner
allAttacks(Collection<Assumption<T>>, Collection<Assumption<T>>, AbaTheory<T>) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics.AbaAttack
Returns all attacks from the given attacking set to the given attacked set.
allAttacks(AbaTheory<T>) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics.AbaAttack
Returns all attacks between arguments in the given AbaTheory.
allBijections(Collection<E>, Collection<F>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.MapTools
Computes all bijections from E to F.
allDerivations(Collection<? extends S>) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.rules.Derivation
Returns the set of all possible derivations from the set of rules.
allDerivations(Collection<? extends S>, Formula) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.rules.Derivation
Returns the set of all possible derivations with the given conclusion from the set of rules.
allGroundInstances(Set<Constant>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaElement
Computes all ground instances of all inner fol formulas wrt.
allGroundInstances(Set<Constant>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.InferenceRule
allGroundInstances(Set<Constant>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.RelationalFormula
Computes all ground instances of this relational formula wrt.
allMaps(Map<Set<E>, Set<F>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.MapTools
Computes the complete set of maps from E to F such that the following condition holds.
allMaps(Set<? extends E>, Set<? extends F>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.MapTools
This methods computes all maps from domain to range.
allMapsSingleSource(Map<E, Set<F>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.MapTools
Computes the complete set of maps from E to F such that the following condition holds.
ALLOWING_ABSTENTION - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles.Principle
The allowing abstention principle
AllowingAbstentionPrinciple - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles
Allowing abstention principle
AllowingAbstentionPrinciple() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.principles.AllowingAbstentionPrinciple
AllPEAFInducerExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.examples
Example class demonstrating the use of the PEAF (Preference-based Argumentation Framework) inducer.
AllPEAFInducerExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.examples.AllPEAFInducerExample
Default Constructor
allPossibleWorlds - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.CADFSemantics
all possible wworlds
allSubstitutions(Collection<? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaElement
Computes all possible substitutions, i.e.
allSubstitutions(Collection<? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.InferenceRule
Computes all possible substitutions, i.e.
allSubstitutions(Collection<? extends Term<?>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.RelationalFormula
Computes all possible substitutions, i.e.
allTrue() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.ThreeValuedBitSet
Checks if all elements in the bitSet are true.
allTrue() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfconditional.GeneralValuedBitSet
Return true, if all values are set to max value
AlwaysQuery - Class in org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax
This class represents an always query in the action query language S.
AlwaysQuery(FolFormula) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.action.query.syntax.AlwaysQuery
Creates a new always query with the given inner formula.
Analysis - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.analysis
The interface of the analyses in arg.peaf
AnalysisExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.examples
Example code illustrating the use of inconsistency measures and repairing approaches for probabilistic conditional logic.
AnalysisExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.pcl.examples.AnalysisExample
Default Constructor
AnalysisResult - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.analysis
Represents the result of an analysis, including performance metrics and analysis type.
AnalysisResult(double, long, AnalysisType, double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.analysis.AnalysisResult
Constructs an AnalysisResult with the specified parameters.
AnalysisType - Enum in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.analysis
The types of analysis supported by arg.peaf
and(Double, Double) - Method in class
and(Collection<L>) - Method in class
The AND-operation on all given arguments
and(L, L) - Method in class
The AND-operation on L in this framework
and(AcceptanceCondition) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.AcceptanceCondition.Builder
and(AcceptanceCondition...) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.AcceptanceCondition.Builder
and(PriestWorld.TruthValue) - Method in enum
Return AND
and(PriestWorldAdapted.TruthValue) - Method in enum org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfrevision.PriestWorldAdapted.TruthValue
Return TruthValue
ANONYMOUS_VARIABLE - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Constants
RegularExpression Id.
ANONYMOUS_VARIABLE - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
answer(String) - Method in class
Sets the answer for this object and returns the instance of AbaReasonerResponse.
answer(String) - Method in class
Sets the answer provided by the DeLP response.
answer(String) - Method in class
Sets the answer provided by the Dung reasoner response.
AnswerSet - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.semantics
An answer set is a belief set which only contains literals and represents the deductive belief set of an extended logic program under the answer set semantic.
AnswerSet() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.semantics.AnswerSet
Creates a new empty AnswerSet.
AnswerSet(Collection<ASPLiteral>, int, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.semantics.AnswerSet
Creates a new empty AnswerSet with the given level and weight.
AnswerSet(AnswerSet) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.semantics.AnswerSet
AnswerSet() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
AntCol_Environment(double[][]) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.AntColonyOptimization.AntCol_Environment
AntColonyOptimization - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver
This class implements the ant colony algorithm using isula ( for combinatrics problems
AntColonyOptimization(int, double, int, double, double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.AntColonyOptimization
AntColonyOptimization.AntCol_Environment - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver
ANY - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.Sort
Default sort for terms of equality/inequality predicates.
ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizer - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver
This class is a wrapper for the Apache Commons Math3 CMAES optimizer (
ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizer(int, int, double, boolean, int, int, double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizer
Parameters from org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.noderiv.CMAESOptimizer:
ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizerEx - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
This class implements an example for the ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizer
ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizerEx() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizerEx
ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizerTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.test
ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizerTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.test.ApacheCommonsCMAESOptimizerTest
ApacheCommonsNonLinearConjugateGradientOptimizer - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver
This class is a wrapper for the Apache Commons Math3 Non-Linear Conjugate Gradient Optimizer (
ApacheCommonsNonLinearConjugateGradientOptimizer(int, double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.ApacheCommonsNonLinearConjugateGradientOptimizer
Creates a new solver.
