Package org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner
package org.tweetyproject.arg.rankings.reasoner
ClassDescriptionCommon abstract class for ranking reasoners for abstract argumentation.This class implements the "Burden-based" argument semantics approach as proposed by [Amgoud, Ben-Naim.This class implements the "h-categorizer" argument ranking approach that was originally proposed by [Besnard, Hunter.This class implements the argument ranking approach of [Pu, Luo, Ranking Arguments based on Counter-Transitivity 2017].The solver used to determine the ranking of arguments.This class implements the argument ranking approach of [Pu, Zhang, G.Luo, J.Luo.This class implements the "Discussion-based" argument semantics approach as proposed by [Amgoud, Ben-Naim.This class implements the argument ranking approach of [Grossi, Modgil.Implements a graded semantics reasoner based on the ideas from [Thimm, Cerutti, Rienstra.This class implements the argument ranking approach of [Delobelle.The three propagation semantics: PROPAGATION1 ("Propa_epsilon") PROPAGATION2 ("Propa_{1+epsilon}") PROPAGATION3 ("Propa_{1->epsilon}")This class implements the social abstract argumentation approach as proposed by [Bonzon, Delobelle, Konieczny, Maudet.Implements the serialisable ranking semantics from [Blümel, Thimm.This class implements the argument ranking approach of [Matt, Toni.This class implements the "tuples*" argument ranking approach as proposed by [Cayrol, Lagasquie-Schiex.