ApacheCommonsNonLinearConjugateGradientOptimizerEx - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
This class implements an example for the ApacheCommonsNonLinearConjugateGradientOptimizer
ApacheCommonsNonLinearConjugateGradientOptimizerEx() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.ApacheCommonsNonLinearConjugateGradientOptimizerEx
ApacheCommonsSimplex - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver
This class is a wrapper for the Apache Commons Math Simplex implementation.
ApacheCommonsSimplex() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.opt.solver.ApacheCommonsSimplex
ApacheCommonsSimplexEx - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
This class implements an example for the Apache Commons SimplexSolver.
ApacheCommonsSimplexEx() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.ApacheCommonsSimplexEx
ApacheCommonsSimplexEx2 - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.examples
This class is a second example for the ApacheCommonsSimplexSolver.
ApacheCommonsSimplexEx2() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.examples.ApacheCommonsSimplexEx2
app(DefaultRule) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rdl.semantics.DefaultSequence
Constructs a new DefaultSequence
apply() - Method in interface
Applies the rule
apply() - Method in class
apply(K) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.util.CacheMap
APPROX - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.analysis.AnalysisType
see ApproxAnalysis
ApproxAnalysis - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.analysis
This class implements approximate probabilistic justification of a set of queries using Monte Carlo Sampling of induced EAFs from a PEAF.
ApproxAnalysis(PEAFTheory, AbstractExtensionReasoner, double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.analysis.ApproxAnalysis
Creates an ApproxAnalysis object
ApproximateJustificationAnalysisExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.examples
Demonstrates the use of exact and approximate justification analysis on a PEAFTheory.
ApproximateJustificationAnalysisExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.examples.ApproximateJustificationAnalysisExample
Default Constructor
ApproximateNaiveMlnReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.reasoner
This reasoner performs approximate reasoning with MLNs by considering only a subset of all Herbrand interpretations.
ApproximateNaiveMlnReasoner(long, long) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.reasoner.ApproximateNaiveMlnReasoner
Creates a new ApproximateNaiveMlnReasoner.
ApproximationExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.examples
Example code illustrating the use of the sampling-based MLN reasoner.
ApproximationExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.mln.examples.ApproximationExample
Default constructor for ApproximationExample.
ApproxPEAFInducer - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.inducers
ApproxPEAFInducer induces a set of random EAFs from a PEAF
ApproxPEAFInducer(PEAFTheory) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.inducers.ApproxPEAFInducer
The default constructor for the ApproxPEAFInducer
AprioriMiner<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc
Implements the classical Apriori algorithm for association rule mining, cf.
AprioriMiner(double, double) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AprioriMiner
Creates a new Apriori miner with the given minimum support and minimum confidence values.
AprioriTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc
AprioriTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AprioriTest
APX - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.parser.FileFormat
ApxFilenameFilter - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.parser
Filename filter for APX files.
ApxFilenameFilter() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.parser.ApxFilenameFilter
ApxParser - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.parser
Parses abstract argumentation frameworks in the logic programming format which is given by the following BNF (start symbol is S):

S ::== "" | "arg" "(" ARGUMENT ")" "\n" S | "att" "(" ARGUMENT "," ARGUMENT ")" "\n" S
where "ARGUMENT" represents any string (without blanks) as a terminal symbol.
ApxParser() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.parser.ApxParser
ApxWriter - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.writer
Writes an abstract argumentation framework into a file of the APX format.
ApxWriter() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.writer.ApxWriter
areAdjacent(BArgument, BArgument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.AbstractBipolarFramework
areAdjacent(SerialisationNode, SerialisationNode) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.serialisability.semantics.SerialisationGraph
areAdjacent(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.DungTheory
areAdjacent(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.setaf.syntax.SetAf
areAdjacent(Node, Node) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.HyperGraph
areAdjacent(BpmnNode, BpmnNode) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.BpmnModel
areAdjacent(PetriNetNode, PetriNetNode) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.PetriNet
areAdjacent(Marking, Marking) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.reachability_graph.ReachabilityGraph
areAdjacent(T, T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.DefaultGraph
areAdjacent(T, T) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.graphs.DirHyperGraph
Returns "true" iff the two nodes are connected by a directed edge from a to b or an undirected edge.
areAdjacent(T, T) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.graphs.Graph
Returns "true" iff the two nodes are connected by a directed edge from a to b or an undirected edge.
areDisconnected(Collection<? extends T>, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.graphs.SimpleGraph
Compute whether nodesA and nodesB are disconnected and thus d-separated in the graph
areEquivalent(Constant, Constant) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.syntax.RpclBeliefSet
Checks whether the two given constants are equivalent wrt.
ARG__CALLED_PLUGIN - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.plugins.CliMain
The argument name for the called plugin
ARG__CALLED_PLUGIN_SHORT - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.plugins.CliMain
The argument name for the called plugin (short)
ARG__DEBUG_FLAG - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.plugins.CliMain
The argument name for debugging output
ARG__DEBUG_FLAG_SHORT - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.plugins.CliMain
The argument name for debugging output (short)
ARG__INPUT_FILES - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.plugins.CliMain
The argument name for the input file(s)
ARG__INPUT_FILES - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for the input file(s)
ARG__INPUT_FILES_SHORT - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.plugins.CliMain
The argument name for the input file(s) (short)
ARG__INPUT_FILES_SHORT - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for the input file(s) (short)
ARG__INPUT_PARSER - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for the parser(s) used for reading the input file(s)
ARG__INPUT_PARSER_SHORT - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for the parser(s) used for reading the input file(s) (short)
ARG__LOG_FILE - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for the file used for logging (if this parameter is not set, logging is performed on the standard output)
ARG__LOG_FILE_SHORT - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for the file used for logging (if this parameter is not set, logging is performed on the standard output) (short)
ARG__LOG_LEVEL - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for the log level (The possible values are described by TweetyConfiguration.LogLevel, default is TweetyConfiguration.LogLevel.INFO)
ARG__LOG_LEVEL_SHORT - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for the log level (The possible values are described by TweetyConfiguration.LogLevel, default is TweetyConfiguration.LogLevel.INFO) (short)
ARG__OPTIONS - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for advanced options
ARG__OPTIONS_SHORT - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for advanced options (short)
ARG__OUTPUT_FILE - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.plugins.CliMain
The argument name for the output file
ARG__OUTPUT_FILE - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for the output file
ARG__OUTPUT_FILE_SHORT - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.plugins.CliMain
The argument name for the output file (short)
ARG__OUTPUT_FILE_SHORT - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for the output file (short)
ARG__OUTPUT_WRITER - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for the writer used for writing the output file.
ARG__OUTPUT_WRITER_SHORT - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for the writer used for writing the output file (short)
ARG__QUERY - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for a query
ARG__QUERY_SHORT - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.cli.TweetyCli
The argument name for a query
argRepresentation() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.TestArguments
ArgSysTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.AspicTest
ArguingAgent - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels
This class represent a general arguing agent with an belief state.
ArguingAgent(GroundedGameSystem.AgentFaction, BeliefState) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.oppmodels.ArguingAgent
Create a new agent with the given name and belief state.
Argument - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax
An immutable representation of an ADF argument
Argument - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax
This class models an argument used by Dung's abstract argumentation theory and is just described by its name.
Argument - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.syntax
Instances of this class represent arguments in the sense of Definition 2 in [1].
Argument() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.Argument
Argument(String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.Argument
Argument(String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.Argument
Default constructor that assigns the given name to this argument
Argument(List<ASPRule>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.syntax.Argument
Constructs an `Argument` object initialized with a list of ASP rules.
Argument(ASPRule) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.syntax.Argument
Constructs an `Argument` object initialized with a single ASP rule.
ArgumentationEnvironment - Class in org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues
This class models the environment for agents in argumentation games.
ArgumentationEnvironment(DungTheory) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.ArgumentationEnvironment
Creates a new grounded environment.
ArgumentationFramework<Arg> - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax
Represents a generic interface for argumentation frameworks in the context of Dung's theory.
ArgumentationKnowledgeBase - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.syntax
Instances of this class represent the set of minimal arguments from a extended logic program
ArgumentationKnowledgeBase(Program) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.syntax.ArgumentationKnowledgeBase
Constructs an `ArgumentationKnowledgeBase` object initialized with a given program.
ArgumentationLottery - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.lotteries
This class implements an argumentation lottery, i.e.
ArgumentationLottery(Collection<Division>, SubgraphProbabilityFunction, Semantics) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.prob.lotteries.ArgumentationLottery
Creates a new lottery for the given set of divisions using the given probability function and semantics.
ArgumentationReasoner - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.reasoner
This class models a reasoner for extended logic programming based arguments using the fixpoint semantics from [1] parameterised by a notion of attack x for the opponent and another notion of attack y as a defense for the proponent.
ArgumentationReasoner(AttackStrategy, AttackStrategy) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.reasoner.ArgumentationReasoner
Creates a new ArgumentationReasoner parameterised by a notion of attack for the opponent and another notion of attack for the defense
ArgumentationReasonerTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.argumentation.parameterisedhierarchy
ArgumentationReasonerTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.argumentation.parameterisedhierarchy.ArgumentationReasonerTest
ArgumentativeRevisionOperator - Class in org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.operators
This class is an exemplary instantiation of a revision operator based on deductive argumentation [Kruempelmann:2011] where several parameters have been fixed: - the inner revision is a Levi revision which bases on the random kernel contraction - the transformation function is credulous - the accumulator used for deductive argumentation is the simple accumulator - the categorizer used for deductive argumentation is the classical categorizer
ArgumentativeRevisionOperator() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.operators.ArgumentativeRevisionOperator
Default constructor
ArgumentativeSelectiveRevisionTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision
This class implements a comparison application for selective revision operators using the SimpleRevisionCompare gui.
ArgumentativeSelectiveRevisionTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.ArgumentativeSelectiveRevisionTest
Default Constructor
ArgumentativeTransformationFunction - Class in org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.argumentative
This class implements the argumentative transformation functions proposed in [Kruempelmann:2011].
ArgumentativeTransformationFunction(Categorizer, Accumulator, PlBeliefSet, boolean) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.beliefdynamics.selectiverevision.argumentative.ArgumentativeTransformationFunction
Creates a new argumentative transformation function.
arguments - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.InducibleEAF
A subset of arguments from PEAF
arguments() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.semantics.interpretation.Interpretation
arguments() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.AcceptanceCondition
arguments() - Method in enum org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.acc.ContradictionAcceptanceCondition
arguments() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.syntax.Argument
ArgumentSet - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax
This class models a set of arguments used in the context of bipolar abstract argumentation theory.
ArgumentSet() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.ArgumentSet
Constructs an empty ArgumentSet.
ArgumentSet(Collection<? extends BArgument>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.ArgumentSet
Constructs an ArgumentSet initialized with a collection of arguments.
ArgumentSet(BArgument) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.ArgumentSet
Constructs an ArgumentSet with a single argument.
ArgumentSet(Extension<DungTheory>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.ArgumentSet
Constructs an ArgumentSet and initializes it with the arguments from a given Extension<DungTheory>.
ArgumentStatus - Enum in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.semantics
This enumeration enumerates the classical justification status of an argument.
ArgumentStructure - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax
This class models an argument structure, i.e.
ArgumentStructure() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax.ArgumentStructure
Creates a new empty argument structure.
ArgumentStructure(String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax.ArgumentStructure
ArgumentStructure(List<BasicArgument>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax.ArgumentStructure
Creates a new argument structure with the given list of arguments.
ArgumentTree - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.semantics
Instances of this class represent argument trees in the sense of Definition 6.1 in

Philippe Besnard and Anthony Hunter.
ArgumentTree(DeductiveArgumentNode) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.semantics.ArgumentTree
Creates an empty argument tree for the given root node.
AriTerm() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
ArithmeticTerm - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
This class represents an arithmetic term in the ASP-Core-2 format.
ArithmeticTerm(Triple<ASPOperator.ArithmeticOperator, Term<?>, Term<?>>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ArithmeticTerm
Create a new arithmetic term based on the given triple of an arithmetic operator and two terms.
ArithmeticTerm(Term<?>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ArithmeticTerm
Creates an arithmetic term of the form '-(t)'
ArithmeticTerm(ArithmeticTerm) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ArithmeticTerm
Create a new arithmetic term that is a copy of the given arithmetic term.
ArithmeticTerm(ASPOperator.ArithmeticOperator, Term<?>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ArithmeticTerm
Creates an arithmetic term of the form '-(t)'
ArithmeticTerm(ASPOperator.ArithmeticOperator, Term<?>, Term<?>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ArithmeticTerm
Create a new arithmetic term with the given operator and left and right term.
Arithop() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
Ark - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax
A class to describe arks in a Petri net
Ark(Place, Transition) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Ark
Create a new ark from a place to a transition
Ark(Place, Transition, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Ark
Create a new ark from a place to a transition with a certain weight
Ark(Transition, Place) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Ark
Create a new ark from a transition to a place
Ark(Transition, Place, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax.Ark
Create a new ark from a transition to a place with a certain weight
Ark.Direction - Enum in org.tweetyproject.logics.petri.syntax
ASCENDING - Enum constant in enum org.tweetyproject.comparator.NumericalPartialOrder.SortingType
the smallest ranking value is ranked first
AscendingNumericalRankingTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.RankingsTest
asDouble() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.BooleanCategory
asDouble() - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.Category
Returns a double representation of this category.
asDouble() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.DoubleCategory
asDungTheory() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaTheory
Return a Dung Theory derived from this ABA theory
asDungTheory() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgumentationTheory
This method transfers this Aspic+ theory into a Dung style argumentation system
asDungTheory(boolean) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgumentationTheory
This method transfers this Aspic+ theory into a Dung style argumentation system
ASPAtom - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
This class models an atom, which is a basic structure for building literals and rules for logic programs.
ASPAtom() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPAtom
Empty constructor.
ASPAtom(String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPAtom
Creates a new atom with the given predicate name and no terms.
ASPAtom(String, Term<?>...) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPAtom
Creates an atom with the given predicate as name and the given terms as argument
ASPAtom(Predicate) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPAtom
Creates a new ASPAtom with the given predicate.
ASPAtom(Predicate, List<Term<?>>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPAtom
Creates a new atom with the given predicate and terms.
ASPAtom(Predicate, Term<?>...) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPAtom
Creates a new atom with the given predicate and terms.
ASPAtom(FolAtom) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPAtom
Copy-Constructor: Generates a deep copy of the given FOL atom.
ASPAtom(ASPAtom) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPAtom
Copy-Constructor: Generates a deep copy of the given ASP atom.
ASPBodyElement - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
This class is a common base class for ASP formulas that can be part of an ASP rule body (premise of a rule): Literals (i.e.
ASPBodyElement() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPBodyElement
Default Constructor
ASPCore2Constants - Interface in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
Token literal values and constants.
ASPElement - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
This class acts as an abstract base class for elements of ASP rules.
ASPElement() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPElement
Default Constructor
ASPExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.examples
Example code for creating basic ASP programs and calling solvers and grounders.
ASPExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.examples.ASPExample
Default Constructor
AspFolTranslator - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspfol
This Translator can translate between FOL and ASP literals (without default negated literals).
AspFolTranslator() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspfol.AspFolTranslator
Default constructor for the AspFolTranslator class
ASPFOLTranslatorTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspfol
ASPFOLTranslatorTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspfol.ASPFOLTranslatorTest
ASPGrounder - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.grounder
This class provides a common interface for asp grounders.
ASPGrounder() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.grounder.ASPGrounder
Default Constructor
ASPHead - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
This class is a common base class for ASP formulas that can be part of an ASP rule head.
ASPHead() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPHead
Default Constructor
AspicArgument<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax
An argument according to the ASPIC+ specification
AspicArgument(InferenceRule<T>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgument
Creates an empty Argument
AspicArgument(InferenceRule<T>, Collection<AspicArgument<T>>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgument
Creates an empty Argument
AspicArgumentationTheory<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax
According to Modgil and Prakken, this represents an argumentation theory (AS, KB) with - AS argumentation system (e.g.
AspicArgumentationTheory(RuleFormulaGenerator<T>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.syntax.AspicArgumentationTheory
Constructs a new ASPIC argumentation theory
AspicAttack<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.semantics
Checks whether an argument defeats another argument
AspicAttack(AspicArgument<T>, AspicArgument<T>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.semantics.AspicAttack
Creates a new AspicAttack
AspicExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.examples
ASPIC example code that shows how to construct an ASPIC theory programmatically.
AspicExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.examples.AspicExample
AspicExample2 - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.examples
ASPIC example code that shows how to parse an ASPIC file and ask queries.
AspicExample2() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.examples.AspicExample2
AspicExampleFol - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.examples
Example code for using ASPIC with first-order-logic formulas.
AspicExampleFol() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.examples.AspicExampleFol
AspicGeneratorExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.examples
Exemplary code illustrating the use of the ASPIC theory generator.
AspicGeneratorExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.examples.AspicGeneratorExample
AspicGeneratorExample2 - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.examples
This code shows the use of the ASPIC theory generator.
AspicGeneratorExample2() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.examples.AspicGeneratorExample2
AspicGeneratorExample3 - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.examples
This code shows the use of the ASPIC theory generator.
AspicGeneratorExample3() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.examples.AspicGeneratorExample3
AspicParser<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.parser
Parses a Aspic Argumentation System out of an input text.
AspicParser(Parser<? extends BeliefBase, ? extends Formula>, RuleFormulaGenerator<T>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.parser.AspicParser
Constructs a new instance
AspicTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic
Several JUnit test for the package arg.aspic
AspicTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.AspicTest
AspicWriter<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.writer
For writing ASPIC argumentation theories to disk.
AspicWriter() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.writer.AspicWriter
AspifParser - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
This class is a parser for the aspif (ASP Intermediate Format) format, the output language of gringo (
AspifParser() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.AspifParser
Create a new AspifParser.
AspifParserTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
Tests for AspifParser (parser for the the output language of gringo).
AspifParserTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.AspifParserTest
AspInconsistencyMeasureTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.analysis
Tests the functionality of PmInconsistencyMeasure
AspInconsistencyMeasureTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.analysis.AspInconsistencyMeasureTest
ASPLiteral - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
This class defines common functionality for literals, meaning atoms or strictly negated atoms.
ASPLiteral() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPLiteral
Default Constructor
AspNlpTranslator - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspnlp
Translates between DLP under the answer set semantics (ASP) and NLP.
AspNlpTranslator() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspnlp.AspNlpTranslator
ASPNLPTranslatorTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspnlp
ASPNLPTranslatorTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.aspnlp.ASPNLPTranslatorTest
ASPOperator - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
This class collects some common operators used in ASP terms as well as the possible function names for aggregates.
ASPOperator() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPOperator
Default Constructor
ASPOperator.AggregateFunction - Enum in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
The following aggregate functions are supported by the ASP-Core-2 standard and by Tweety.
ASPOperator.ArithmeticOperator - Enum in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
The arithmetic operators that are supported by the ASP-Core-2 standard: PLUS (+), MINUS (-), TIMES (*), DIV (/)
In addition, the following operators from Clingo and DLV are supported: MODULO (\)
ASPOperator.BinaryOperator - Enum in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
The binary comparative operators that are supported by the ASP-Core-2 standard and by Tweety: LT (<), LEQ (<=), EQ (==), NEQ (!=), GT (>), GEQ (>=)
ASPOperator.ClingoPredicate - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
Additional special predicates of the clingo syntax that have no direct representation in the DLV or ASP-Core-2 format.
ASPOperator.DLVPredicate - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
Additional special predicates of the DLV syntax that have no direct representation in the Clingo or ASP-Core-2 format.
ASPOperator.OptimizeFunction - Enum in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
An enum representing optimization functions: MINIMIZE and MAXIMIZE.
ASPParser - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
Parser for ASP programs in the ASP-Core-2 syntax (
ASPParser(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
Constructor with InputStream
ASPParser(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
Constructor with InputStream and supplied encoding
ASPParser(Reader) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
ASPParser(ASPParserTokenManager) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParser
Constructor with generated Token Manager
ASPParserConstants - Interface in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
Token literal values and constants.
ASPParserExample - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.examples
Examples for parsing programs in Clingo and DLV syntax and using the respective solvers to solve them.
ASPParserExample() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.examples.ASPParserExample
ASPParserTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
This class tests all important functions of the ASP-Core-2 Parser in combination with InstantiateVisitor, which is responsible for walking through the parse-tree and generating in-memory classes of the parsed ASP program.
ASPParserTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserTest
ASPParserTokenManager - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
Token Manager.
ASPParserTokenManager(SimpleCharStream) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserTokenManager
ASPParserTokenManager(SimpleCharStream, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserTokenManager
ASPParserTreeConstants - Interface in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
parser tree constant
ASPParserVisitor - Interface in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
asPrograms() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.beliefdynamics.baserevision.ScreenedRemainderSets
Returns this set of remainder sets as a collection of programs where each program contains exactly the rules of one remainder set.
ASPRule - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax
This class models a rule in ASP.
ASPRule() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Empty constructor
ASPRule(List<ASPBodyElement>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Creates a constraint with the given body.
ASPRule(List<ASPBodyElement>, Term<?>, List<Term<?>>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Creates a weak constraint with the given weight and terms.
ASPRule(List<ASPBodyElement>, Term<?>, Term<?>, List<Term<?>>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Creates a weak constraint with the given weight, level (priority) and terms.
ASPRule(ASPHead) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Creates a fact with the given ASPHead.
ASPRule(ASPHead, List<ASPBodyElement>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Creates a rule with the given head and body.
ASPRule(ASPHead, ASPBodyElement) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Creates a rule with the given head and a single-element body.
ASPRule(ASPLiteral) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Creates a fact with the given literal.
ASPRule(ASPLiteral, List<ASPBodyElement>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Creates a rule with the given head and body.
ASPRule(ASPLiteral, ASPBodyElement) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Creates a rule with the given head and a single-element body.
ASPRule(ASPRule) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
ASPRule(OptimizationStatement) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.syntax.ASPRule
Creates a new rule with the given optimization statement.
ASPSolver - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner
This class provides a common interface for asp solvers.
ASPSolver() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.reasoner.ASPSolver
asRestrictedDungTheory(AspicArgumentationTheory<T>, boolean, T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.reasoner.DirectionalAspicReasoner
Generate restricted AF based on given theory and conclusion.
AssertionalAxiom - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax
Abstract base class for assertional axioms (concept assertions and role assertions) in description logic.
AssertionalAxiom() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AssertionalAxiom
Default constructor for AssertionalAxiom.
Association - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax
A class to represent Associations in a BPMN Model
Association(BpmnNode, BpmnNode) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.bpm.syntax.Association
Create a new Association between two nodes
AssociationRule<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc
An association rule in item set mining.
AssociationRule() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AssociationRule
Creates a new empty association rule.
AssociationRule(Collection<T>, Collection<T>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc.AssociationRule
Creates a new association rule with the given premise and conclusion
AssociationRuleMiner<T> - Interface in org.tweetyproject.machinelearning.assoc
Interface for algorithms mining association rules from transaction databases.
AssociativeDlFormula - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax
This class captures the common functionalities of description logic associative formulas (union and intersection).
AssociativeDlFormula() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AssociativeDlFormula
Creates a new (empty) associative formula.
AssociativeDlFormula(Collection<? extends ComplexConcept>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AssociativeDlFormula
Creates a new associative formula with the given inner formulas.
AssociativeDlFormula(ComplexConcept, ComplexConcept) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AssociativeDlFormula
Creates a new associative formula with the two given formulae
AssociativeFolFormula - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax
This class captures the common functionalities first order associative formulas like conjunction, disjunction, etc.
AssociativeFolFormula() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
Creates a new (empty) associative formula.
AssociativeFolFormula(Collection<? extends RelationalFormula>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
Creates a new associative formula with the given inner formulas.
AssociativeFolFormula(RelationalFormula, RelationalFormula) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.fol.syntax.AssociativeFolFormula
Creates a new associative formula with the two given formulae
AssociativeFormula<T> - Interface in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces
This interfaces describes associative formulas like a disjunction or a conjunction.
AssociativeFormulaSupport<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax
This class provides common implementation for associative formulas that are formulas which consists of several other formulas.
AssociativeFormulaSupport(AssociativeFormulaSupport.AssociativeSupportBridge) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.AssociativeFormulaSupport
Ctor: Creates a AssociativeFormulaSupport object that uses the given bridge
AssociativeFormulaSupport(AssociativeFormulaSupport<T>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.AssociativeFormulaSupport
Copy-Ctor creates a deep copy of the associative formula support.
AssociativeFormulaSupport.AssociativeSupportBridge - Interface in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax
This interface defines a bridge between the AssociativeFormula implementation like a concrete Disjunction and the AssociativeFormulaSupport object which adds the implementation of the common functionality.
AssociativeOperation - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.term
AssociativeOperation class
AssociativeOperation() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.term.AssociativeOperation
Creates a new (empty) operation.
AssociativeOperation(Collection<? extends Term>) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.term.AssociativeOperation
Creates a new operation with the given list of terms.
AssociativeOperation(Term, Term) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.term.AssociativeOperation
Creates a new operation with the given terms.
AssociativePlFormula - Class in
This class captures the common functionalities of formulas with an associative operation like conjunction, disjunction, etc.
AssociativePlFormula() - Constructor for class
Creates a new (empty) associative formula.
AssociativePlFormula(Collection<? extends PlFormula>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new associative formula with the given inner formulas.
AssociativePlFormula(PlFormula, PlFormula) - Constructor for class
Creates a new associative formula with the two given formulae
assume(Literal) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.SatSolverState
Assumes the truth value of the given proposition for the next call to SatSolverState.satisfiable().
assume(Literal) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.state.AsynchronousCloseSatSolverState
assume(Literal) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.state.SynchronizedSatSolverState
Assumption<T> - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax
This class models an assumption of an ABA theory.
Assumption(T) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.Assumption
Creates a new assumption
ASTAggregate - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
/** Represents an aggregate node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for ASP parsing.
ASTAggregate(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTAggregate
Constructs a new ASTAggregate node with the given ID.
ASTAggregate(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTAggregate
Constructs a new ASTAggregate node with the given parser and ID.
ASTAggrElement - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
ASTAggrElement class
ASTAggrElement(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTAggrElement
ASTAggrElement(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTAggrElement
ASTAggrElementList - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
ASTAggrElementList class
ASTAggrElementList(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTAggrElementList
ASTAggrElementList(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTAggrElementList
ASTAggrFunc - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
class ASTAggrFunc
ASTAggrFunc(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTAggrFunc
ASTAggrFunc(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTAggrFunc
ASTAnswerSet - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
ASTAnswerSet(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTAnswerSet
ASTAnswerSet(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTAnswerSet
ASTAriTerm - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
ASTAriTerm class
ASTAriTerm(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTAriTerm
ASTAriTerm(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTAriTerm
ASTArithop - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
ASTArithop class
ASTArithop(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTArithop
ASTArithop(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTArithop
ASTBinop - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
ASTBinop class
ASTBinop(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTBinop
ASTBinop(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTBinop
ASTBody - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
ASTBody class
ASTBody(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTBody
ASTBody(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTBody
ASTBodyList - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
ASTBodyList class
ASTBodyList(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTBodyList
ASTBodyList(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTBodyList
ASTBuiltInAtom - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
ASTBuiltInAtom class
ASTBuiltInAtom(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTBuiltInAtom
ASTBuiltInAtom(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTBuiltInAtom
ASTChoice - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
ASTChoice class
ASTChoice(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTChoice
ASTChoice(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTChoice
ASTChoiceElement - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
ASTChoiceElement class
ASTChoiceElement(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTChoiceElement
ASTChoiceElement(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTChoiceElement
ASTChoiceElementList - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
ASTChoiceElementList class
ASTChoiceElementList(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTChoiceElementList
ASTChoiceElementList(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTChoiceElementList
ASTClingoID - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTClingoID class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) corresponding to a Clingo identifier in the parsing process.
ASTClingoID(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTClingoID
Constructs a new ASTClingoID node with the specified identifier.
ASTClingoID(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTClingoID
Constructs a new ASTClingoID node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTClingoMeta - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTClingoMeta class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for Clingo meta-statements in the parsing process.
ASTClingoMeta(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTClingoMeta
Constructs a new ASTClingoMeta node with the specified identifier.
ASTClingoMeta(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTClingoMeta
Constructs a new ASTClingoMeta node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTDlvArithmeticID - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTDlvArithmeticID class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for arithmetic identifiers in the DLV language, a variant of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTDlvArithmeticID(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTDlvArithmeticID
Constructs a new ASTDlvArithmeticID node with the specified identifier.
ASTDlvArithmeticID(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTDlvArithmeticID
Constructs a new ASTDlvArithmeticID node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTDlvID - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTDlvID class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for identifiers in the DLV language, which is a logic programming language used in Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTDlvID(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTDlvID
Constructs a new ASTDlvID node with the specified identifier.
ASTDlvID(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTDlvID
Constructs a new ASTDlvID node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTHead - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTHead class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for the head of a rule in the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTHead(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTHead
Constructs a new ASTHead node with the specified identifier.
ASTHead(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTHead
Constructs a new ASTHead node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTHeadElementsList - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTHeadElementsList class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for a list of elements that make up the head of a rule in the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTHeadElementsList(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTHeadElementsList
Constructs a new ASTHeadElementsList node with the specified identifier.
ASTHeadElementsList(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTHeadElementsList
Constructs a new ASTHeadElementsList node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTID - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTID class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for identifiers within the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTID(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTID
Constructs a new ASTID node with the specified identifier.
ASTID(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTID
Constructs a new ASTID node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTLiteral - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTLiteral class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for literals within the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTLiteral(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTLiteral
Constructs a new ASTLiteral node with the specified identifier.
ASTLiteral(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTLiteral
Constructs a new ASTLiteral node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTNAFLiteral - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTNAFLiteral class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for literals with negation as failure (NAF) within the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTNAFLiteral(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTNAFLiteral
Constructs a new ASTNAFLiteral node with the specified identifier.
ASTNAFLiteral(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTNAFLiteral
Constructs a new ASTNAFLiteral node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTNAFLiteralList - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTNAFLiteralList class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for a list of literals that may include negation as failure (NAF) within the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTNAFLiteralList(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTNAFLiteralList
Constructs a new ASTNAFLiteralList node with the specified identifier.
ASTNAFLiteralList(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTNAFLiteralList
Constructs a new ASTNAFLiteralList node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTNumber - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTNumber class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for numerical values within the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTNumber(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTNumber
Constructs a new ASTNumber node with the specified identifier.
ASTNumber(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTNumber
Constructs a new ASTNumber node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTOpt - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTOpt class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for optimization statements within the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTOpt(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTOpt
Constructs a new ASTOpt node with the specified identifier.
ASTOpt(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTOpt
Constructs a new ASTOpt node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTOptElement - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTOptElement class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for an optimization element within the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTOptElement(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTOptElement
Constructs a new ASTOptElement node with the specified identifier.
ASTOptElement(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTOptElement
Constructs a new ASTOptElement node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTOptElementList - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
Represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for an optional element list in the ASP (Answer Set Programming) parser.
ASTOptElementList(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTOptElementList
Constructs a new ASTOptElementList with the specified node ID.
ASTOptElementList(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTOptElementList
Constructs a new ASTOptElementList with the specified parser and node ID.
ASTOptFunc - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTOptFunc class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for an optimization function within the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTOptFunc(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTOptFunc
Constructs a new ASTOptFunc node with the specified identifier.
ASTOptFunc(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTOptFunc
Constructs a new ASTOptFunc node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTProgram - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTProgram class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for a program in the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTProgram(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTProgram
Constructs a new ASTProgram node with the specified identifier.
ASTProgram(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTProgram
Constructs a new ASTProgram node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTQuery - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTQuery class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for a query in the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTQuery(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTQuery
Constructs a new ASTQuery node with the specified identifier.
ASTQuery(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTQuery
Constructs a new ASTQuery node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTRule - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTRule class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for a rule in the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTRule(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTRule
Constructs a new ASTRule node with the specified identifier.
ASTRule(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTRule
Constructs a new ASTRule node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTRuleList - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTRuleList class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for a list of rules within the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTRuleList(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTRuleList
Constructs a new ASTRuleList node with the specified identifier.
ASTRuleList(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTRuleList
Constructs a new ASTRuleList node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTString - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTString class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for string literals within the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTString(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTString
Constructs a new ASTString node with the specified identifier.
ASTString(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTString
Constructs a new ASTString node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTTerm - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTTerm class represents a term node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) within the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTTerm(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTTerm
Constructs a new ASTTerm node with the specified identifier.
ASTTerm(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTTerm
Constructs a new ASTTerm node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTTermList - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTTermList class represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for a list of terms within the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTTermList(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTTermList
Constructs a new ASTTermList node with the specified identifier.
ASTTermList(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTTermList
Constructs a new ASTTermList node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTVar - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
The ASTVar class represents a variable node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) within the context of Answer Set Programming (ASP).
ASTVar(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTVar
Constructs a new ASTVar node with the specified identifier.
ASTVar(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTVar
Constructs a new ASTVar node with the specified parser and identifier.
ASTWeight - Class in org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser
Represents a node in the abstract syntax tree (AST) for a weight in the ASP (Answer Set Programming) parser.
ASTWeight(int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTWeight
Constructs a new ASTWeight with the specified node ID.
ASTWeight(ASPParser, int) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASTWeight
Constructs a new ASTWeight with the specified parser and node ID.
asTwoValued() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.decomposer.MostBipolarParentsDecomposer
asTwoValued() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.decomposer.MostComplexAcceptanceConditionDecomposer
asTwoValued() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.reasoner.sat.decomposer.RandomDecomposer
AsynchronousCloseSatSolverState - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.state
The AsynchronousCloseSatSolverState.close() call is handled by the provided executor.
AsynchronousCloseSatSolverState(SatSolverState, Executor) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.adf.sat.state.AsynchronousCloseSatSolverState
AT - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPCore2Constants
RegularExpression Id.
AT - Static variable in interface org.tweetyproject.lp.asp.parser.ASPParserConstants
RegularExpression Id.
atLeastAsSpecificAs(PossibilityDistribution) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.logics.translators.adfpossibilistic.PossibilityDistribution
Check whether this PD is at least as specific as another PD "other"
Atom - Interface in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces
An atomic language construct, linked to its predicate
Atom(DefeasibleLogicProgram, FolSignature) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.delp.parser.DelpParser
Parses an atom (predicate with optional terms) from the input.
Atom.AtomImpl - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces
Gives common implementations for methods shared among atoms of different types.
Atom.RETURN_SET_PREDICATE - Enum in org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces
An enum containing the different return values of the setPredicate() method of Atom.
AtomicConcept - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax
This class models an atomic concept (aka concept name) in description logics.
AtomicConcept(String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AtomicConcept
Initializes an atomic concept with the given name.
AtomicConcept(Predicate) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AtomicConcept
Initializes an atomic concept with the given predicate.
AtomicRole - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax
This class models a role in description logics.
AtomicRole(String) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AtomicRole
Initializes a role with the given name.
AtomicRole(Predicate) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.dl.syntax.AtomicRole
Initializes an atomic role with the given predicate.
AtomImpl() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.commons.syntax.interfaces.Atom.AtomImpl
Attack - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax
This class models an attack between two arguments.
Attack - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack
This notion of attack models the attack relation.
Attack - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax
This interface captures common methods of different interpretations of the attack relation in bipolar abstract argumentation theories.
Attack - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.deductive.semantics.attacks
This interface is the common interface for notions of attack between two arguments.
Attack(Argument, Argument) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.syntax.Attack
Default constructor; initializes the two arguments used in this attack relation
AttackConstraint<T> - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.learning.syntax
Represents a constraint on attacks within an argumentation framework.
ATTACKING - Enum constant in enum
Attacking link: link represents an attack
attackProbability - Static variable in class GroundedTest
attackProbability - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.examples.GroundedTest
The probability of an attack between arguments in the framework (0.0 to 1.0).
attackProbability - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.agents.dialogues.examples.LotteryDialogueTest
The probability that an attack exists between any two arguments in the argumentation framework.
attackProbability - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.util.DungTheoryGenerationParameters
The attack probability for each two arguments in the theory.
AttackRelation - Class in org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics
This class represents an attack relation for a specific set of arguments represented by an ArgumentationKnowledgeBase.
AttackRelation(ArgumentationKnowledgeBase, AttackStrategy) - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.AttackRelation
Creates a new AttackRelation for an argumentation knowledgebase and a certain notion of attack.
attacks - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.bipolar.syntax.InducibleEAF
A subset of attacks from PEAF
attacks(Collection<Assumption<T>>, Collection<Assumption<T>>) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaTheory
Checks whether a set of assumptions attacks another set of assumptions.
attacks(List<List<Integer>>) - Method in class
Sets the attacks information in the Dung reasoner response.
attacks(Set<Argument>, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.AttackRelation
Is true iff at least one attacking argument attacks b
attacks(Deduction<T>, Assumption<T>) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.semantics.AbaAttack
True iff attacker attacks attacked
attacks(Deduction<T>, T) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.syntax.AbaTheory
Check if attacker attacks attacked
attacks(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.Attack
attacks(Argument, Argument) - Method in interface org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.AttackStrategy
Returns "true" iff the first argument attacks the second argument.
attacks(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.ConfidentAttack
attacks(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.ConfidentRebut
attacks(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.Defeat
attacks(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.Rebut
attacks(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.StrongAttack
attacks(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.StrongConfidentAttack
attacks(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.StrongUndercut
attacks(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack.Undercut
attacks(Argument, Argument) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.AttackRelation
Returns true iff argument a attacks argument b for the notion of attack represented by this attack relation.
attacks(ArgumentStructure, StructuredArgumentationFramework) - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.saf.syntax.ArgumentStructure
Checks whether this argument structure attacks the other argument structure, i.e.
AttackStrategy - Interface in org.tweetyproject.arg.lp.semantics.attack
This interface is the common denominator for notions of attack between two arguments.
AttackTest - Class in org.tweetyproject.argumentation.parameterisedhierarchy
AttackTest() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.argumentation.parameterisedhierarchy.AttackTest
AttackTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aba.AbaTest
AttackTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.aspic.AspicTest
ATTACKVSFULLDEFENSE - Static variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.postulates.RankingPostulate
ATTENUATION - Static variable in class
The ATTENUATION postulate
AverageAggregator - Class in org.tweetyproject.math.func
This aggregation function models the average function.
AverageAggregator() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.math.func.AverageAggregator
averageAndVariance(Collection<Double>) - Static method in class org.tweetyproject.commons.util.MathTools
Compute the average value and the variance of the given list of numbers.
AveragingSemantics - Class in org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics
This class implements averaging semantics due to [Kern-Isberner, Thimm, KR'2010].
AveragingSemantics() - Constructor for class org.tweetyproject.logics.rpcl.semantics.AveragingSemantics
Default Constructor
avoidSelfAttacks - Variable in class org.tweetyproject.arg.dung.util.DungTheoryGenerationParameters
Whether to avoid self-attacks.
AvsFDCounterexampleTest() - Method in class org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.RankingReasonerTest
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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